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Name Pricing Date  2024-03-31(LQAP)    
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Shares Out Type1 prevClose
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  09-30 12-25 sic Code      
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  2001-01-01 shsout made up date to make % good  
  0009-09-09 sdate Dead Company  
  2010-12-25 shsout Took From Yahoo  
  9000010176 Next Fake CIK to use

INSITITUIONS Dynamic newInstitTable Changed the Cusip/Sector/Shs Out?
Old Cusips
495724403 DELETE RUN

Fix Cusip issue where all new and deleted Instittuional Holdings
Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
Should We Update The database:
BackUp query is below under BACK UP Institutions before committing.

Total Insititutions : 6 6   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 0.01 % 0.01 %
2024-03-31 New %
Delete Company From Institution Summary
Change Institution Stuff 'ZERO' for Cusip

the compid is:142443
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5582856 5582856 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .197494 26 2024-05-16 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2024-03-28 0 2024-03-28 ? 0 0006896811 20240625.ifs 2024-06-25 2024-06-26
5582857 5582857 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .197855 05 2024-05-16 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2024-03-28 1 2024-03-28 2024-06-25 0 0006896811 20240625.ifs 2024-06-25 2024-06-26
5527292 5527292 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .197494 26 2024-05-16 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2024-03-28 0 2024-03-28 ? 0 0006896811 20240328.ifs 2024-03-28 2024-03-29
5416092 5416092 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .082224 26 2023-10-12 2023-10-13 2023-11-22 2023-09-21 0 2023-09-21 ? 0 0006786068 20231117.ifs 2023-11-17 2023-11-18
5416093 5416093 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .082392 05 2023-10-12 2023-10-13 2023-11-22 2023-09-21 1 2023-09-21 2023-11-17 0 0006786068 20231117.ifs 2023-11-17 2023-11-18
5378180 5378180 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .082224 26 2023-10-12 2023-10-13 2023-11-22 2023-09-21 0 2023-09-21 ? 0 0006786068 20230921.ifs 2023-09-21 2023-09-22
5328769 5328769 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .189668 26 2023-05-25 2023-05-26 2023-07-07 2023-03-22 0 2023-03-22 ? 0 0006698490 20230703.ifs 2023-07-03 2023-07-04
5328770 5328770 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .19813 05 2023-05-25 2023-05-26 2023-07-07 2023-03-22 1 2023-03-22 2023-07-03 0 0006698490 20230703.ifs 2023-07-03 2023-07-04
5252792 5252792 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .189668 26 2023-05-25 2023-05-26 2023-07-07 2023-03-22 0 2023-03-22 ? 0 0006698490 20230322.ifs 2023-03-22 2023-03-23
5139602 5139602 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .07451 26 2022-10-06 2022-10-07 2022-11-17 2022-09-22 0 2022-09-22 ? 0 0006586567 20221114.ifs 2022-11-14 2022-11-15
5139603 5139603 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .07739 05 2022-10-06 2022-10-07 2022-11-17 2022-09-22 1 2022-09-22 2022-11-14 0 0006586567 20221114.ifs 2022-11-14 2022-11-15
5102413 5102413 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .07451 26 2022-10-06 2022-10-07 2022-11-17 2022-09-22 0 2022-09-22 ? 0 0006586567 20220922.ifs 2022-09-22 2022-09-23
5042029 5042029 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .206008 26 2022-05-19 2022-05-20 2022-06-30 2022-04-01 0 2022-04-01 ? 0 0006505558 20220627.ifs 2022-06-27 2022-06-28
5042030 5042030 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .191112 05 2022-05-19 2022-05-20 2022-06-30 2022-04-01 1 2022-04-01 2022-06-27 0 0006505558 20220627.ifs 2022-06-27 2022-06-28
4986646 4986646 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .206008 26 2022-05-19 2022-05-20 2022-06-30 2022-04-01 0 2022-04-01 ? 0 0006505558 20220401.ifs 2022-04-01 2022-04-02
