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  2001-01-01 shsout made up date to make % good  
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  9000010176 Next Fake CIK to use

INSITITUIONS Dynamic newInstitTable Changed the Cusip/Sector/Shs Out?
Old Cusips

Fix Cusip issue where all new and deleted Instittuional Holdings
Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
Should We Update The database:
BackUp query is below under BACK UP Institutions before committing.

Total Insititutions : 442 402   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 64.74 % 64.71 %
2024-03-31 New %
Delete Company From Institution Summary
Change Institution Stuff 'ZERO' for Cusip

the compid is:140085
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5553422 5553422 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .475 17 2024-05-16 2024-05-17 2024-05-31 2024-05-02 0 2024-05-03 ? 0 0006917249 20240503.ifs 2024-05-03 2024-05-04
5497323 5497323 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .475 17 2024-02-22 2024-02-23 2024-03-08 2024-02-09 0 2024-02-09 ? 0 0006875878 20240209.ifs 2024-02-09 2024-02-10
5410721 5410721 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .46 17 2023-11-16 2023-11-17 2023-12-01 2023-11-03 0 2023-11-03 ? 0 0006809902 20231103.ifs 2023-11-03 2023-11-04
5351196 5351196 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .46 17 2023-08-17 2023-08-18 2023-09-01 2023-08-03 0 2023-08-04 ? 0 0006768040 20230804.ifs 2023-08-04 2023-08-05
5287914 5287914 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .46 17 2023-05-18 2023-05-19 2023-06-02 2023-05-04 0 2023-05-05 ? 0 0006723885 20230505.ifs 2023-05-05 2023-05-06
5229125 5229125 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .46 17 2023-02-23 2023-02-24 2023-03-10 2023-02-10 0 2023-02-10 ? 0 0006681538 20230210.ifs 2023-02-10 2023-02-11
5136253 5136253 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .45 17 2022-11-17 2022-11-18 2022-12-02 2022-11-04 0 2022-11-04 ? 0 0006611141 20221104.ifs 2022-11-04 2022-11-05
5066825 5066825 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .45 17 2022-08-11 2022-08-12 2022-08-26 2022-07-29 0 2022-07-29 ? 0 0006560147 20220729.ifs 2022-07-29 2022-07-30
5001288 5001288 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .45 17 2022-05-12 2022-05-13 2022-05-27 2022-04-28 0 2022-04-29 ? 0 0006514916 20220429.ifs 2022-04-29 2022-04-30
4952621 4952621 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .45 17 2022-02-24 2022-02-25 2022-03-11 2022-02-11 0 2022-02-11 ? 0 0006480475 20220211.ifs 2022-02-11 2022-02-12
4844739 4844739 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .43 17 2021-11-18 2021-11-19 2021-12-03 2021-11-05 0 2021-11-05 ? 0 0006395220 20211105.ifs 2021-11-05 2021-11-06
4778525 4778525 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .43 17 2021-08-19 2021-08-20 2021-09-03 2021-08-06 0 2021-08-06 ? 0 0006352356 20210806.ifs 2021-08-06 2021-08-07
4701091 4701091 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .43 17 2021-05-20 2021-05-21 2021-06-04 2021-05-05 0 2021-05-06 ? 0 0006306155 20210506.ifs 2021-05-06 2021-05-07
4632976 4632976 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .43 17 2021-03-04 2021-03-05 2021-03-19 2021-02-19 0 2021-02-19 ? 0 0006265440 20210219.ifs 2021-02-19 2021-02-20
4503725 4503725 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-11-19 2020-11-20 2020-12-04 2020-11-06 0 2020-11-06 ? 0 0006187001 20201106.ifs 2020-11-06 2020-11-07
4437632 4437632 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-08-20 2020-08-21 2020-09-04 2020-08-07 0 2020-08-07 ? 0 0006143001 20200807.ifs 2020-08-07 2020-08-08
4421982 4421982 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-05 2020-05-07 0 2020-05-07 ? 0 0006097176 20200721.ifs 2020-07-21 2020-07-22
4421983 4421982 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-05 2020-05-07 1 2020-05-07 2020-07-21 0 0006097176 20200721.ifs 2020-07-21 2020-07-22
