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Old Cusips

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Total Insititutions : 15 13   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 0.01 % 0.01 %
2024-03-31 New %
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the compid is:139549
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  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5570541 5570541 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .111805 0 00 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 2024-03-08 0 ? 2024-06-03 0 0006888632 20240604.ifs 2024-06-04 2024-06-05
5570542 5570541 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .111805 0 00 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 2024-03-08 0 ? 2024-06-04 0 0006888632 20240604.ifs 2024-06-04 2024-06-05
5567848 5567848 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .112555 0 19 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 2024-03-08 0 ? 2024-05-16 0 0006888632 20240603.ifs 2024-06-03 2024-06-04
5567849 5567849 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .111805 0 00 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 2024-03-08 0 ? 2024-06-03 0 0006888632 20240603.ifs 2024-06-03 2024-06-04
5558553 5558553 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 5 .112555 19 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 ? 0 2024-05-15 ? 0 0006888632 20240516.ifs 2024-05-16 2024-05-17
5558554 5558554 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .112555 0 19 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 2024-03-08 0 ? 2024-05-16 0 0006888632 20240516.ifs 2024-05-16 2024-05-17
5558048 5558048 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR D 0 2008-10-01 2024-04-03 7 no no no 2008-10-01 2024-04-03 ? 20240515.ifs 2024-05-15 2024-05-16
5558049 5558048 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR D 0 2008-10-01 2024-05-15 7 no no no 2008-10-01 2024-05-15 ? 20240515.ifs 2024-05-15 2024-05-16
5558209 5558209 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 5 .112555 19 ? 2024-03-28 2024-06-10 ? 0 2024-05-15 ? 0 0006888632 20240515.ifs 2024-05-15 2024-05-16
5534951 5534951 CORPACTION ADD 69832A205 66 D 2024-04-03 ? 20240403.ifs 2024-04-03 2024-04-04
5534952 5534952 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR 0 0 2008-10-01 ? 7 no no no 2008-10-01 ? ? 20240403.ifs 2024-04-03 2024-04-04
5534953 5534952 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR D 0 2008-10-01 2024-04-03 7 no no no 2008-10-01 2024-04-03 ? 20240403.ifs 2024-04-03 2024-04-04
5514622 5514622 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2024-03-28 ? 2024-03-08 0 2024-03-08 ? 0 0006888632 20240311.ifs 2024-03-11 2024-03-12
5514240 5514240 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2024-03-28 ? 2024-03-08 0 2024-03-08 ? 0 0006888632 20240308.ifs 2024-03-08 2024-03-09
5423802 5423802 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .118327 0 00 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-11-30 0 0006778314 20231201.ifs 2023-12-01 2023-12-02
5423803 5423802 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 0 .118327 0 00 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-12-01 0 0006778314 20231201.ifs 2023-12-01 2023-12-02
5422116 5422116 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .115504 0 19 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-11-01 0 0006778314 20231130.ifs 2023-11-30 2023-12-01
5422117 5422117 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .118327 0 00 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-11-30 0 0006778314 20231130.ifs 2023-11-30 2023-12-01
5405605 5405605 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .115504 19 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-10-31 0 0006778314 20231101.ifs 2023-11-01 2023-11-02
5405606 5405605 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .115504 0 19 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-11-01 0 0006778314 20231101.ifs 2023-11-01 2023-11-02
5403842 5403842 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 0 00 ? 2023-09-29 ? 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-09-06 0 0006778314 20231031.ifs 2023-10-31 2023-11-01
5403843 5403843 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .115504 19 ? 2023-09-29 2023-12-07 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-10-31 0 0006778314 20231031.ifs 2023-10-31 2023-11-01
