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To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
3556121 3556121 CORPACTION ADD 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556122 3556122 CORPACTION ADD 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556123 3556123 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556124 3556124 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556125 3556124 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-22 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556126 3556125 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-22 ? 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3557368 3557368 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 1 2019-01-02 2019-01-18 0 0005822402 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3557370 3557369 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 2 2019-01-02 2019-01-22 0 0005822402 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3557379 3557379 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 1 2019-01-02 2019-01-18 0 0005822402 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3557380 3557379 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 2 2019-01-02 2019-01-22 0 0005822402 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3554459 3554459 CORPACTION ADD 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554460 3554460 CORPACTION ADD 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554461 3554461 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2000-03-30 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554462 3554462 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2000-03-30 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554463 3554462 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554464 3554463 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554615 3554615 CORPACTION DELETE 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554616 3554616 CORPACTION DELETE 27826G109 02 M 2019-01-18 27826U108 01 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554617 3554617 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554618 3554618 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT M 7 1998-12-29 2019-01-18 5 yes no 27826U108 no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554619 3554618 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3554620 3554619 EQUITY CHANGE 27826G109 SH BEN INT 0 7 1998-12-29 ? 5 yes no no 2000-02-22 2019-01-18 ? 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3555515 3555515 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 0 2019-01-02 ? 0 0005822402 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3555516 3555515 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 1 2019-01-02 2019-01-18 0 0005822402 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3555540 3555540 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 0 2019-01-02 ? 0 0005822402 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3555542 3555541 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 1 2019-01-02 2019-01-18 0 0005822402 20190118.ifs 2019-01-18 2019-01-19
3535653 3535653 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 0 2019-01-02 ? 0 0005822402 20190102.ifs 2019-01-02 2019-01-03
3535654 3535654 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0722 33 2019-01-11 2019-01-14 2019-01-22 2019-01-02 0 2019-01-02 ? 0 0005822402 20190102.ifs 2019-01-02 2019-01-03
3506762 3506762 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 0 2018-12-03 ? 0 0005764518 20181227.ifs 2018-12-27 2018-12-28
3506764 3506763 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 1 2018-12-03 2018-12-27 0 0005764518 20181227.ifs 2018-12-27 2018-12-28
3508527 3508527 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 0 2018-12-03 ? 0 0005764518 20181227.ifs 2018-12-27 2018-12-28
3508528 3508527 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 1 2018-12-03 2018-12-27 0 0005764518 20181227.ifs 2018-12-27 2018-12-28