4848314 4848314 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .0918 26 2021-10-07 2021-10-08 2021-11-17 2021-09-24 0 2021-09-24 ? 0 0006371887 20211115.ifs 2021-11-15 2021-11-16
4848315 4848315 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .089901 05 2021-10-07 2021-10-08 2021-11-17 2021-09-24 1 2021-09-24 2021-11-15 0 0006371887 20211115.ifs 2021-11-15 2021-11-16
4809644 4809644 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .0918 26 2021-10-07 2021-10-08 2021-11-17 2021-09-24 0 2021-09-24 ? 0 0006371887 20210924.ifs 2021-09-24 2021-09-25
4753079 4753079 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .209812 26 2021-06-03 2021-06-04 2021-07-08 2021-04-26 0 2021-04-26 ? 0 0006297242 20210706.ifs 2021-07-06 2021-07-07
4753080 4753080 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .207255 05 2021-06-03 2021-06-04 2021-07-09 2021-04-26 1 2021-04-26 2021-07-06 0 0006297242 20210706.ifs 2021-07-06 2021-07-07
4688195 4688195 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .209812 26 2021-06-03 2021-06-04 2021-07-08 2021-04-26 0 2021-04-26 ? 0 0006297242 20210426.ifs 2021-04-26 2021-04-27
3933852 3933852 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .07079 26 2019-10-03 2019-10-04 2019-11-04 2019-09-23 0 2019-09-23 ? 0 0005948620 20190923.ifs 2019-09-23 2019-09-24
3933853 3933853 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .07079 26 2019-10-03 2019-10-04 2019-11-04 2019-09-23 0 2019-09-23 ? 0 0005948620 20190923.ifs 2019-09-23 2019-09-24
3836277 3836277 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .177526 26 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 0 2019-03-26 ? 0 0005857692 20190715.ifs 2019-07-15 2019-07-16
3836279 3836279 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .167399 05 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 1 2019-03-26 2019-07-15 0 0005857692 20190715.ifs 2019-07-15 2019-07-16
3836284 3836284 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .177526 26 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 0 2019-03-26 ? 0 0005857692 20190715.ifs 2019-07-15 2019-07-16
3836286 3836286 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .167399 05 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 1 2019-03-26 2019-07-15 0 0005857692 20190715.ifs 2019-07-15 2019-07-16
3648460 3648460 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .177526 26 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 0 2019-03-26 ? 0 0005857692 20190326.ifs 2019-03-26 2019-03-27
3648465 3648465 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .177526 26 2019-06-06 2019-06-07 2019-07-18 2019-03-26 0 2019-03-26 ? 0 0005857692 20190326.ifs 2019-03-26 2019-03-27
3369243 3369243 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .075325 26 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 0 2018-09-24 ? 0 0005727770 20181112.ifs 2018-11-12 2018-11-13
3369245 3369245 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .074586 05 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 1 2018-09-24 2018-11-12 0 0005727770 20181112.ifs 2018-11-12 2018-11-13
3369246 3369246 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .075325 26 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 0 2018-09-24 ? 0 0005727770 20181112.ifs 2018-11-12 2018-11-13
3369248 3369248 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .074586 05 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 1 2018-09-24 2018-11-12 0 0005727770 20181112.ifs 2018-11-12 2018-11-13
3296904 3296904 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .075325 26 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 0 2018-09-24 ? 0 0005727770 20180924.ifs 2018-09-24 2018-09-25
3296905 3296905 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .075325 26 2018-10-04 2018-10-05 2018-11-14 2018-09-24 0 2018-09-24 ? 0 0005727770 20180924.ifs 2018-09-24 2018-09-25
3143934 3143934 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191023 26 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648838 20180618.ifs 2018-06-18 2018-06-19