5368615 5368615 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 0 00 ? 2023-09-29 ? 2023-09-01 0 ? 2023-09-06 0 0006778314 20230906.ifs 2023-09-06 2023-09-07
5368088 5368088 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2023-09-29 ? 2023-09-01 0 2023-09-01 ? 0 0006778314 20230905.ifs 2023-09-05 2023-09-06
5364955 5364955 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2023-09-29 ? 2023-09-01 0 2023-09-01 ? 0 0006778314 20230901.ifs 2023-09-01 2023-09-02
5306653 5306653 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .107737 00 ? 2023-03-30 2023-06-09 2023-03-02 0 ? 2023-06-02 0 0006693112 20230605.ifs 2023-06-05 2023-06-06
5306654 5306653 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 0 .107737 0 00 ? 2023-03-30 2023-06-09 2023-03-02 0 ? 2023-06-05 0 0006693112 20230605.ifs 2023-06-05 2023-06-06
5305906 5305906 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .109314 00 ? 2023-03-30 2023-06-09 2023-03-02 0 ? 2023-05-02 0 0006693112 20230602.ifs 2023-06-02 2023-06-03
5305907 5305906 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .107737 00 ? 2023-03-30 2023-06-09 2023-03-02 0 ? 2023-06-02 0 0006693112 20230602.ifs 2023-06-02 2023-06-03
5285381 5285381 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .109314 00 ? 2023-03-30 2023-06-09 2023-03-02 0 ? 2023-05-02 0 0006693112 20230502.ifs 2023-05-02 2023-05-03
5148834 5148834 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .107807 00 ? 2022-09-29 2022-12-07 2022-09-01 0 ? 2022-11-30 0 0006578852 20221201.ifs 2022-12-01 2022-12-02
5148835 5148834 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 0 .107807 0 00 ? 2022-09-29 2022-12-07 2022-09-01 0 ? 2022-12-01 0 0006578852 20221201.ifs 2022-12-01 2022-12-02
5146971 5146971 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .107984 00 ? 2022-09-29 2022-12-07 2022-09-01 0 ? 2022-11-29 0 0006578852 20221130.ifs 2022-11-30 2022-12-01
5146972 5146971 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .107807 00 ? 2022-09-29 2022-12-07 2022-09-01 0 ? 2022-11-30 0 0006578852 20221130.ifs 2022-11-30 2022-12-01
5144924 5144924 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .107984 00 ? 2022-09-29 2022-12-07 2022-09-01 0 ? 2022-11-29 0 0006578852 20221129.ifs 2022-11-29 2022-11-30
5144576 5144576 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR 0 0 2008-10-01 ? 2 no no no 2008-10-01 ? ? 20221128.ifs 2022-11-28 2022-11-29
5144577 5144576 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR 0 0 2008-10-01 ? 7 no no no 2008-10-01 ? ? 20221128.ifs 2022-11-28 2022-11-29
4857826 4857826 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .132643 00 ? 2021-09-29 2021-12-07 2021-09-07 0 ? 2021-11-30 0 0006365240 20211201.ifs 2021-12-01 2021-12-02
4857827 4857826 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .132643 0 00 ? 2021-09-29 2021-12-07 2021-09-07 0 ? 2021-12-01 0 0006365240 20211201.ifs 2021-12-01 2021-12-02
4856153 4856153 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .13136 19 ? 2021-09-29 2021-12-07 2021-09-07 0 ? 2021-11-02 0 0006365240 20211130.ifs 2021-11-30 2021-12-01
4856154 4856154 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .132643 00 ? 2021-09-29 2021-12-07 2021-09-07 0 ? 2021-11-30 0 0006365240 20211130.ifs 2021-11-30 2021-12-01
4841819 4841819 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC 0 0 1 5 .13136 19 ? 2021-09-29 2021-12-07 2021-09-07 0 ? 2021-11-02 0 0006365240 20211102.ifs 2021-11-02 2021-11-03
4723576 4723576 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .090497 00 ? 2021-03-30 2021-06-11 ? 1 2021-05-10 2021-06-04 0 0006273910 20210607.ifs 2021-06-07 2021-06-08
4723577 4723577 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by OTC. 0 0 1 0 .090497 0 00 ? 2021-03-30 2021-06-11 2021-03-01 0 ? 2021-06-07 0 0006273910 20210607.ifs 2021-06-07 2021-06-08
4722714 4722714 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 5 .09187 19 ? 2021-03-30 2021-06-11 ? 0 2021-05-10 ? 0 0006273910 20210604.ifs 2021-06-04 2021-06-05
4722715 4722715 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .090497 00 ? 2021-03-30 2021-06-11 ? 1 2021-05-10 2021-06-04 0 0006273910 20210604.ifs 2021-06-04 2021-06-05
