Update Company
Name Pricing Date  2024-03-31(LQAP)    
CompId   Stop Date volume LQStart
Ticker Price avevol LQEnd
Cusip Last Trade open LQAve
Sector Country high
MktCap CompNum low
Shares Out Type1 prevClose
Last_ShsOut    Exchange  
  09-30 12-25 sic Code      
Description cik  Updated
  Run PBI Charts Yahoo PBI Profile
  Run PBI Institutional Summary Yahoo PBI Key Statisics
  J3 Open PBI Pricing Yahoo PBI Pricing
  J3 PBI Insider   J3 PBI Insitutions Yahoo PBI Holders
  Open up Sector/Exchange Map Fidelity PBI Lookup
  Open up sec.gov For Market Ca MSN PBI Lookup
  2001-01-01 shsout made up date to make % good  
  0009-09-09 sdate Dead Company  
  2010-12-25 shsout Took From Yahoo  
  9000010176 Next Fake CIK to use

INSITITUIONS Dynamic newInstitTable Changed the Cusip/Sector/Shs Out?
Old Cusips

Fix Cusip issue where all new and deleted Instittuional Holdings
Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
Should We Update The database:
BackUp query is below under BACK UP Institutions before committing.

Total Insititutions : 265 234   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 57.58 % 56.6 %
2024-03-31 New %
Delete Company From Institution Summary
Change Institution Stuff 'ZERO' for Cusip

the compid is:133783
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5552594 5552594 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2024-05-22 2024-05-23 2024-06-07 2024-05-02 0 2024-05-02 ? 0 0006916326 20240502.ifs 2024-05-02 2024-05-03
5490631 5490631 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2024-02-08 2024-02-09 2024-03-14 2024-02-01 0 2024-02-01 ? 0 0006870353 20240201.ifs 2024-02-01 2024-02-02
5410019 5410019 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2023-11-14 2023-11-15 2023-12-06 2023-11-02 0 2023-11-02 ? 0 0006809375 20231102.ifs 2023-11-02 2023-11-03
5350511 5350511 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2023-08-21 2023-08-22 2023-09-08 2023-08-03 0 2023-08-03 ? 0 0006767218 20230803.ifs 2023-08-03 2023-08-04
5287251 5287251 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2023-05-22 2023-05-23 2023-06-08 2023-05-04 0 2023-05-04 ? 0 0006723574 20230504.ifs 2023-05-04 2023-05-05
5227094 5227094 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2023-02-16 2023-02-17 2023-03-14 2023-02-06 0 2023-02-06 ? 0 0006680824 20230206.ifs 2023-02-06 2023-02-07
5136235 5136235 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-11-14 2022-11-15 2022-12-06 2022-11-04 0 2022-11-04 ? 0 0006611201 20221104.ifs 2022-11-04 2022-11-05
5072816 5072816 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-08-19 2022-08-22 2022-09-08 2022-08-02 0 2022-08-02 ? 0 0006566015 20220802.ifs 2022-08-02 2022-08-03
5072817 5072817 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-05-20 2022-05-23 2022-06-08 2022-05-02 0 2022-05-02 ? 0 0006517092 20220802.ifs 2022-08-02 2022-08-03
5072818 5072817 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-05-20 2022-05-23 2022-06-08 2022-05-02 1 2022-05-02 2022-08-02 0 0006517092 20220802.ifs 2022-08-02 2022-08-03
5003633 5003633 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-05-20 2022-05-23 2022-06-08 2022-05-02 0 2022-05-02 ? 0 0006517092 20220502.ifs 2022-05-02 2022-05-03
4949879 4949879 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2022-02-17 2022-02-18 2022-03-14 2022-02-07 0 2022-02-07 ? 0 0006479018 20220207.ifs 2022-02-07 2022-02-08
4844667 4844667 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2021-11-15 2021-11-16 2021-12-07 2021-11-05 0 2021-11-05 ? 0 0006395347 20211105.ifs 2021-11-05 2021-11-06