3400235 3400235 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 0 2018-12-03 ? 0 0005764518 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3400244 3400244 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-12-12 2018-12-13 2018-12-20 2018-12-03 0 2018-12-03 ? 0 0005764518 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3358090 3358090 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-11-08 2018-11-12 2018-11-19 2018-11-01 0 2018-11-01 ? 0 0005750445 20181101.ifs 2018-11-01 2018-11-02
3358199 3358199 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-11-08 2018-11-12 2018-11-19 2018-11-01 0 2018-11-01 ? 0 0005750445 20181101.ifs 2018-11-01 2018-11-02
3318086 3318086 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-10-10 2018-10-11 2018-10-18 2018-10-01 0 2018-10-01 ? 0 0005737694 20181001.ifs 2018-10-01 2018-10-02
3318155 3318155 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-10-10 2018-10-11 2018-10-18 2018-10-01 0 2018-10-01 ? 0 0005737694 20181001.ifs 2018-10-01 2018-10-02
3266847 3266847 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-09-13 2018-09-14 2018-09-21 2018-09-04 0 2018-09-04 ? 0 0005718847 20180904.ifs 2018-09-04 2018-09-05
3267175 3267175 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-09-13 2018-09-14 2018-09-21 2018-09-04 0 2018-09-04 ? 0 0005718847 20180904.ifs 2018-09-04 2018-09-05
3224796 3224796 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-08-10 2018-08-13 2018-08-20 2018-08-01 0 2018-08-01 ? 0 0005703867 20180801.ifs 2018-08-01 2018-08-02
3224873 3224873 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-08-10 2018-08-13 2018-08-20 2018-08-01 0 2018-08-01 ? 0 0005703867 20180801.ifs 2018-08-01 2018-08-02
3178620 3178620 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-07-11 2018-07-12 2018-07-19 2018-07-02 0 2018-07-02 ? 0 0005689495 20180702.ifs 2018-07-02 2018-07-03
3179867 3179867 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-07-11 2018-07-12 2018-07-19 2018-07-02 0 2018-07-02 ? 0 0005689495 20180702.ifs 2018-07-02 2018-07-03
3121695 3121695 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-06-08 2018-06-11 2018-06-18 2018-06-01 0 2018-06-01 ? 0 0005670231 20180601.ifs 2018-06-01 2018-06-02
3121712 3121712 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-06-08 2018-06-11 2018-06-18 2018-06-01 0 2018-06-01 ? 0 0005670231 20180601.ifs 2018-06-01 2018-06-02
3072769 3072769 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-05-10 2018-05-11 2018-05-18 2018-05-01 0 2018-05-01 ? 0 0005656372 20180501.ifs 2018-05-01 2018-05-02
3072808 3072808 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-05-10 2018-05-11 2018-05-18 2018-05-01 0 2018-05-01 ? 0 0005656372 20180501.ifs 2018-05-01 2018-05-02
3020487 3020487 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-04-11 2018-04-12 2018-04-19 2018-04-02 0 2018-04-02 ? 0 0005642725 20180402.ifs 2018-04-02 2018-04-03
3024957 3024957 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-04-11 2018-04-12 2018-04-19 2018-04-02 0 2018-04-02 ? 0 0005642725 20180402.ifs 2018-04-02 2018-04-03
2976355 2976355 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-03-09 2018-03-12 2018-03-19 2018-03-01 0 2018-03-01 ? 0 0005623974 20180301.ifs 2018-03-01 2018-03-02
2978444 2978444 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-03-09 2018-03-12 2018-03-19 2018-03-01 0 2018-03-01 ? 0 0005623974 20180301.ifs 2018-03-01 2018-03-02
2941665 2941665 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-02-09 2018-02-12 2018-02-20 2018-02-01 0 2018-02-01 ? 0 0005610745 20180201.ifs 2018-02-01 2018-02-02
2906272 2906272 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-01-11 2018-01-12 2018-01-19 2018-01-02 0 2018-01-02 ? 0 0005597902 20180102.ifs 2018-01-02 2018-01-03
2906454 2906454 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2018-01-11 2018-01-12 2018-01-19 2018-01-02 0 2018-01-02 ? 0 0005597902 20180102.ifs 2018-01-02 2018-01-03
2794279 2794279 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-12-08 2017-12-11 2017-12-18 2017-12-01 0 2017-12-01 ? 0 0005540792 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2794332 2794332 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-12-08 2017-12-11 2017-12-18 2017-12-01 0 2017-12-01 ? 0 0005540792 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2751915 2751915 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-11-10 2017-11-13 2017-11-20 2017-11-01 0 2017-11-01 ? 0 0005525890 20171101.ifs 2017-11-01 2017-11-02