4702893 4702893 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 5 .09187 19 ? 2021-03-30 2021-06-11 ? 0 2021-05-10 ? 0 0006273910 20210510.ifs 2021-05-10 2021-05-11
4645612 4645612 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2021-03-30 ? 2021-03-01 0 2021-03-01 ? 0 0006273910 20210302.ifs 2021-03-02 2021-03-03
4642404 4642404 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2021-03-30 ? 2021-03-01 0 2021-03-01 ? 0 0006273910 20210301.ifs 2021-03-01 2021-03-02
4519217 4519217 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .095943 00 ? 2020-09-29 2020-12-07 2020-09-02 0 ? 2020-11-30 0 0006155650 20201201.ifs 2020-12-01 2020-12-02
4519218 4519217 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .095943 0 00 ? 2020-09-29 2020-12-07 2020-09-02 0 ? 2020-12-01 0 0006155650 20201201.ifs 2020-12-01 2020-12-02
4517383 4517383 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .096534 19 ? 2020-09-29 2020-12-07 2020-09-02 0 ? 2020-11-09 0 0006155650 20201130.ifs 2020-11-30 2020-12-01
4517384 4517384 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .095943 00 ? 2020-09-29 2020-12-07 2020-09-02 0 ? 2020-11-30 0 0006155650 20201130.ifs 2020-11-30 2020-12-01
4504030 4504030 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .096534 19 ? 2020-09-29 2020-12-07 2020-09-02 0 ? 2020-11-09 0 0006155650 20201109.ifs 2020-11-09 2020-11-10
4341669 4341669 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4341670 4341670 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4341671 4341671 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4341672 4341672 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4341673 4341672 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4341674 4341673 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .139795 00 ? 2020-03-30 2020-06-18 2020-03-03 0 ? 2020-05-20 0 0006065730 20200520.ifs 2020-05-20 2020-05-21
4029794 4029794 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .136774 0 00 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 2 2019-09-03 2019-11-29 0 0005939191 20191202.ifs 2019-12-02 2019-12-03
4029795 4029795 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .136774 0 00 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 2 2019-09-03 2019-11-29 0 0005939191 20191202.ifs 2019-12-02 2019-12-03
4029796 4029795 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .136774 0 00 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 2 2019-09-03 2019-12-02 0 0005939191 20191202.ifs 2019-12-02 2019-12-03
4029797 4029796 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .136774 0 00 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 2 2019-09-03 2019-12-02 0 0005939191 20191202.ifs 2019-12-02 2019-12-03
4005165 4005165 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-09-27 ? 2019-09-03 0 2019-09-03 ? 0 0005939191 20191104.ifs 2019-11-04 2019-11-05
4005167 4005167 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .138671 19 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 1 2019-09-03 2019-11-04 0 0005939191 20191104.ifs 2019-11-04 2019-11-05
4005244 4005244 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-09-27 ? 2019-09-03 0 2019-09-03 ? 0 0005939191 20191104.ifs 2019-11-04 2019-11-05
4005246 4005246 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .138671 19 ? 2019-09-27 2019-12-06 2019-09-03 1 2019-09-03 2019-11-04 0 0005939191 20191104.ifs 2019-11-04 2019-11-05
3904226 3904226 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-09-27 ? 2019-09-03 0 2019-09-03 ? 0 0005939191 20190903.ifs 2019-09-03 2019-09-04
3904239 3904239 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-09-27 ? 2019-09-03 0 2019-09-03 ? 0 0005939191 20190903.ifs 2019-09-03 2019-09-04
3772368 3772368 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-07 0 0005847616 20190610.ifs 2019-06-10 2019-06-11
3772369 3772369 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-07 0 0005847616 20190610.ifs 2019-06-10 2019-06-11
3772370 3772369 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-10 0 0005847616 20190610.ifs 2019-06-10 2019-06-11
3772371 3772370 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-10 0 0005847616 20190610.ifs 2019-06-10 2019-06-11
3771208 3771208 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-13 0 0005847616 20190607.ifs 2019-06-07 2019-06-08
3771210 3771210 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-07 0 0005847616 20190607.ifs 2019-06-07 2019-06-08