4775716 4775716 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2021-08-19 2021-08-20 2021-09-08 2021-08-03 0 2021-08-03 ? 0 0006349993 20210803.ifs 2021-08-03 2021-08-04
4695725 4695725 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2021-05-20 2021-05-21 2021-06-07 2021-05-03 0 2021-05-03 ? 0 0006302741 20210503.ifs 2021-05-03 2021-05-04
4622590 4622590 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2021-02-11 2021-02-12 2021-03-08 2021-02-02 0 2021-02-02 ? 0 0006261003 20210202.ifs 2021-02-02 2021-02-03
4503716 4503716 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-11-16 2020-11-17 2020-12-08 2020-11-06 0 2020-11-06 ? 0 0006187057 20201106.ifs 2020-11-06 2020-11-07
4431424 4431424 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-08-20 2020-08-21 2020-09-09 2020-08-03 0 2020-08-03 ? 0 0006138435 20200803.ifs 2020-08-03 2020-08-04
4321098 4321098 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-08 2020-05-04 0 2020-05-04 ? 0 0006095534 20200504.ifs 2020-05-04 2020-05-05
4321133 4321133 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-08 2020-05-04 0 2020-05-04 ? 0 0006095534 20200504.ifs 2020-05-04 2020-05-05
4197421 4197421 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-02-13 2020-02-14 2020-03-09 2020-02-04 0 2020-02-04 ? 0 0006052631 20200204.ifs 2020-02-04 2020-02-05
4197422 4197422 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2020-02-13 2020-02-14 2020-03-09 2020-02-04 0 2020-02-04 ? 0 0006052631 20200204.ifs 2020-02-04 2020-02-05
3872662 3872662 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-08-22 2019-08-23 2019-09-11 2019-08-06 0 2019-08-06 ? 0 0005928743 20190806.ifs 2019-08-06 2019-08-07
3872663 3872663 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-08-22 2019-08-23 2019-09-11 2019-08-06 0 2019-08-06 ? 0 0005928743 20190806.ifs 2019-08-06 2019-08-07
3718336 3718336 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-10 2019-05-06 0 2019-05-06 ? 0 0005881891 20190506.ifs 2019-05-06 2019-05-07
3718337 3718337 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-10 2019-05-06 0 2019-05-06 ? 0 0005881891 20190506.ifs 2019-05-06 2019-05-07
3575499 3575499 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-02-14 2019-02-15 2019-03-11 2019-02-05 0 2019-02-05 ? 0 0005836425 20190205.ifs 2019-02-05 2019-02-06
3575500 3575500 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .05 00 2019-02-14 2019-02-15 2019-03-11 2019-02-05 0 2019-02-05 ? 0 0005836425 20190205.ifs 2019-02-05 2019-02-06
3367901 3367901 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-11-19 2018-11-20 2018-12-11 2018-11-09 0 2018-11-09 ? 0 0005753809 20181109.ifs 2018-11-09 2018-11-10
3367925 3367925 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-11-19 2018-11-20 2018-12-11 2018-11-09 0 2018-11-09 ? 0 0005753809 20181109.ifs 2018-11-09 2018-11-10
3227298 3227298 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-08-23 2018-08-24 2018-09-11 2018-08-02 0 2018-08-02 ? 0 0005705388 20180802.ifs 2018-08-02 2018-08-03
3227321 3227321 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-08-23 2018-08-24 2018-09-11 2018-08-02 0 2018-08-02 ? 0 0005705388 20180802.ifs 2018-08-02 2018-08-03
3082485 3082485 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-05-24 2018-05-25 2018-06-11 2018-05-07 0 2018-05-07 ? 0 0005659387 20180507.ifs 2018-05-07 2018-05-08
3082490 3082490 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-05-24 2018-05-25 2018-06-11 2018-05-07 0 2018-05-07 ? 0 0005659387 20180507.ifs 2018-05-07 2018-05-08
