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Name Pricing Date  2024-03-31(LQAP)    
CompId   Stop Date volume LQStart
Ticker Price avevol LQEnd
Cusip Last Trade open LQAve
Sector Country high
MktCap CompNum low
Shares Out Type1 prevClose
Last_ShsOut    Exchange  
  09-30 12-25 sic Code      
Description cik  Updated
  Run MLHR Charts Yahoo MLHR Profile
  Run MLHR Institutional Summary Yahoo MLHR Key Statisics
  J3 Open MLHR Pricing Yahoo MLHR Pricing
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  Open up Sector/Exchange Map Fidelity MLHR Lookup
  Open up sec.gov For Market Ca MSN MLHR Lookup
  2001-01-01 shsout made up date to make % good  
  0009-09-09 sdate Dead Company  
  2010-12-25 shsout Took From Yahoo  
  9000010176 Next Fake CIK to use

INSITITUIONS Dynamic newInstitTable Changed the Cusip/Sector/Shs Out?
Old Cusips

Fix Cusip issue where all new and deleted Instittuional Holdings
Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
Should We Update The database:
BackUp query is below under BACK UP Institutions before committing.

Total Insititutions : 266 256   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 87.38 % 86.25 %
2024-03-31 New %
Delete Company From Institution Summary
Change Institution Stuff 'ZERO' for Cusip

the compid is:134720
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5554346 5554346 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2024-05-31 2024-06-01 2024-07-15 2024-04-16 0 2024-05-06 ? 0 0006917706 20240506.ifs 2024-05-06 2024-05-07
5499240 5499240 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2024-02-29 2024-03-02 2024-04-15 2024-01-16 0 2024-02-15 ? 0 0006877056 20240215.ifs 2024-02-15 2024-02-16
5407160 5407160 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-11-30 2023-12-02 2024-01-15 2023-10-17 0 2023-11-01 ? 0 0006807046 20231101.ifs 2023-11-01 2023-11-02
5358344 5358344 DIVIDEND DELETE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-08-31 2023-09-02 2023-10-15 2023-07-18 0 2023-08-16 ? 0 0006769611 20230825.ifs 2023-08-25 2023-08-26
5358345 5358345 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-08-31 2023-09-02 2023-10-16 2023-07-18 1 2023-08-16 2023-08-25 0 0006769611 20230825.ifs 2023-08-25 2023-08-26
5354472 5354472 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-08-31 2023-09-02 2023-10-15 2023-07-18 0 2023-08-16 ? 0 0006769611 20230816.ifs 2023-08-16 2023-08-17
5289892 5289892 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-06-01 2023-06-03 2023-07-15 2023-04-18 0 2023-05-11 ? 0 0006725047 20230511.ifs 2023-05-11 2023-05-12
5232015 5232015 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2023-03-02 2023-03-04 2023-04-15 2023-01-20 0 2023-02-17 ? 0 0006683606 20230217.ifs 2023-02-17 2023-02-18
5143571 5143571 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2022-12-01 2022-12-03 2023-01-15 2022-10-18 0 2022-11-23 ? 0 0006614903 20221123.ifs 2022-11-23 2022-11-24
5075427 5075427 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2022-09-01 2022-09-03 2022-10-15 2022-07-12 0 2022-08-05 ? 0 0006568455 20220805.ifs 2022-08-05 2022-08-06
4998040 4998040 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2022-05-26 2022-05-28 2022-07-15 2022-04-12 0 2022-04-26 ? 0 0006513355 20220426.ifs 2022-04-26 2022-04-27
4937686 4937686 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2022-02-24 2022-02-26 2022-04-15 2022-01-14 0 2022-01-21 ? 0 0006469902 20220121.ifs 2022-01-21 2022-01-22
4843948 4843948 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-11-24 2021-11-27 2022-01-15 2021-10-12 0 2021-11-04 ? 0 0006394989 20211104.ifs 2021-11-04 2021-11-05
4843949 4843949 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-08-26 2021-08-28 2021-10-15 2021-07-12 0 2021-07-21 ? 0 0006341458 20211104.ifs 2021-11-04 2021-11-05
4843950 4843949 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-08-26 2021-08-28 2021-10-15 2021-07-12 1 2021-07-21 2021-11-04 0 0006341458 20211104.ifs 2021-11-04 2021-11-05