3771213 3771213 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-13 0 0005847616 20190607.ifs 2019-06-07 2019-06-08
3771215 3771215 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .138568 0 00 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 3 2019-03-01 2019-06-07 0 0005847616 20190607.ifs 2019-06-07 2019-06-08
3725184 3725184 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-10 0 0005847616 20190513.ifs 2019-05-13 2019-05-14
3725185 3725185 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-10 0 0005847616 20190513.ifs 2019-05-13 2019-05-14
3725186 3725185 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-13 0 0005847616 20190513.ifs 2019-05-13 2019-05-14
3725187 3725186 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-13 0 0005847616 20190513.ifs 2019-05-13 2019-05-14
3723608 3723608 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 6 0 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-05 0 0005847616 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3723610 3723610 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-10 0 0005847616 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3723641 3723641 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 6 0 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-05 0 0005847616 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3723643 3723643 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .136624 0 19 ? 2019-03-28 2019-06-14 2019-03-01 2 2019-03-01 2019-05-10 0 0005847616 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3615352 3615352 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-04 0 0005847616 20190305.ifs 2019-03-05 2019-03-06
3615354 3615353 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 6 0 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-05 0 0005847616 20190305.ifs 2019-03-05 2019-03-06
3615357 3615357 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-04 0 0005847616 20190305.ifs 2019-03-05 2019-03-06
3615359 3615358 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 6 0 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-05 0 0005847616 20190305.ifs 2019-03-05 2019-03-06
3613645 3613645 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 0 2019-03-01 ? 0 0005847616 20190304.ifs 2019-03-04 2019-03-05
3613647 3613646 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-04 0 0005847616 20190304.ifs 2019-03-04 2019-03-05
3613671 3613671 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 0 2019-03-01 ? 0 0005847616 20190304.ifs 2019-03-04 2019-03-05
3613673 3613672 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 1 2019-03-01 2019-03-04 0 0005847616 20190304.ifs 2019-03-04 2019-03-05
3607659 3607659 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 0 2019-03-01 ? 0 0005847616 20190301.ifs 2019-03-01 2019-03-02
3607829 3607829 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2019-03-28 ? 2019-03-01 0 2019-03-01 ? 0 0005847616 20190301.ifs 2019-03-01 2019-03-02
3393425 3393425 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .131914 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-30 0 0005716765 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3393426 3393426 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .131914 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-30 0 0005716765 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3393427 3393426 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .131914 0 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-12-03 0 0005716765 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3393428 3393427 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .131914 0 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-12-03 0 0005716765 20181203.ifs 2018-12-03 2018-12-04
3389342 3389342 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .133143 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-02 0 0005716765 20181130.ifs 2018-11-30 2018-12-01
3389343 3389342 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .131914 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-30 0 0005716765 20181130.ifs 2018-11-30 2018-12-01
3389425 3389425 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .133143 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-02 0 0005716765 20181130.ifs 2018-11-30 2018-12-01