3143935 3143935 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191023 26 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648838 20180618.ifs 2018-06-18 2018-06-19
3143936 3143936 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .178185 05 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 1 2018-04-20 2018-06-18 0 0005648838 20180618.ifs 2018-06-18 2018-06-19
3143937 3143937 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .178185 05 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 1 2018-04-20 2018-06-18 0 0005648838 20180618.ifs 2018-06-18 2018-06-19
3045720 3045720 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191023 26 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648838 20180420.ifs 2018-04-20 2018-04-21
3045721 3045721 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191023 26 2018-05-03 2018-05-04 2018-06-21 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648838 20180420.ifs 2018-04-20 2018-04-21
2762948 2762948 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .078103 26 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 0 2017-09-22 ? 0 0005501294 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2762949 2762949 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .078103 26 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 0 2017-09-22 ? 0 0005501294 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2762950 2762950 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .075712 05 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 1 2017-09-22 2017-11-10 0 0005501294 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2762951 2762951 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .075712 05 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 1 2017-09-22 2017-11-10 0 0005501294 20171110.ifs 2017-11-10 2017-11-11
2684578 2684578 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .078103 26 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 0 2017-09-22 ? 0 0005501294 20170922.ifs 2017-09-22 2017-09-23
2684712 2684712 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .078103 26 2017-10-05 2017-10-06 2017-11-15 2017-09-22 0 2017-09-22 ? 0 0005501294 20170922.ifs 2017-09-22 2017-09-23
2594995 2594995 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .158592 26 2017-05-03 2017-05-05 2017-06-22 2017-03-24 0 2017-03-24 ? 0 0005407101 20170619.ifs 2017-06-19 2017-06-20
2594996 2594996 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .161838 05 2017-05-03 2017-05-05 2017-06-22 2017-03-24 1 2017-03-24 2017-06-19 0 0005407101 20170619.ifs 2017-06-19 2017-06-20
2519629 2519629 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .158592 26 2017-05-03 2017-05-05 2017-06-22 2017-03-24 0 2017-03-24 ? 0 0005407101 20170324.ifs 2017-03-24 2017-03-25
2451522 2451522 EQUITY CHANGE 495724403 SPNRD ADR PAR 15 5/7 PENCE 0 0 2003-07-07 ? 0 no no no 2003-07-08 2006-12-08 ? 20170124.ifs 2017-01-24 2017-01-25
2451523 2451522 EQUITY CHANGE 495724403 SPNRD ADR PAR 15 5/7 PENCE 0 0 2003-07-07 ? 2 no no no 2003-07-08 2006-12-08 ? 20170124.ifs 2017-01-24 2017-01-25
2342992 2342992 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .072331 26 2016-10-05 2016-10-07 2016-11-16 2016-09-22 0 2016-09-22 ? 0 0005283865 20161114.ifs 2016-11-14 2016-11-15
2342993 2342993 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .068912 05 2016-10-05 2016-10-07 2016-11-16 2016-09-22 1 2016-09-22 2016-11-14 0 0005283865 20161114.ifs 2016-11-14 2016-11-15
2299813 2299813 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .072331 26 2016-10-05 2016-10-07 2016-11-16 2016-09-22 0 2016-09-22 ? 0 0005283865 20160922.ifs 2016-09-22 2016-09-23
2225268 2225268 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175614 26 2016-05-04 2016-05-06 2016-06-23 2016-03-24 0 2016-03-24 ? 0 0005191844 20160620.ifs 2016-06-20 2016-06-21
2225269 2225269 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .182105 05 2016-05-04 2016-05-06 2016-06-23 2016-03-24 1 2016-03-24 2016-06-20 0 0005191844 20160620.ifs 2016-06-20 2016-06-21