4837877 4837877 EXCHANGE ADD 600544100 60 2021-11-01 2021-11-01 MLKN 0 0 ? 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837880 4837880 CORPACTION ADD 600544100 60 # 2021-11-01 600544100 60 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837881 4837881 CORPACTIONAUX ADD 600544100 60 2021-11-01 MLHR MILLER HERMAN INC COM MLKN MILLERKNOLL INC COM ? 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837882 4837882 EXCHANGE CHANGE 600544100 60 1972-01-03 2021-10-29 MLHR 0 0 ? 2001-02-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837883 4837882 EXCHANGE CHANGE 600544100 60 1972-01-03 2021-10-29 MLKN 0 0 ? 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837884 4837884 EXCHANGE CHANGE 600544100 60 2021-11-01 2021-11-01 MLKN 0 0 ? 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4837885 4837884 EXCHANGE CHANGE 600544100 60 2021-11-01 2021-11-01 MLKN 0 0 ? 2021-11-01 20211101.ifs 2021-11-01 2021-11-02
4762456 4762456 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-08-26 2021-08-28 2021-10-15 2021-07-12 0 2021-07-21 ? 0 0006341458 20210721.ifs 2021-07-21 2021-07-22
4688174 4688174 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-05-27 2021-05-29 2021-07-15 2021-04-13 0 2021-04-26 ? 0 0006297069 20210426.ifs 2021-04-26 2021-04-27
4628347 4628347 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2021-02-25 2021-02-27 2021-04-15 2021-01-14 0 2021-02-11 ? 0 0006263514 20210211.ifs 2021-02-11 2021-02-12
4463336 4463336 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2020-10-15 2020-09-16 0 2020-09-16 ? 0 0006159436 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4463337 4463337 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1875 00 2020-11-25 2020-11-28 2021-01-15 2020-09-16 0 2020-09-16 ? 0 0006159434 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4463338 4463338 DIVIDEND DELETE 600544100 0 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2020-07-15 2020-04-03 0 2020-04-03 ? 1 0006083507 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4463339 4463339 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2020-04-15 2020-04-03 1 2020-04-03 2020-09-16 1 0006083507 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4463340 4463340 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-07-15 2020-01-16 2 2020-01-28 2020-07-08 0 0006045335 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4463341 4463340 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-07-15 2020-01-16 3 2020-01-28 2020-09-16 0 0006045335 20200916.ifs 2020-09-16 2020-09-17
4416203 4416203 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-07-15 2020-01-16 1 2020-01-28 2020-07-07 0 0006045335 20200708.ifs 2020-07-08 2020-07-09
4416204 4416203 DIVIDEND CHANGE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-07-15 2020-01-16 2 2020-01-28 2020-07-08 0 0006045335 20200708.ifs 2020-07-08 2020-07-09
4415630 4415630 DIVIDEND DELETE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-04-15 2020-01-16 0 2020-01-28 ? 0 0006045335 20200707.ifs 2020-07-07 2020-07-08
4415631 4415631 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-07-15 2020-01-16 1 2020-01-28 2020-07-07 0 0006045335 20200707.ifs 2020-07-07 2020-07-08
4281230 4281230 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2020-07-15 2020-04-03 0 2020-04-03 ? 1 0006083507 20200403.ifs 2020-04-03 2020-04-04
4281289 4281289 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2020-07-15 2020-04-03 0 2020-04-03 ? 1 0006083507 20200403.ifs 2020-04-03 2020-04-04
4180266 4180266 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-04-15 2020-01-16 0 2020-01-28 ? 0 0006045335 20200128.ifs 2020-01-28 2020-01-29
4180297 4180297 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-29 2020-04-15 2020-01-16 0 2020-01-28 ? 0 0006045335 20200128.ifs 2020-01-28 2020-01-29
3986216 3986216 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2019-11-27 2019-12-01 2020-01-15 2019-10-15 0 2019-10-28 ? 0 0005965514 20191028.ifs 2019-10-28 2019-10-29
3986281 3986281 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2019-11-27 2019-12-01 2020-01-15 2019-10-15 0 2019-10-28 ? 0 0005965514 20191028.ifs 2019-10-28 2019-10-29
3838260 3838260 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2019-08-29 2019-08-31 2019-10-15 2019-06-26 0 2019-07-17 ? 0 0005917024 20190717.ifs 2019-07-17 2019-07-18
3838261 3838261 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .21 00 2019-08-29 2019-08-31 2019-10-15 2019-06-26 0 2019-07-17 ? 0 0005917024 20190717.ifs 2019-07-17 2019-07-18