3389427 3389426 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .131914 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-30 0 0005716765 20181130.ifs 2018-11-30 2018-12-01
3359950 3359950 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .133143 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-02 0 0005716765 20181102.ifs 2018-11-02 2018-11-03
3359951 3359951 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .133143 00 ? 2018-09-27 2018-12-07 2018-09-04 0 ? 2018-11-02 0 0005716765 20181102.ifs 2018-11-02 2018-11-03
3131984 3131984 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .182515 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-08 0 0005627211 20180611.ifs 2018-06-11 2018-06-12
3131985 3131985 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .182515 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-08 0 0005627211 20180611.ifs 2018-06-11 2018-06-12
3131986 3131985 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .182515 0 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-11 0 0005627211 20180611.ifs 2018-06-11 2018-06-12
3131987 3131986 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .182515 0 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-11 0 0005627211 20180611.ifs 2018-06-11 2018-06-12
3131259 3131259 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .182548 19 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-05-15 0 0005627211 20180608.ifs 2018-06-08 2018-06-09
3131262 3131262 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .182515 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-08 0 0005627211 20180608.ifs 2018-06-08 2018-06-09
3131277 3131277 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .182548 19 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-05-15 0 0005627211 20180608.ifs 2018-06-08 2018-06-09
3131279 3131279 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .182515 00 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-06-08 0 0005627211 20180608.ifs 2018-06-08 2018-06-09
3090261 3090261 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .182548 19 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-05-15 0 0005627211 20180515.ifs 2018-05-15 2018-05-16
3090265 3090265 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .182548 19 ? 2018-03-29 2018-06-15 2018-03-06 0 ? 2018-05-15 0 0005627211 20180515.ifs 2018-05-15 2018-05-16
2782768 2782768 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .087842 19 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-03 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2782770 2782770 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .089174 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2782826 2782826 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .087842 19 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-03 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2782828 2782828 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .089174 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786712 2786712 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .089174 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786714 2786713 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .089174 0 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-12-01 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786716 2786716 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005276208 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786717 2786716 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2017-12-01 0 0005276208 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786786 2786786 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .089174 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786788 2786787 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .089174 0 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-12-01 0 0005494106 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786790 2786790 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005276208 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2786792 2786791 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2017-12-01 0 0005276208 20171204.ifs 2017-12-04 2017-12-05
2781371 2781371 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .087842 19 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-03 0 0005494106 20171201.ifs 2017-12-01 2017-12-02