2709836 2709836 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-10-11 2017-10-12 2017-10-19 2017-10-02 0 2017-10-02 ? 0 0005510149 20171002.ifs 2017-10-02 2017-10-03
2709907 2709907 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-10-11 2017-10-12 2017-10-19 2017-10-02 0 2017-10-02 ? 0 0005510149 20171002.ifs 2017-10-02 2017-10-03
2664427 2664427 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-09-08 2017-09-11 2017-09-18 2017-09-01 0 2017-09-01 ? 0 0005493282 20170901.ifs 2017-09-01 2017-09-02
2641079 2641079 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-08-09 2017-08-11 2017-08-18 2017-08-01 0 2017-08-01 ? 0 0005478412 20170801.ifs 2017-08-01 2017-08-02
2614265 2614265 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0451 33 2017-07-11 2017-07-13 2017-07-20 2017-07-03 0 2017-07-03 ? 0 0005464001 20170703.ifs 2017-07-03 2017-07-04
2583297 2583297 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-06-08 2017-06-12 2017-06-19 2017-06-01 0 2017-06-01 ? 0 0005445312 20170601.ifs 2017-06-01 2017-06-02
2557206 2557206 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-05-09 2017-05-11 2017-05-18 2017-05-01 0 2017-05-01 ? 0 0005431009 20170501.ifs 2017-05-01 2017-05-02
2533991 2533991 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-04-11 2017-04-13 2017-04-20 2017-04-03 0 2017-04-03 ? 0 0005416853 20170403.ifs 2017-04-03 2017-04-04
2504981 2504981 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-03-09 2017-03-13 2017-03-20 2017-03-01 0 2017-03-01 ? 0 0005398611 20170301.ifs 2017-03-01 2017-03-02
2483008 2483008 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-02-09 2017-02-13 2017-02-21 2017-02-01 0 2017-02-01 ? 0 0005384605 20170201.ifs 2017-02-01 2017-02-02
2417280 2417280 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2017-01-11 2017-01-13 2017-01-20 2017-01-03 0 2017-01-03 ? 0 0005371520 20170103.ifs 2017-01-03 2017-01-04
2361418 2361418 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2016-12-08 2016-12-12 2016-12-19 2016-12-01 0 2016-12-05 ? 0 0005323782 20161205.ifs 2016-12-05 2016-12-06
2336137 2336137 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2016-11-09 2016-11-14 2016-11-21 2016-11-01 0 2016-11-01 ? 0 0005307925 20161101.ifs 2016-11-01 2016-11-02
2316087 2316087 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2016-10-11 2016-10-13 2016-10-20 2016-10-03 0 2016-10-04 ? 0 0005295899 20161004.ifs 2016-10-04 2016-10-05
2286712 2286712 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .0509 33 2016-09-08 2016-09-12 2016-09-19 2016-09-01 0 2016-09-01 ? 0 0005276716 20160901.ifs 2016-09-01 2016-09-02
2244011 2244011 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-07-07 2016-07-11 2016-07-18 2016-07-01 0 2016-07-01 ? 0 0005247742 20160701.ifs 2016-07-01 2016-07-02
2212345 2212345 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-06-09 2016-06-13 2016-06-20 2016-06-01 0 2016-06-01 ? 0 0005228520 20160601.ifs 2016-06-01 2016-06-02
2188533 2188533 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-05-10 2016-05-12 2016-05-19 2016-05-02 0 2016-05-02 ? 0 0005215041 20160502.ifs 2016-05-02 2016-05-03
2155905 2155905 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-04-07 2016-04-11 2016-04-18 2016-04-01 0 2016-04-01 ? 0 0005201495 20160401.ifs 2016-04-01 2016-04-02
2128073 2128073 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-03-09 2016-03-11 2016-03-18 2016-03-01 0 2016-03-01 ? 0 0005182773 20160301.ifs 2016-03-01 2016-03-02
2106591 2106591 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-02-09 2016-02-11 2016-02-18 2016-02-01 0 2016-02-01 ? 0 0005168559 20160201.ifs 2016-02-01 2016-02-02
2086010 2086010 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2016-01-12 2016-01-14 2016-01-21 2016-01-04 0 2016-01-04 ? 0 0005156683 20160104.ifs 2016-01-04 2016-01-05
2020515 2020515 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-12-09 2015-12-11 2015-12-18 2015-12-01 0 2015-12-01 ? 0 0005103623 20151201.ifs 2015-12-01 2015-12-02