3691460 3691460 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2019-05-30 2019-06-01 2019-07-15 2019-04-09 0 2019-04-23 ? 0 0005872271 20190423.ifs 2019-04-23 2019-04-24
3691461 3691461 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2019-05-30 2019-06-01 2019-07-15 2019-04-09 0 2019-04-23 ? 0 0005872271 20190423.ifs 2019-04-23 2019-04-24
3575543 3575543 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2019-02-28 2019-03-02 2019-04-15 2019-01-16 0 2019-02-05 ? 0 0005836495 20190205.ifs 2019-02-05 2019-02-06
3575544 3575544 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2019-02-28 2019-03-02 2019-04-15 2019-01-16 0 2019-02-05 ? 0 0005836495 20190205.ifs 2019-02-05 2019-02-06
3330698 3330698 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2018-11-29 2018-12-01 2019-01-15 2018-10-08 0 2018-10-16 ? 0 0005741133 20181016.ifs 2018-10-16 2018-10-17
3330699 3330699 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2018-11-29 2018-12-01 2019-01-15 2018-10-08 0 2018-10-16 ? 0 0005741133 20181016.ifs 2018-10-16 2018-10-17
3195504 3195504 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2018-08-30 2018-09-01 2018-10-15 2018-07-16 0 2018-07-16 ? 0 0005694369 20180716.ifs 2018-07-16 2018-07-17
3195505 3195505 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1975 00 2018-08-30 2018-09-01 2018-10-15 2018-07-16 0 2018-07-16 ? 0 0005694369 20180716.ifs 2018-07-16 2018-07-17
3047019 3047019 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2018-05-31 2018-06-02 2018-07-15 2018-04-09 0 2018-04-23 ? 0 0005648959 20180423.ifs 2018-04-23 2018-04-24
3047022 3047022 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2018-05-31 2018-06-02 2018-07-15 2018-04-09 0 2018-04-23 ? 0 0005648959 20180423.ifs 2018-04-23 2018-04-24
2936815 2936815 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2018-03-01 2018-03-03 2018-04-15 2018-01-17 0 2018-01-31 ? 0 0005606373 20180131.ifs 2018-01-31 2018-02-01
2733592 2733592 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2017-11-30 2017-12-02 2018-01-15 2017-10-09 0 2017-10-24 ? 0 0005517616 20171024.ifs 2017-10-24 2017-10-25
2733619 2733619 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2017-11-30 2017-12-02 2018-01-15 2017-10-09 0 2017-10-24 ? 0 0005517616 20171024.ifs 2017-10-24 2017-10-25
2624616 2624616 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .18 00 2017-08-30 2017-09-02 2017-10-15 2017-07-05 0 2017-07-17 ? 0 0005468899 20170717.ifs 2017-07-17 2017-07-18
2542866 2542866 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .17 00 2017-05-31 2017-06-03 2017-07-15 2017-04-10 0 2017-04-17 ? 0 0005421280 20170417.ifs 2017-04-17 2017-04-18
2484188 2484188 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .17 00 2017-03-01 2017-03-04 2017-04-15 2017-01-19 0 2017-02-02 ? 0 0005385847 20170202.ifs 2017-02-02 2017-02-03
2327760 2327760 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .17 00 2016-11-30 2016-12-03 2017-01-15 2016-10-10 0 2016-10-27 ? 0 0005301296 20161027.ifs 2016-10-27 2016-10-28
2261135 2261135 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .17 00 2016-08-31 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-06-20 0 2016-07-29 ? 0 0005256292 20160729.ifs 2016-07-29 2016-07-30
2180132 2180132 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1475 00 2016-05-25 2016-05-28 2016-07-15 2016-04-11 0 2016-04-27 ? 0 0005208464 20160427.ifs 2016-04-27 2016-04-28
2101932 2101932 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1475 00 2016-02-24 2016-02-27 2016-04-15 2016-01-15 0 2016-01-29 ? 0 0005164342 20160129.ifs 2016-01-29 2016-01-30
1999129 1999129 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1475 00 2015-11-24 2015-11-28 2016-01-15 2015-10-12 0 2015-10-29 ? 0 0005083186 20151029.ifs 2015-10-29 2015-10-30
1937774 1937774 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .1475 00 2015-08-26 2015-08-29 2015-10-15 2015-06-24 0 2015-08-06 ? 0 0005045706 20150806.ifs 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
1858825 1858825 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2015-05-27 2015-05-30 2015-07-15 2015-04-14 0 2015-05-06 ? 0 0004998468 20150506.ifs 2015-05-06 2015-05-07
1779175 1779175 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2015-02-25 2015-02-28 2015-04-15 2015-01-23 0 2015-01-30 ? 0 0004945854 20150130.ifs 2015-01-30 2015-01-31