2781372 2781372 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .089174 00 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-30 0 0005494106 20171201.ifs 2017-12-01 2017-12-02
2755331 2755331 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .087842 19 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-03 0 0005494106 20171103.ifs 2017-11-03 2017-11-04
2755338 2755338 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .087842 19 ? 2017-09-28 2017-12-07 2017-09-05 0 ? 2017-11-03 0 0005494106 20171103.ifs 2017-11-03 2017-11-04
2567917 2567917 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .132042 19 ? 2017-03-30 2017-06-15 2017-03-01 0 ? 2017-05-16 0 0005397202 20170516.ifs 2017-05-16 2017-05-17
2452060 2452060 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR 0 0 2008-10-01 ? 0 no no no 2008-10-01 ? ? 20170124.ifs 2017-01-24 2017-01-25
2452061 2452060 EQUITY CHANGE 69832A205 ADR 0 0 2008-10-01 ? 2 no no no 2008-10-01 ? ? 20170124.ifs 2017-01-24 2017-01-25
2354755 2354755 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .087581 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 ? 0 2016-11-30 ? 0 0005276208 20161201.ifs 2016-12-01 2016-12-02
2354756 2354756 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2016-12-01 0 0005276208 20161201.ifs 2016-12-01 2016-12-02
2354759 2354759 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2016-12-01 0 0005276208 20161201.ifs 2016-12-01 2016-12-02
2354760 2354759 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .087581 0 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 2016-09-01 0 ? 2016-12-01 0 0005276208 20161201.ifs 2016-12-01 2016-12-02
2352304 2352304 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .087581 00 ? 2016-09-29 2016-12-07 ? 0 2016-11-30 ? 0 0005276208 20161130.ifs 2016-11-30 2016-12-01
2287331 2287331 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2016-09-29 ? 2016-09-01 0 2016-09-01 ? 0 0005276208 20160902.ifs 2016-09-02 2016-09-03
2284942 2284942 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2016-09-29 ? 2016-09-01 0 2016-09-01 ? 0 0005276208 20160901.ifs 2016-09-01 2016-09-02
2215242 2215242 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .140213 00 ? 2016-03-30 2016-06-10 2016-02-09 0 ? 2016-06-06 0 0005171464 20160606.ifs 2016-06-06 2016-06-07
2021281 2021281 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .081214 00 ? 2015-09-29 2015-12-08 2015-09-02 0 ? 2015-12-02 0 0005058629 20151202.ifs 2015-12-02 2015-12-03
1882340 1882340 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .080205 0 14 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-04-30 0 ? 2015-06-04 0 0004957367 20150605.ifs 2015-06-05 2015-06-06
1882341 1882340 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .080205 0 14 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-04-30 0 ? 2015-06-05 0 0004957367 20150605.ifs 2015-06-05 2015-06-06
1882117 1882117 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .08364 0 19 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-04-30 0 ? 2015-05-01 0 0004957367 20150604.ifs 2015-06-04 2015-06-05
1882118 1882118 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .080205 0 14 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-04-30 0 ? 2015-06-04 0 0004957367 20150604.ifs 2015-06-04 2015-06-05
1853848 1853848 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .08364 19 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-02-25 0 ? 2015-05-01 0 0004957367 20150501.ifs 2015-05-01 2015-05-02
1853869 1853869 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .08364 19 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-02-25 0 ? 2015-05-01 0 0004957367 20150501.ifs 2015-05-01 2015-05-02
1853870 1853870 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 5 .08364 0 19 ? 2015-03-30 2015-06-11 2015-04-30 0 ? 2015-05-01 0 0004957367 20150501.ifs 2015-05-01 2015-05-02
1700210 1700210 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .06667 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-12-04 0 0004841584 20141205.ifs 2014-12-05 2014-12-06
1700211 1700210 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .06667 0 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-12-05 0 0004841584 20141205.ifs 2014-12-05 2014-12-06