4328102 4328102 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-05 2020-05-07 0 2020-05-07 ? 0 0006097176 20200507.ifs 2020-05-07 2020-05-08
4328159 4328159 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-05-21 2020-05-22 2020-06-05 2020-05-07 0 2020-05-07 ? 0 0006097176 20200507.ifs 2020-05-07 2020-05-08
4212448 4212448 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-03-05 2020-03-06 2020-03-20 2020-02-21 0 2020-02-21 ? 0 0006057061 20200221.ifs 2020-02-21 2020-02-22
4212527 4212527 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .4 17 2020-03-05 2020-03-06 2020-03-20 2020-02-21 0 2020-02-21 ? 0 0006057061 20200221.ifs 2020-02-21 2020-02-22
3875262 3875262 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-08-22 2019-08-23 2019-09-06 2019-08-08 0 2019-08-08 ? 0 0005929260 20190808.ifs 2019-08-08 2019-08-09
3875267 3875267 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-08-22 2019-08-23 2019-09-06 2019-08-08 0 2019-08-08 ? 0 0005929260 20190808.ifs 2019-08-08 2019-08-09
3722348 3722348 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-07 2019-05-08 0 2019-05-09 ? 0 0005882915 20190509.ifs 2019-05-09 2019-05-10
3722349 3722349 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-07 2019-05-08 0 2019-05-09 ? 0 0005882915 20190509.ifs 2019-05-09 2019-05-10
3591798 3591798 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-03-07 2019-03-08 2019-03-22 2019-02-21 0 2019-02-22 ? 0 0005840803 20190222.ifs 2019-02-22 2019-02-23
3591799 3591799 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .365 17 2019-03-07 2019-03-08 2019-03-22 2019-02-21 0 2019-02-22 ? 0 0005840803 20190222.ifs 2019-02-22 2019-02-23
3366978 3366978 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-11-21 2018-11-23 2018-12-07 2018-11-07 0 2018-11-08 ? 0 0005753464 20181108.ifs 2018-11-08 2018-11-09
3367279 3367279 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-11-21 2018-11-23 2018-12-07 2018-11-07 0 2018-11-08 ? 0 0005753464 20181108.ifs 2018-11-08 2018-11-09
3233711 3233711 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-08-30 2018-08-31 2018-09-14 2018-08-07 0 2018-08-08 ? 0 0005706815 20180808.ifs 2018-08-08 2018-08-09
3233734 3233734 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-08-30 2018-08-31 2018-09-14 2018-08-07 0 2018-08-08 ? 0 0005706815 20180808.ifs 2018-08-08 2018-08-09
3086825 3086825 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-05-24 2018-05-25 2018-06-08 2018-05-09 0 2018-05-10 ? 0 0005660263 20180510.ifs 2018-05-10 2018-05-11
3086826 3086826 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-05-24 2018-05-25 2018-06-08 2018-05-09 0 2018-05-10 ? 0 0005660263 20180510.ifs 2018-05-10 2018-05-11
2961216 2961216 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-03-08 2018-03-09 2018-03-23 2018-02-22 0 2018-02-22 ? 0 0005617199 20180222.ifs 2018-02-22 2018-02-23
2961219 2961219 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .33 17 2018-03-08 2018-03-09 2018-03-23 2018-02-22 0 2018-02-22 ? 0 0005617199 20180222.ifs 2018-02-22 2018-02-23
2761495 2761495 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2017-11-22 2017-11-24 2017-12-08 2017-11-09 0 2017-11-09 ? 0 0005528634 20171109.ifs 2017-11-09 2017-11-10
2761938 2761938 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2017-11-22 2017-11-24 2017-12-08 2017-11-09 0 2017-11-09 ? 0 0005528634 20171109.ifs 2017-11-09 2017-11-10
2648845 2648845 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2017-08-30 2017-09-01 2017-09-15 2017-08-11 0 2017-08-11 ? 0 0005482513 20170811.ifs 2017-08-11 2017-08-12
2565873 2565873 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2017-05-24 2017-05-26 2017-06-09 2017-05-11 0 2017-05-11 ? 0 0005434522 20170511.ifs 2017-05-11 2017-05-12
2495626 2495626 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2017-03-08 2017-03-10 2017-03-24 2017-02-23 0 2017-02-24 ? 0 0005391152 20170224.ifs 2017-02-24 2017-02-25