2142844 2142844 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175614 26 2016-05-04 2016-05-06 2016-06-23 2016-03-24 0 2016-03-24 ? 0 0005191844 20160324.ifs 2016-03-24 2016-03-25
2008828 2008828 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086548 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-18 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-10-05 0 0005067642 20151113.ifs 2015-11-13 2015-11-14
2008829 2008829 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .084621 0 05 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-18 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-11-13 0 0005067642 20151113.ifs 2015-11-13 2015-11-14
1986620 1986620 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086723 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-23 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-09-28 0 0005067642 20151005.ifs 2015-10-05 2015-10-06
1986621 1986621 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086548 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-18 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-10-05 0 0005067642 20151005.ifs 2015-10-05 2015-10-06
1972625 1972625 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086723 26 ? 2015-10-09 2015-11-23 2015-09-25 0 2015-09-25 ? 0 0005067642 20150928.ifs 2015-09-28 2015-09-29
1972626 1972626 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086723 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-23 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-09-28 0 0005067642 20150928.ifs 2015-09-28 2015-09-29
1973142 1973142 DIVIDEND CHANGE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086723 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-23 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-09-28 0 0005067642 20150928.ifs 2015-09-28 2015-09-29
1973143 1973142 DIVIDEND CHANGE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .086723 0 26 2015-10-07 2015-10-09 2015-11-23 2015-09-25 0 ? 2015-09-28 0 0005067642 20150928.ifs 2015-09-28 2015-09-29
1886482 1886482 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191391 0 26 2015-05-13 2015-05-15 2015-06-25 2015-05-01 0 ? 2015-05-04 0 0004995920 20150615.ifs 2015-06-15 2015-06-16
1886483 1886483 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .192391 0 05 2015-05-13 2015-05-15 2015-06-25 2015-05-01 0 ? 2015-06-15 0 0004995920 20150615.ifs 2015-06-15 2015-06-16
1858332 1858332 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191391 26 ? 2015-05-15 2015-06-25 2015-05-01 0 2015-05-01 ? 0 0004995920 20150504.ifs 2015-05-04 2015-05-05
1858333 1858333 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191391 0 26 2015-05-13 2015-05-15 2015-06-25 2015-05-01 0 ? 2015-05-04 0 0004995920 20150504.ifs 2015-05-04 2015-05-05
1856556 1856556 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .191391 26 ? 2015-05-15 2015-06-25 2015-05-01 0 2015-05-01 ? 0 0004995920 20150501.ifs 2015-05-01 2015-05-02
1681311 1681311 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .090012 26 2014-10-08 2014-10-10 2014-11-24 2014-09-16 1 2014-09-16 2014-09-17 0 0004843403 20141114.ifs 2014-11-14 2014-11-15
1681312 1681312 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .086875 05 2014-10-08 2014-10-10 2014-11-24 2014-09-16 2 2014-09-16 2014-11-14 0 0004843403 20141114.ifs 2014-11-14 2014-11-15
1631935 1631935 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .090012 26 ? 2014-10-10 2014-11-24 2014-09-16 0 2014-09-16 ? 0 0004843403 20140917.ifs 2014-09-17 2014-09-18
1631936 1631936 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .090012 26 2014-10-08 2014-10-10 2014-11-24 2014-09-16 1 2014-09-16 2014-09-17 0 0004843403 20140917.ifs 2014-09-17 2014-09-18
1631141 1631141 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .090012 26 ? 2014-10-10 2014-11-24 2014-09-16 0 2014-09-16 ? 0 0004843403 20140916.ifs 2014-09-16 2014-09-17