2945547 2945547 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2018-02-15 2018-02-16 2018-03-12 2018-02-05 0 2018-02-05 ? 0 0005613316 20180205.ifs 2018-02-05 2018-02-06
2762890 2762890 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2017-11-20 2017-11-21 2017-12-12 2017-11-10 0 2017-11-10 ? 0 0005529089 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2762891 2762891 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2017-11-20 2017-11-21 2017-12-12 2017-11-10 0 2017-11-10 ? 0 0005529089 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2644811 2644811 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2017-08-23 2017-08-25 2017-09-12 2017-08-04 0 2017-08-04 ? 0 0005480953 20170804.ifs 2017-08-04 2017-08-05
2563687 2563687 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2017-05-24 2017-05-26 2017-06-12 2017-05-08 0 2017-05-08 ? 0 0005433888 20170508.ifs 2017-05-08 2017-05-09
2485972 2485972 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2017-02-15 2017-02-17 2017-03-13 2017-02-06 0 2017-02-06 ? 0 0005386677 20170206.ifs 2017-02-06 2017-02-07
2342475 2342475 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2016-11-17 2016-11-21 2016-12-12 2016-11-11 0 2016-11-11 ? 0 0005311010 20161111.ifs 2016-11-11 2016-11-12
2267372 2267372 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2016-08-18 2016-08-22 2016-09-12 2016-08-05 0 2016-08-05 ? 0 0005264083 20160805.ifs 2016-08-05 2016-08-06
2193084 2193084 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2016-05-25 2016-05-29 2016-06-13 2016-05-09 0 2016-05-09 ? 0 0005217828 20160509.ifs 2016-05-09 2016-05-10
2111256 2111256 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2016-02-17 2016-02-19 2016-03-12 2016-02-09 0 2016-02-09 ? 0 0005171394 20160209.ifs 2016-02-09 2016-02-10
2005160 2005160 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2015-11-18 2015-11-20 2015-12-11 2015-11-06 0 2015-11-06 ? 0 0005091598 20151106.ifs 2015-11-06 2015-11-07
1937757 1937757 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2015-08-19 2015-08-21 2015-09-11 2015-08-06 0 2015-08-06 ? 0 0005045677 20150806.ifs 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
1861213 1861213 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2015-05-27 2015-05-29 2015-06-12 2015-05-11 0 2015-05-11 ? 0 0004999484 20150511.ifs 2015-05-11 2015-05-12
1788333 1788333 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2015-02-18 2015-02-20 2015-03-12 2015-02-09 0 2015-02-09 ? 0 0004953573 20150209.ifs 2015-02-09 2015-02-10
1677779 1677779 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2014-11-19 2014-11-21 2014-12-12 2014-11-07 0 2014-11-07 ? 0 0004871568 20141107.ifs 2014-11-07 2014-11-08
1600645 1600645 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2014-08-20 2014-08-22 2014-09-12 2014-08-06 0 2014-08-06 ? 0 0004827095 20140806.ifs 2014-08-06 2014-08-07
1522726 1522726 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2014-05-28 2014-05-30 2014-06-12 2014-05-12 0 2014-05-12 ? 0 0004781858 20140512.ifs 2014-05-12 2014-05-13
1430321 1430321 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2014-02-12 2014-02-14 2014-03-12 2014-01-30 0 2014-01-30 ? 0 0004726961 20140130.ifs 2014-01-30 2014-01-31
1337571 1337571 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2013-11-14 2013-11-18 2013-12-12 2013-11-08 0 2013-11-08 ? 0 0004657172 20131108.ifs 2013-11-08 2013-11-09
1285576 1285576 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2013-08-07 2013-08-09 2013-09-12 2013-07-29 0 2013-07-29 ? 0 0004605273 20130911.ifs 2013-09-11 2013-09-12