1672208 1672208 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2014-11-25 2014-11-28 2015-01-15 2014-10-06 0 2014-11-03 ? 0 0004868203 20141103.ifs 2014-11-03 2014-11-04
1592086 1592086 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2014-08-27 2014-08-29 2014-10-15 2014-07-14 0 2014-07-31 ? 0 0004819350 20140731.ifs 2014-07-31 2014-08-01
1521596 1521596 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2014-05-28 2014-05-31 2014-07-15 2014-04-14 0 2014-05-08 ? 0 0004781342 20140508.ifs 2014-05-08 2014-05-09
1388791 1388791 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2014-02-26 2014-03-01 2014-04-15 2013-12-17 0 2013-12-20 ? 0 0004696987 20131220.ifs 2013-12-20 2013-12-21
1335575 1335575 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .125 00 2013-11-26 2013-11-30 2014-01-15 2013-10-08 0 2013-11-05 ? 0 0004656344 20131105.ifs 2013-11-05 2013-11-06
1260018 1260018 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .125 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-31 2013-10-15 2013-07-15 0 2013-08-06 ? 0 0004613764 20130806.ifs 2013-08-06 2013-08-07
1183132 1183132 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .125 00 2013-05-29 2013-06-01 2013-07-15 2013-04-15 0 2013-05-09 ? 0 0004570342 20130509.ifs 2013-05-09 2013-05-10
1094549 1094549 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .125 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-02 2013-04-15 2013-01-16 0 2013-01-23 ? 0 0004516807 20130123.ifs 2013-01-23 2013-01-24
1052834 1052834 DIVIDEND DELETE 600544100 0 0 1 0 .09 00 2012-11-28 2012-12-01 2013-01-15 2012-10-08 0 2012-11-02 ? 0 0004455225 20121220.ifs 2012-12-20 2012-12-21
1052835 1052835 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .09 00 2012-11-28 2012-12-01 2012-12-27 2012-10-08 1 2012-11-02 2012-12-20 0 0004455225 20121220.ifs 2012-12-20 2012-12-21
1003985 1003985 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .09 00 2012-11-28 2012-12-01 2013-01-15 2012-10-08 0 2012-11-02 ? 0 0004455225 20121102.ifs 2012-11-02 2012-11-03
931646 931646 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .09 00 2012-08-29 2012-09-01 2012-10-15 2012-06-27 0 2012-08-10 ? 0 0004415297 20120810.ifs 2012-08-10 2012-08-11
857101 857101 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2012-05-30 2012-06-02 2012-07-15 2012-04-16 0 2012-05-08 ? 0 0004372967 20120508.ifs 2012-05-08 2012-05-09
775039 775039 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2012-02-29 2012-03-03 2012-04-15 2012-01-18 0 2012-02-06 ? 0 0004331232 20120206.ifs 2012-02-06 2012-02-07
693193 693193 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2011-11-30 2011-12-03 2012-01-15 2011-10-11 0 2011-11-10 ? 0 0004269239 20111110.ifs 2011-11-10 2011-11-11
609731 609731 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2011-08-31 2011-09-03 2011-10-15 2011-07-19 0 2011-08-09 ? 0 0004228558 20110809.ifs 2011-08-09 2011-08-10
523615 523615 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2011-05-25 2011-05-28 2011-07-15 2011-04-19 0 2011-05-10 ? 0 0004187252 20110510.ifs 2011-05-10 2011-05-11
438997 438997 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2011-02-23 2011-02-26 2011-04-15 2011-01-19 0 2011-02-07 ? 0 0004145536 20110207.ifs 2011-02-07 2011-02-08
350175 350175 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2010-11-23 2010-11-27 2011-01-15 2010-10-11 0 2010-11-04 ? 0 0004085365 20101104.ifs 2010-11-04 2010-11-05
276718 276718 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2010-08-25 2010-08-28 2010-10-15 2010-07-19 0 2010-08-10 ? 0 0004046354 20100810.ifs 2010-08-10 2010-08-11
189436 189436 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2010-05-26 2010-05-29 2010-07-15 2010-04-19 0 2010-05-10 ? 0 0004005065 20100510.ifs 2010-05-10 2010-05-11
107124 107124 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2010-02-24 2010-02-27 2010-04-15 2010-01-20 0 2010-02-08 ? 0 0003964129 20100208.ifs 2010-02-08 2010-04-07
11700 11700 DIVIDEND ADD 600544100 0 0 1 0 .022 00 2009-11-24 2009-11-28 2010-01-15 2009-09-21 0 2009-10-30 ? 0 0003900341 20091030.ifs 2009-10-30 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

Your Name Click here to open the child window

BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 134720
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'