1587692 1587692 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 2014-06-25 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 2 2014-06-04 2014-06-17 1 0004793951 20140728.ifs 2014-07-28 2014-07-29
1587693 1587693 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 9 .12559 25 2014-06-25 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 3 2014-06-04 2014-07-28 1 0004793951 20140728.ifs 2014-07-28 2014-07-29
1551795 1551795 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 1 0 .209747 05 2014-05-14 2014-05-16 2014-06-26 ? 0 2014-06-17 ? 0 0004766557 20140618.ifs 2014-06-18 2014-06-19
1551796 1551796 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .209747 0 05 2014-05-14 2014-05-16 2014-06-26 2014-04-04 0 ? 2014-06-18 0 0004766557 20140618.ifs 2014-06-18 2014-06-19
1551607 1551607 DIVIDEND CHANGE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 2014-06-25 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 1 2014-06-04 2014-06-05 0 0004793951 20140617.ifs 2014-06-17 2014-06-18
1551608 1551607 DIVIDEND CHANGE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 2014-06-25 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 2 2014-06-04 2014-06-17 1 0004793951 20140617.ifs 2014-06-17 2014-06-18
1551609 1551609 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 1 0 .209747 05 2014-05-14 2014-05-16 2014-06-26 ? 0 2014-06-17 ? 0 0004766557 20140617.ifs 2014-06-17 2014-06-18
1543586 1543586 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 ? 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 0 2014-06-04 ? 0 0004793951 20140605.ifs 2014-06-05 2014-06-06
1543587 1543587 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 2014-06-25 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 1 2014-06-04 2014-06-05 0 0004793951 20140605.ifs 2014-06-05 2014-06-06
1542718 1542718 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .123674 26 ? 2014-06-27 2014-08-04 2014-06-04 0 2014-06-04 ? 0 0004793951 20140604.ifs 2014-06-04 2014-06-05
1342095 1342095 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08724 26 2013-10-09 2013-10-11 2013-11-25 2013-09-17 1 2013-09-17 2013-09-18 0 0004629850 20131119.ifs 2013-11-19 2013-11-20
1342096 1342096 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .088632 05 2013-10-09 2013-10-11 2013-11-25 2013-09-17 2 2013-09-17 2013-11-19 0 0004629850 20131119.ifs 2013-11-19 2013-11-20
1290097 1290097 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08724 26 ? 2013-10-11 2013-11-25 2013-09-17 0 2013-09-17 ? 0 0004629850 20130918.ifs 2013-09-18 2013-09-19
1290098 1290098 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08724 26 2013-10-09 2013-10-11 2013-11-25 2013-09-17 1 2013-09-17 2013-09-18 0 0004629850 20130918.ifs 2013-09-18 2013-09-19
1289325 1289325 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08724 26 ? 2013-10-11 2013-11-25 2013-09-17 0 2013-09-17 ? 0 0004629850 20130917.ifs 2013-09-17 2013-09-18
1211024 1211024 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175011 26 2013-05-08 2013-05-10 2013-06-27 2013-04-15 1 2013-04-15 2013-04-16 0 0004557965 20130617.ifs 2013-06-17 2013-06-18
1211025 1211025 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .180081 05 2013-05-08 2013-05-10 2013-06-27 2013-04-15 2 2013-04-15 2013-06-17 0 0004557965 20130617.ifs 2013-06-17 2013-06-18
1160902 1160902 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175011 26 ? 2013-05-10 2013-06-27 2013-04-15 0 2013-04-15 ? 0 0004557965 20130416.ifs 2013-04-16 2013-04-17
1160903 1160903 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175011 26 2013-05-08 2013-05-10 2013-06-27 2013-04-15 1 2013-04-15 2013-04-16 0 0004557965 20130416.ifs 2013-04-16 2013-04-17
1160078 1160078 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .175011 26 ? 2013-05-10 2013-06-27 2013-04-15 0 2013-04-15 ? 0 0004557965 20130415.ifs 2013-04-15 2013-04-16
1011318 1011318 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08848 26 2012-10-10 2012-10-12 2012-11-26 2012-09-17 1 2012-09-17 2012-09-18 0 0004429770 20121116.ifs 2012-11-16 2012-11-17