2343191 2343191 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-11-22 2016-11-25 2016-12-09 2016-11-03 1 2016-11-04 2016-11-14 0 0005309978 20161115.ifs 2016-11-15 2016-11-16
2343192 2343191 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 TSX exdate: 11-23-2016. A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2016-11-22 2016-11-25 2016-12-09 2016-11-03 1 2016-11-04 2016-11-15 0 0005309978 20161115.ifs 2016-11-15 2016-11-16
2342987 2342987 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-11-22 2016-11-25 2016-12-09 2016-11-03 0 2016-11-04 ? 0 0005309978 20161114.ifs 2016-11-14 2016-11-15
2342988 2342987 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-11-22 2016-11-25 2016-12-09 2016-11-03 1 2016-11-04 2016-11-14 0 0005309978 20161114.ifs 2016-11-14 2016-11-15
2339409 2339409 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-11-22 2016-11-25 2016-12-09 2016-11-03 0 2016-11-04 ? 0 0005309978 20161104.ifs 2016-11-04 2016-11-05
2267394 2267394 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-08-24 2016-08-26 2016-09-09 2016-08-04 0 2016-08-05 ? 0 0005264026 20160805.ifs 2016-08-05 2016-08-06
2191833 2191833 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-05-25 2016-05-27 2016-06-10 2016-05-04 0 2016-05-05 ? 0 0005217166 20160505.ifs 2016-05-05 2016-05-06
2120218 2120218 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2016-03-09 2016-03-11 2016-03-24 2016-02-26 0 2016-02-26 ? 0 0005176118 20160226.ifs 2016-02-26 2016-02-27
2004493 2004493 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .22 17 2015-11-24 2015-11-27 2015-12-11 2015-11-04 0 2015-11-05 ? 0 0005091017 20151105.ifs 2015-11-05 2015-11-06
1938414 1938414 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .22 17 2015-08-26 2015-08-28 2015-09-11 2015-08-06 0 2015-08-07 ? 0 0005045988 20150807.ifs 2015-08-07 2015-08-08
1859593 1859593 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .22 17 2015-05-27 2015-05-29 2015-06-12 2015-05-06 0 2015-05-07 ? 0 0004998654 20150507.ifs 2015-05-07 2015-05-08
1796404 1796404 DIVIDEND DELETE 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 10 ? 2015-03-11 2015-03-25 2015-02-25 0 2015-02-25 ? 0 0004957304 20150226.ifs 2015-02-26 2015-02-27
1796405 1796405 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 10 2015-03-26 2015-03-11 2015-03-25 2015-02-25 1 2015-02-25 2015-02-26 0 0004957304 20150226.ifs 2015-02-26 2015-02-27
1796406 1796406 SPLIT ADD 559222401 .5 2015-03-26 10 2015-02-26 ? 20150226.ifs 2015-02-26 2015-02-27
1795053 1795053 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 1 1 .22 06 2015-03-11 2015-03-13 2015-03-27 2015-02-25 0 2015-02-25 ? 1 0004957305 20150225.ifs 2015-02-25 2015-02-26
1795054 1795054 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 10 ? 2015-03-11 2015-03-25 2015-02-25 0 2015-02-25 ? 0 0004957304 20150225.ifs 2015-02-25 2015-02-26
1676129 1676129 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .38 17 2014-11-25 2014-11-28 2014-12-12 2014-11-05 0 2014-11-05 ? 0 0004870950 20141105.ifs 2014-11-05 2014-11-06
1602142 1602142 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .38 17 2014-08-27 2014-08-29 2014-09-12 2014-08-07 0 2014-08-08 ? 0 0004827728 20140808.ifs 2014-08-08 2014-08-09
1521603 1521603 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .38 17 2014-05-28 2014-05-30 2014-06-13 2014-05-07 0 2014-05-08 ? 0 0004781285 20140508.ifs 2014-05-08 2014-05-09
1457254 1457254 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .38 17 2014-03-12 2014-03-14 2014-03-28 2014-03-03 0 2014-03-03 ? 0 0004744021 20140303.ifs 2014-03-03 2014-03-04
1336361 1336361 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .32 17 2013-11-26 2013-11-29 2013-12-13 2013-11-06 0 2013-11-06 ? 0 0004656545 20131106.ifs 2013-11-06 2013-11-07
1262323 1262323 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .32 17 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-16 2013-08-08 0 2013-08-09 ? 0 0004614677 20130809.ifs 2013-08-09 2013-08-10