1983733 1983733 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-10-08 2015-10-13 2015-10-20 2015-10-01 0 2015-10-01 ? 0 0005076608 20151001.ifs 2015-10-01 2015-10-02
1956832 1956832 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-09-09 2015-09-11 2015-09-18 2015-09-01 0 2015-09-01 ? 0 0005056967 20150901.ifs 2015-09-01 2015-09-02
1933936 1933936 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-08-11 2015-08-13 2015-08-20 2015-08-03 0 2015-08-03 ? 0 0005043373 20150803.ifs 2015-08-03 2015-08-04
1908337 1908337 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-07-09 2015-07-13 2015-07-20 2015-07-01 0 2015-07-01 ? 0 0005028527 20150701.ifs 2015-07-01 2015-07-02
1880321 1880321 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-06-09 2015-06-11 2015-06-18 2015-06-01 0 2015-06-02 ? 0 0005010687 20150602.ifs 2015-06-02 2015-06-03
1857349 1857349 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-05-07 2015-05-11 2015-05-18 2015-05-01 0 2015-05-01 ? 0 0004996224 20150501.ifs 2015-05-01 2015-05-02
1833031 1833031 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-04-09 2015-04-13 2015-04-20 2015-04-01 0 2015-04-01 ? 0 0004982585 20150401.ifs 2015-04-01 2015-04-02
1802923 1802923 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-03-10 2015-03-12 2015-03-19 2015-03-02 0 2015-03-02 ? 0 0004964036 20150302.ifs 2015-03-02 2015-03-03
1783806 1783806 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-02-10 2015-02-12 2015-02-19 2015-02-02 0 2015-02-02 ? 0 0004950425 20150202.ifs 2015-02-02 2015-02-03
1764619 1764619 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2015-01-08 2015-01-12 2015-01-20 2015-01-02 0 2015-01-05 ? 0 0004939191 20150105.ifs 2015-01-05 2015-01-06
1695554 1695554 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-12-09 2014-12-11 2014-12-18 2014-12-01 0 2014-12-01 ? 0 0004882394 20141201.ifs 2014-12-01 2014-12-02
1675113 1675113 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-11-10 2014-11-13 2014-11-20 2014-11-03 0 2014-11-04 ? 0 0004870382 20141104.ifs 2014-11-04 2014-11-05
1651440 1651440 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-10-08 2014-10-13 2014-10-20 2014-10-01 0 2014-10-02 ? 0 0004857559 20141002.ifs 2014-10-02 2014-10-03
1623661 1623661 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-09-10 2014-09-12 2014-09-19 2014-09-02 0 2014-09-03 ? 0 0004839425 20140903.ifs 2014-09-03 2014-09-04
1599243 1599243 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-08-07 2014-08-11 2014-08-18 2014-08-01 0 2014-08-04 ? 0 0004825789 20140804.ifs 2014-08-04 2014-08-05
1567864 1567864 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-07-08 2014-07-10 2014-07-17 2014-06-30 0 2014-06-30 ? 0 0004805546 20140630.ifs 2014-06-30 2014-07-01
1535463 1535463 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-06-06 2014-06-10 2014-06-17 2014-05-30 0 2014-05-30 ? 0 0004786657 20140530.ifs 2014-05-30 2014-05-31
1506840 1506840 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-05-08 2014-05-12 2014-05-19 2014-04-30 0 2014-04-30 ? 0 0004773473 20140430.ifs 2014-04-30 2014-05-01
1483132 1483132 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-04-08 2014-04-10 2014-04-17 2014-03-31 0 2014-03-31 ? 0 0004758761 20140331.ifs 2014-03-31 2014-04-01
1454001 1454001 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-03-06 2014-03-10 2014-03-17 2014-02-28 0 2014-02-28 ? 0 0004740901 20140228.ifs 2014-02-28 2014-03-01
1437446 1437446 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-02-06 2014-02-10 2014-02-18 2014-01-31 0 2014-02-03 ? 0 0004731027 20140203.ifs 2014-02-03 2014-02-04
1409537 1409537 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2014-01-08 2014-01-10 2014-01-17 2013-12-31 0 2013-12-31 ? 0 0004712496 20131231.ifs 2013-12-31 2014-01-01
1350158 1350158 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-12-06 2013-12-10 2013-12-17 2013-11-29 0 2013-11-29 ? 0 0004663116 20131129.ifs 2013-11-29 2013-11-30
1328495 1328495 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-11-07 2013-11-12 2013-11-19 2013-10-31 0 2013-10-31 ? 0 0004649482 20131031.ifs 2013-10-31 2013-11-01
1303457 1303457 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-10-08 2013-10-10 2013-10-17 2013-09-30 0 2013-09-30 ? 0 0004639655 20130930.ifs 2013-09-30 2013-10-01