1699609 1699609 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .069342 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-11-17 0 0004841584 20141204.ifs 2014-12-04 2014-12-05
1699610 1699609 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .06667 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-12-04 0 0004841584 20141204.ifs 2014-12-04 2014-12-05
1681593 1681593 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .069342 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-11-17 0 0004841584 20141117.ifs 2014-11-17 2014-11-18
1681596 1681596 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .069342 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-11-17 0 0004841584 20141117.ifs 2014-11-17 2014-11-18
1681597 1681596 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .069342 00 ? 2014-09-29 2014-12-11 2014-09-10 0 ? 2014-11-17 0 0004841584 20141117.ifs 2014-11-17 2014-11-18
1543761 1543761 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NBB. 0 0 1 0 .077874 00 ? 2014-03-28 2014-06-12 2014-03-18 0 ? 2014-06-06 0 0004751292 20140606.ifs 2014-06-06 2014-06-07
1359163 1359163 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .048871 00 2013-09-25 2013-09-27 2013-12-12 ? 0 2013-12-05 ? 0 0004627047 20131205.ifs 2013-12-05 2013-12-06
1283953 1283953 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .04999 19 ? 2013-09-27 ? 2013-09-06 0 2013-09-06 ? 0 0004627047 20130909.ifs 2013-09-09 2013-09-10
1283004 1283004 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 5 .04999 19 ? 2013-09-27 ? 2013-09-06 0 2013-09-06 ? 0 0004627047 20130906.ifs 2013-09-06 2013-09-07
1213524 1213524 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2013-06-15 ? 0 2013-06-20 ? 0 0004530201 20130620.ifs 2013-06-20 2013-06-21
1164084 1164084 CORPACTION ADD 69832A205 01 X 2013-04-22 69832A205 66 ? 20130422.ifs 2013-04-22 2013-04-23
1164085 1164085 EXCHANGE ADD 69832A205 66 2013-04-22 2013-04-22 PCRFY 0 0 2013-04-22 ? 20130422.ifs 2013-04-22 2013-04-23
1117345 1117345 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2012-12-07 ? 0 2012-12-19 ? 0 0004426241 20130226.ifs 2013-02-26 2013-02-27
1117346 1117346 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 E 0 0 0 58 ? ? 2012-12-07 2012-09-05 0 ? 2013-02-26 0 0004426241 20130226.ifs 2013-02-26 2013-02-27
1117880 1117880 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2013-03-28 ? 2013-02-25 0 2013-02-25 ? 0 0004530201 20130226.ifs 2013-02-26 2013-02-27
1116996 1116996 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2013-03-28 ? 2013-02-25 0 2013-02-25 ? 0 0004530201 20130225.ifs 2013-02-25 2013-02-26
1050319 1050319 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 E 0 0 58 ? ? 2012-12-07 ? 0 2012-12-19 ? 0 0004426241 20121219.ifs 2012-12-19 2012-12-20
955070 955070 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2012-09-27 ? 2012-09-05 0 2012-09-05 ? 0 0004426241 20120912.ifs 2012-09-12 2012-09-13
949708 949708 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2012-09-27 ? 2012-09-05 0 2012-09-05 ? 0 0004426241 20120905.ifs 2012-09-05 2012-09-06
882577 882577 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .0629 00 ? 2012-03-29 2012-06-15 ? 0 2012-06-08 ? 0 0004343141 20120611.ifs 2012-06-11 2012-06-12
882578 882578 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .0629 0 00 ? 2012-03-29 2012-06-15 2012-03-02 0 ? 2012-06-11 0 0004343141 20120611.ifs 2012-06-11 2012-06-12
882269 882269 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .0629 00 ? 2012-03-29 2012-06-15 ? 0 2012-06-08 ? 0 0004343141 20120608.ifs 2012-06-08 2012-06-09
797155 797155 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2012-03-29 ? 2012-03-02 0 2012-03-02 ? 0 0004343141 20120305.ifs 2012-03-05 2012-03-06
796064 796064 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2012-03-29 ? 2012-03-02 0 2012-03-02 ? 0 0004343141 20120302.ifs 2012-03-02 2012-03-03
705699 705699 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .064333 0 00 ? 2011-09-29 2011-12-07 ? 1 2011-10-04 2011-11-30 0 0004233605 20111201.ifs 2011-12-01 2011-12-02
705700 705700 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .064333 0 00 ? 2011-09-29 2011-12-07 2011-08-30 0 ? 2011-12-01 0 0004233605 20111201.ifs 2011-12-01 2011-12-02
703746 703746 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 5 .065223 0 19 ? 2011-09-29 ? ? 0 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 0 0004233605 20111130.ifs 2011-11-30 2011-12-01