1183720 1183720 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .32 17 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-17 2013-05-09 0 2013-05-10 ? 0 0004570499 20130510.ifs 2013-05-10 2013-05-11
1125039 1125039 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .32 17 2013-03-11 2013-03-13 2013-03-27 2013-02-28 0 2013-03-01 ? 0 0004534714 20130301.ifs 2013-03-01 2013-03-02
1007641 1007641 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-11-28 2012-11-30 2012-12-14 2012-11-08 0 2012-11-08 ? 0 0004456965 20121108.ifs 2012-11-08 2012-11-09
884478 884478 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-05-29 2012-05-31 2012-06-15 2012-05-09 0 2012-05-10 ? 0 0004373345 20120613.ifs 2012-06-13 2012-06-14
884479 884478 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-05-29 2012-05-31 2012-06-15 2012-05-09 1 2012-05-10 2012-06-13 0 0004373345 20120613.ifs 2012-06-13 2012-06-14
859191 859191 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-05-29 2012-05-31 2012-06-15 2012-05-09 0 2012-05-10 ? 0 0004373345 20120510.ifs 2012-05-10 2012-05-11
808381 808381 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-03-08 2012-03-12 2012-03-23 2012-02-23 0 2012-02-23 ? 0 0004335190 20120322.ifs 2012-03-22 2012-03-23
808382 808381 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-03-08 2012-03-12 2012-03-23 2012-02-23 1 2012-02-23 2012-03-22 0 0004335190 20120322.ifs 2012-03-22 2012-03-23
784014 784014 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .275 17 2012-03-08 2012-03-12 2012-03-23 2012-02-23 0 2012-02-23 ? 0 0004335190 20120223.ifs 2012-02-23 2012-02-24
689873 689873 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2011-11-28 2011-11-30 2011-12-15 2011-11-03 0 2011-11-03 ? 0 0004267957 20111103.ifs 2011-11-03 2011-11-04
606591 606591 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2011-08-29 2011-08-31 2011-09-15 2011-08-04 0 2011-08-05 ? 0 0004227846 20110805.ifs 2011-08-05 2011-08-06
606592 606592 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 TSX ex-date: 5-27-2011 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 1 2011-05-04 2011-05-06 0 0004186090 20110805.ifs 2011-08-05 2011-08-06
606593 606592 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 2 2011-05-04 2011-08-05 0 0004186090 20110805.ifs 2011-08-05 2011-08-06
521253 521253 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 1 2011-05-04 2011-05-05 0 0004186090 20110506.ifs 2011-05-06 2011-05-07
521254 521253 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 TSX ex-date: 5-27-2011 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 1 2011-05-04 2011-05-06 0 0004186090 20110506.ifs 2011-05-06 2011-05-07
520983 520983 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 TSX ex-date: 5-27-2011 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 0 2011-05-04 2011-05-05 0 0004186090 20110505.ifs 2011-05-05 2011-05-06
520984 520983 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 0 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 1 2011-05-04 2011-05-05 0 0004186090 20110505.ifs 2011-05-05 2011-05-06
520203 520203 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2011-05-26 2011-05-31 2011-06-15 2011-05-03 0 2011-05-04 ? 0 0004186090 20110504.ifs 2011-05-04 2011-05-05
450230 450230 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .25 17 2011-03-09 2011-03-11 2011-03-23 2011-02-23 0 2011-02-23 ? 0 0004149317 20110223.ifs 2011-02-23 2011-02-24
352634 352634 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 0 10 2010-11-26 2010-11-16 2010-11-24 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-05 0 0004085475 20101110.ifs 2010-11-10 2010-11-11
352635 352634 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 TSX ex-date: 11-12-2010. 0 0 5 0 1 0 10 2010-11-26 2010-11-16 2010-11-24 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-10 0 0004085475 20101110.ifs 2010-11-10 2010-11-11