1290208 1290208 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-09-06 2013-09-10 2013-09-17 2013-08-30 0 2013-08-30 ? 0 0004620128 20130918.ifs 2013-09-18 2013-09-19
1290209 1290208 DIVIDEND CHANGE 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-09-06 2013-09-10 2013-09-17 2013-08-30 1 2013-08-30 2013-09-18 0 0004620128 20130918.ifs 2013-09-18 2013-09-19
1275709 1275709 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-09-06 2013-09-10 2013-09-17 2013-08-30 0 2013-08-30 ? 0 0004620128 20130830.ifs 2013-08-30 2013-08-31
1252425 1252425 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-08-08 2013-08-12 2013-08-19 2013-07-31 0 2013-07-31 ? 0 0004606996 20130731.ifs 2013-07-31 2013-08-01
1224471 1224471 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-07-08 2013-07-10 2013-07-17 2013-06-28 0 2013-06-28 ? 0 0004591370 20130628.ifs 2013-06-28 2013-06-29
1198356 1198356 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-06-06 2013-06-10 2013-06-17 2013-05-31 0 2013-05-31 ? 0 0004575196 20130531.ifs 2013-05-31 2013-06-01
1172703 1172703 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-05-08 2013-05-10 2013-05-17 2013-04-30 0 2013-04-30 ? 0 0004562222 20130430.ifs 2013-04-30 2013-05-01
1146144 1146144 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-04-08 2013-04-10 2013-04-17 2013-03-28 0 2013-03-28 ? 0 0004548610 20130328.ifs 2013-03-28 2013-03-29
1121770 1121770 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-03-07 2013-03-11 2013-03-18 2013-02-28 0 2013-02-28 ? 0 0004532449 20130228.ifs 2013-02-28 2013-03-01
1101643 1101643 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-02-07 2013-02-11 2013-02-19 2013-01-31 0 2013-01-31 ? 0 0004519874 20130131.ifs 2013-01-31 2013-02-01
1068660 1068660 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .060919 33 2013-01-08 2013-01-10 2013-01-17 2012-12-31 0 2012-12-31 ? 0 0004503093 20121231.ifs 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
1020629 1020629 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-12-06 2012-12-10 2012-12-17 2012-11-30 0 2012-11-30 ? 0 0004462919 20121130.ifs 2012-11-30 2012-12-01
997928 997928 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-11-08 2012-11-13 2012-11-20 2012-10-31 0 2012-10-31 ? 0 0004448977 20121031.ifs 2012-10-31 2012-11-01
976887 976887 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-10-09 2012-10-11 2012-10-18 2012-09-28 0 2012-10-02 ? 0 0004442939 20121002.ifs 2012-10-02 2012-10-03
944612 944612 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-09-06 2012-09-10 2012-09-17 2012-08-31 0 2012-08-31 ? 0 0004420035 20120831.ifs 2012-08-31 2012-09-01
900511 900511 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-07-06 2012-07-10 2012-07-17 2012-06-29 0 2012-06-29 ? 0 0004393994 20120629.ifs 2012-06-29 2012-06-30
872585 872585 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-06-07 2012-06-11 2012-06-18 2012-05-31 0 2012-05-31 ? 0 0004378049 20120531.ifs 2012-05-31 2012-06-01
847766 847766 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-05-08 2012-05-10 2012-05-17 2012-04-30 0 2012-04-30 ? 0 0004365568 20120430.ifs 2012-04-30 2012-05-01
819617 819617 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-04-09 2012-04-11 2012-04-18 2012-03-30 0 2012-03-30 ? 0 0004352924 20120330.ifs 2012-03-30 2012-03-31
790354 790354 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-03-08 2012-03-12 2012-03-19 2012-02-29 0 2012-02-29 ? 0 0004336678 20120229.ifs 2012-02-29 2012-03-01
767467 767467 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2012-02-08 2012-02-10 2012-02-17 2012-01-31 0 2012-01-31 ? 0 0004324295 20120131.ifs 2012-01-31 2012-02-01
704752 704752 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-12-08 2011-12-12 2011-12-19 2011-11-30 0 2011-11-30 ? 0 0004274164 20111130.ifs 2011-11-30 2011-12-01
682897 682897 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-11-08 2011-11-10 2011-11-17 2011-10-31 0 2011-10-31 ? 0 0004261610 20111031.ifs 2011-10-31 2011-11-01
660368 660368 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-10-06 2011-10-11 2011-10-18 2011-09-30 0 2011-09-30 ? 0 0004249566 20110930.ifs 2011-09-30 2011-10-01