1285577 1285576 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2013-08-07 2013-08-09 2013-09-12 2013-07-29 1 2013-07-29 2013-09-11 0 0004605273 20130911.ifs 2013-09-11 2013-09-12
1248614 1248614 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2013-08-07 2013-08-09 2013-09-12 2013-07-29 0 2013-07-29 ? 0 0004605273 20130729.ifs 2013-07-29 2013-07-30
1171300 1171300 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2013-05-08 2013-05-10 2013-06-12 2013-04-30 0 2013-04-30 ? 0 0004561869 20130430.ifs 2013-04-30 2013-05-01
1100460 1100460 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .375 00 2013-02-13 2013-02-15 2013-03-12 2013-01-31 0 2013-01-31 ? 0 0004519124 20130131.ifs 2013-01-31 2013-02-01
1003936 1003936 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .375 00 2012-11-14 2012-11-16 2012-12-12 2012-11-02 0 2012-11-02 ? 0 0004455074 20121102.ifs 2012-11-02 2012-11-03
910236 910236 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .375 00 2012-08-08 2012-08-10 2012-09-12 2012-07-09 0 2012-07-09 ? 0 0004401784 20120709.ifs 2012-07-09 2012-07-10
832342 832342 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .375 00 2012-05-09 2012-05-11 2012-06-12 2012-04-09 0 2012-04-09 ? 0 0004360527 20120409.ifs 2012-04-09 2012-04-10
769834 769834 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .375 00 2012-02-15 2012-02-17 2012-03-12 2012-02-01 0 2012-02-01 ? 0 0004328684 20120201.ifs 2012-02-01 2012-02-02
693681 693681 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-11-16 2011-11-18 2011-12-12 2011-11-04 0 2011-11-04 ? 0 0004268322 20111111.ifs 2011-11-11 2011-11-12
693682 693681 DIVIDEND CHANGE 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-11-16 2011-11-18 2011-12-12 2011-11-04 1 2011-11-04 2011-11-11 0 0004268322 20111111.ifs 2011-11-11 2011-11-12
690456 690456 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-11-16 2011-11-18 2011-12-12 2011-11-04 0 2011-11-04 ? 0 0004268322 20111104.ifs 2011-11-04 2011-11-05
585559 585559 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-08-10 2011-08-12 2011-09-12 2011-07-11 0 2011-07-11 ? 0 0004215942 20110711.ifs 2011-07-11 2011-07-12
500298 500298 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-05-11 2011-05-13 2011-06-12 2011-04-11 0 2011-04-11 ? 0 0004174750 20110411.ifs 2011-04-11 2011-04-12
439600 439600 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .37 00 2011-02-16 2011-02-18 2011-03-12 2011-02-08 0 2011-02-08 ? 0 0004145721 20110208.ifs 2011-02-08 2011-02-09
350842 350842 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .365 00 2010-11-17 2010-11-19 2010-12-12 2010-11-05 0 2010-11-05 ? 0 0004085549 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
247656 247656 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .365 00 2010-08-11 2010-08-13 2010-09-12 2010-07-12 0 2010-07-12 ? 0 0004033023 20100712.ifs 2010-07-12 2010-07-13
157721 157721 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .365 00 2010-05-12 2010-05-14 2010-06-12 2010-04-12 0 2010-04-12 ? 0 0003992722 20100412.ifs 2010-04-12 2010-04-13
105390 105390 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .365 00 2010-02-17 2010-02-19 2010-03-12 2010-02-04 0 2010-02-04 ? 0 0003963467 20100204.ifs 2010-02-04 2010-04-07
19742 19742 DIVIDEND ADD 724479100 0 0 1 0 .36 00 2009-11-18 2009-11-20 2009-12-12 2009-11-06 0 2009-11-06 ? 0 0003906975 20091106.ifs 2009-11-06 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

Your Name Click here to open the child window

BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 133783
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'