351792 351792 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 0 0 1 0 .18 06 2010-11-26 2010-11-30 2010-12-15 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-08 0 0004085728 20101109.ifs 2010-11-09 2010-11-10
351793 351792 DIVIDEND CHANGE 559222401 0 0 1 1 .18 0 06 2010-11-26 2010-11-30 2010-12-15 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-09 0 0004085728 20101109.ifs 2010-11-09 2010-11-10
351033 351033 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 1 0 .18 06 2010-11-26 2010-11-30 2010-12-15 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-08 0 0004085728 20101108.ifs 2010-11-08 2010-11-09
350474 350474 DIVIDEND DELETE 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 10 ? 2010-11-16 2010-11-24 2010-11-04 0 2010-11-04 ? 0 0004085475 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
350475 350475 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 0 10 2010-11-26 2010-11-16 2010-11-24 2010-11-04 0 ? 2010-11-05 0 0004085475 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
350476 350476 SPLIT ADD 559222401 .5 2010-11-26 11 ? 2010-11-05 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
350477 350477 SPLIT CHANGE 559222401 .5 2010-11-26 11 ? 2010-11-05 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
350478 350477 SPLIT CHANGE 559222401 .5 2010-11-26 10 ? 2010-11-05 20101105.ifs 2010-11-05 2010-11-06
350195 350195 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 0 0 5 0 1 10 ? 2010-11-16 2010-11-24 2010-11-04 0 2010-11-04 ? 0 0004085475 20101104.ifs 2010-11-04 2010-11-05
300640 300640 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes no 559222401 no 2000-02-25 2010-09-02 ? 20100903.ifs 2010-09-03 2010-09-04
300641 300640 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 COM R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes no 559222401 no 2000-02-25 2010-09-03 ? 20100903.ifs 2010-09-03 2010-09-04
300663 300663 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 COM R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes no 559222401 no 2000-02-25 2010-09-03 ? 20100903.ifs 2010-09-03 2010-09-04
300664 300663 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 COM 0 0 1980-07-28 ? 4 yes no no 2000-02-25 2010-09-03 ? 20100903.ifs 2010-09-03 2010-09-04
299517 299517 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A 0 0 1980-07-28 ? 4 yes no no 2000-02-25 2010-09-01 ? 20100902.ifs 2010-09-02 2010-09-03
299518 299517 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes no 559222401 no 2000-02-25 2010-09-02 ? 20100902.ifs 2010-09-02 2010-09-03
295306 295306 CORPACTION ADD 559222401 01 R 2010-09-01 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
295307 295307 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A 0 0 1980-07-28 ? 4 yes yes no 2000-02-25 2004-11-16 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
295308 295307 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes yes no 2000-02-25 2010-09-01 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
295815 295815 CORPACTION DELETE 559222401 01 R 2010-09-01 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
295818 295818 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A R 0 1980-07-28 2010-09-01 4 yes yes no 2000-02-25 2010-09-01 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
295819 295818 EQUITY CHANGE 559222401 CL A 0 0 1980-07-28 ? 4 yes no no 2000-02-25 2010-09-01 ? 20100901.ifs 2010-09-01 2010-09-02
275299 275299 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .3 17 2010-08-27 2010-08-31 2010-09-15 2010-08-06 0 2010-08-06 ? 0 0004045714 20100806.ifs 2010-08-06 2010-08-07
186709 186709 DIVIDEND ADD 559222401 A 0 1 0 .18 17 2010-05-26 2010-05-31 2010-06-15 2010-05-05 0 2010-05-06 ? 0 0004004161 20100506.ifs 2010-05-06 2010-05-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

Your Name Click here to open the child window

BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 140085
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'