630930 630930 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-09-08 2011-09-12 2011-09-19 2011-08-31 0 2011-08-31 ? 0 0004233851 20110831.ifs 2011-08-31 2011-09-01
598262 598262 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-08-08 2011-08-10 2011-08-17 2011-07-29 0 2011-07-29 ? 0 0004221119 20110729.ifs 2011-07-29 2011-07-30
575953 575953 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-07-07 2011-07-11 2011-07-18 2011-06-30 0 2011-06-30 ? 0 0004207529 20110630.ifs 2011-06-30 2011-07-01
540390 540390 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .069252 33 2011-06-08 2011-06-10 2011-06-17 2011-05-31 0 2011-05-31 ? 0 0004193007 20110531.ifs 2011-05-31 2011-06-01
513325 513325 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2011-05-06 2011-05-10 2011-05-17 2011-04-29 0 2011-04-29 ? 0 0004179300 20110429.ifs 2011-04-29 2011-04-30
488259 488259 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2011-04-07 2011-04-11 2011-04-18 2011-03-31 0 2011-03-31 ? 0 0004166577 20110331.ifs 2011-03-31 2011-04-01
455725 455725 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2011-03-08 2011-03-10 2011-03-17 2011-02-28 0 2011-02-28 ? 0 0004150426 20110228.ifs 2011-02-28 2011-03-01
429641 429641 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2011-02-08 2011-02-10 2011-02-17 2011-01-31 0 2011-01-31 ? 0 0004138424 20110131.ifs 2011-01-31 2011-02-01
406084 406084 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2011-01-06 2011-01-10 2011-01-18 2010-12-31 0 2010-12-31 ? 0 0004126047 20101231.ifs 2010-12-31 2011-01-01
366325 366325 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2010-12-08 2010-12-10 2010-12-17 2010-11-30 0 2010-11-30 ? 0 0004091540 20101130.ifs 2010-11-30 2010-12-01
346483 346483 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2010-11-08 2010-11-10 2010-11-17 2010-10-29 0 2010-10-29 ? 0 0004079073 20101029.ifs 2010-10-29 2010-10-30
322110 322110 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2010-10-06 2010-10-11 2010-10-18 2010-09-30 0 2010-09-30 ? 0 0004066820 20100930.ifs 2010-09-30 2010-10-01
294204 294204 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .074252 33 2010-09-08 2010-09-10 2010-09-17 2010-08-31 0 2010-08-31 ? 0 0004051942 20100831.ifs 2010-08-31 2010-09-01
265703 265703 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-08-06 2010-08-10 2010-08-17 2010-07-30 0 2010-07-30 ? 0 0004038626 20100730.ifs 2010-07-30 2010-07-31
235496 235496 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-07-08 2010-07-12 2010-07-19 2010-06-30 0 2010-06-30 ? 0 0004025948 20100630.ifs 2010-06-30 2010-07-01
203920 203920 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-06-08 2010-06-10 2010-06-17 2010-05-28 0 2010-05-28 ? 0 0004010170 20100528.ifs 2010-05-28 2010-05-29
176745 176745 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-05-06 2010-05-10 2010-05-17 2010-04-30 0 2010-04-30 ? 0 0003998101 20100430.ifs 2010-04-30 2010-05-01
147262 147262 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-04-08 2010-04-12 2010-04-19 2010-03-31 0 2010-03-31 ? 0 0003985351 20100331.ifs 2010-03-31 2010-04-07
119279 119279 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-03-08 2010-03-10 2010-03-17 2010-02-26 0 2010-02-26 ? 0 0003969392 20100226.ifs 2010-02-26 2010-04-07
98085 98085 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-02-08 2010-02-10 2010-02-17 2010-01-29 0 2010-01-29 ? 0 0003957180 20100129.ifs 2010-01-29 2010-04-07
75574 75574 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2010-01-07 2010-01-11 2010-01-19 2009-12-31 0 2009-12-31 ? 0 0003944806 20100104.ifs 2010-01-04 2010-04-07
34367 34367 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2009-12-08 2009-12-10 2009-12-17 2009-11-30 0 2009-11-30 ? 0 0003912718 20091130.ifs 2009-11-30 2010-04-07
12501 12501 DIVIDEND ADD 27826G109 6 0 1 0 .07425 33 2009-11-06 2009-11-10 2009-11-17 2009-10-30 0 2009-10-30 ? 0 0003900603 20091102.ifs 2009-11-02 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

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BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 131049
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'