703747 703747 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .064333 0 00 ? 2011-09-29 2011-12-07 ? 1 2011-10-04 2011-11-30 0 0004233605 20111130.ifs 2011-11-30 2011-12-01
666640 666640 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 5 .065223 19 ? 2011-09-29 ? ? 0 2011-10-04 ? 0 0004233605 20111004.ifs 2011-10-04 2011-10-05
629772 629772 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2011-09-29 ? 2011-08-30 0 2011-08-30 ? 0 0004233605 20110831.ifs 2011-08-31 2011-09-01
628196 628196 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2011-09-29 ? 2011-08-30 0 2011-08-30 ? 0 0004233605 20110830.ifs 2011-08-30 2011-08-31
545194 545194 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .061289 00 ? 2011-03-30 2011-06-07 ? 0 2011-06-01 ? 0 0004159480 20110602.ifs 2011-06-02 2011-06-03
545195 545195 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .061289 0 00 ? 2011-03-30 2011-06-07 2011-03-15 0 ? 2011-06-02 0 0004159480 20110602.ifs 2011-06-02 2011-06-03
542870 542870 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .061289 00 ? 2011-03-30 2011-06-07 ? 0 2011-06-01 ? 0 0004159480 20110601.ifs 2011-06-01 2011-06-02
471985 471985 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2011-03-30 ? 2011-03-15 0 2011-03-15 ? 0 0004159480 20110315.ifs 2011-03-15 2011-03-16
367212 367212 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .059637 00 ? 2010-09-29 2010-12-07 ? 0 2010-12-01 ? 0 0004059307 20101202.ifs 2010-12-02 2010-12-03
367213 367213 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .059637 0 00 ? 2010-09-29 2010-12-07 2010-09-09 0 ? 2010-12-02 0 0004059307 20101202.ifs 2010-12-02 2010-12-03
367214 367214 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .059637 0 00 ? 2010-09-29 2010-12-07 2010-09-09 0 ? 2010-12-02 0 0004059307 20101202.ifs 2010-12-02 2010-12-03
367215 367214 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .059637 0 00 ? 2010-09-29 2010-12-07 2010-09-09 0 ? 2010-12-02 0 0004059307 20101202.ifs 2010-12-02 2010-12-03
305451 305451 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2010-09-29 ? 2010-09-10 0 2010-09-10 ? 0 0004059307 20100913.ifs 2010-09-13 2010-09-14
304958 304958 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2010-09-29 ? 2010-09-10 0 2010-09-10 ? 0 0004059307 20100910.ifs 2010-09-10 2010-09-11
210580 210580 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .05473 00 ? 2010-03-30 2010-06-08 ? 0 2010-06-01 ? 0 0003976798 20100602.ifs 2010-06-02 2010-06-03
210581 210581 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .05473 0 00 ? 2010-03-30 2010-06-08 2010-03-09 0 ? 2010-06-02 0 0003976798 20100602.ifs 2010-06-02 2010-06-03
207518 207518 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .05473 00 ? 2010-03-30 2010-06-08 ? 0 2010-06-01 ? 0 0003976798 20100601.ifs 2010-06-01 2010-06-02
131996 131996 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2010-03-30 ? 2010-03-10 0 2010-03-10 ? 0 0003976798 20100312.ifs 2010-03-12 2010-04-07
130051 130051 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2010-03-30 ? 2010-03-10 0 2010-03-10 ? 0 0003976798 20100310.ifs 2010-03-10 2010-04-07
34978 34978 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 1 0 .0577 00 ? 2009-09-29 2009-12-07 ? 0 2009-11-30 ? 0 0003879717 20091201.ifs 2009-12-01 2010-04-07
34979 34979 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .0577 0 14 ? 2009-09-29 2009-12-07 2009-11-30 0 ? 2009-12-01 0 0003879717 20091201.ifs 2009-12-01 2010-04-07
34980 34980 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 0 0 1 0 .0577 0 14 ? 2009-09-29 2009-12-07 2009-11-30 0 ? 2009-12-01 0 0003879717 20091201.ifs 2009-12-01 2010-04-07
34981 34980 DIVIDEND CHANGE 69832A205 No Ex-Date set by NYS. 0 0 1 0 .0577 0 14 ? 2009-09-29 2009-12-07 2009-11-30 0 ? 2009-12-01 0 0003879717 20091201.ifs 2009-12-01 2010-04-07
33416 33416 DIVIDEND ADD 69832A205 0 1 0 .0577 00 ? 2009-09-29 2009-12-07 ? 0 2009-11-30 ? 0 0003879717 20091130.ifs 2009-11-30 2010-04-07
17901 17901 DIVIDEND DELETE 69832A205 0 0 1 6 0 08 ? 2009-09-29 ? 2009-09-04 0 2009-09-04 ? 0 0003879717 20091104.ifs 2009-11-04 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

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SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 139549
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'