1011319 1011319 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .086014 05 2012-10-10 2012-10-12 2012-11-26 2012-09-17 2 2012-09-17 2012-11-16 0 0004429770 20121116.ifs 2012-11-16 2012-11-17
958454 958454 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08848 26 ? 2012-10-12 2012-11-26 2012-09-17 0 2012-09-17 ? 0 0004429770 20120918.ifs 2012-09-18 2012-09-19
958455 958455 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08848 26 2012-10-10 2012-10-12 2012-11-26 2012-09-17 1 2012-09-17 2012-09-18 0 0004429770 20120918.ifs 2012-09-18 2012-09-19
957667 957667 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .08848 26 ? 2012-10-12 2012-11-26 2012-09-17 0 2012-09-17 ? 0 0004429770 20120917.ifs 2012-09-17 2012-09-18
889498 889498 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .185432 26 2012-05-02 2012-05-04 2012-06-28 2012-04-23 1 2012-04-23 2012-04-24 0 0004363409 20120620.ifs 2012-06-20 2012-06-21
889499 889499 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .179087 05 2012-05-02 2012-05-04 2012-06-28 2012-04-23 2 2012-04-23 2012-06-20 0 0004363409 20120620.ifs 2012-06-20 2012-06-21
841913 841913 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .185432 26 ? 2012-05-04 2012-06-28 2012-04-23 0 2012-04-23 ? 0 0004363409 20120424.ifs 2012-04-24 2012-04-25
841914 841914 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .185432 26 2012-05-02 2012-05-04 2012-06-28 2012-04-23 1 2012-04-23 2012-04-24 0 0004363409 20120424.ifs 2012-04-24 2012-04-25
840800 840800 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .185432 26 ? 2012-05-04 2012-06-28 2012-04-23 0 2012-04-23 ? 0 0004363409 20120423.ifs 2012-04-23 2012-04-24
695112 695112 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .057365 26 2011-10-05 2011-10-07 2011-11-22 2011-09-23 1 2011-09-23 2011-09-26 0 0004245930 20111115.ifs 2011-11-15 2011-11-16
695113 695113 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .069654 05 2011-10-05 2011-10-07 2011-11-22 2011-09-23 2 2011-09-23 2011-11-15 0 0004245930 20111115.ifs 2011-11-15 2011-11-16
653402 653402 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .057365 26 ? 2011-10-07 2011-11-22 2011-09-23 0 2011-09-23 ? 0 0004245930 20110926.ifs 2011-09-26 2011-09-27
653403 653403 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .057365 26 2011-10-05 2011-10-07 2011-11-22 2011-09-23 1 2011-09-23 2011-09-26 0 0004245930 20110926.ifs 2011-09-26 2011-09-27
651934 651934 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .057365 26 ? 2011-10-07 2011-11-22 2011-09-23 0 2011-09-23 ? 0 0004245930 20110923.ifs 2011-09-23 2011-09-24
565831 565831 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .14857 26 2011-05-04 2011-05-06 2011-06-30 2011-04-13 0 2011-04-13 ? 0 0004175054 20110621.ifs 2011-06-21 2011-06-22
565832 565832 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .145977 05 2011-05-04 2011-05-06 2011-06-30 2011-04-13 1 2011-04-13 2011-06-21 0 0004175054 20110621.ifs 2011-06-21 2011-06-22
501464 501464 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .14857 26 2011-05-04 2011-05-06 2011-06-30 2011-04-13 0 2011-04-13 ? 0 0004175054 20110413.ifs 2011-04-13 2011-04-14
355381 355381 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .052316 0 26 2010-10-06 2010-10-08 2010-11-22 2010-09-20 0 ? 2010-09-21 0 0004062011 20101115.ifs 2010-11-15 2010-11-16
355382 355382 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .054634 0 05 2010-10-06 2010-10-08 2010-11-22 2010-09-20 0 ? 2010-11-15 0 0004062011 20101115.ifs 2010-11-15 2010-11-16
311516 311516 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .052316 26 ? 2010-10-08 2010-11-22 2010-09-20 0 2010-09-20 ? 0 0004062011 20100921.ifs 2010-09-21 2010-09-22
311517 311517 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .052316 0 26 2010-10-06 2010-10-08 2010-11-22 2010-09-20 0 ? 2010-09-21 0 0004062011 20100921.ifs 2010-09-21 2010-09-22
310796 310796 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .052316 26 ? 2010-10-08 2010-11-22 2010-09-20 0 2010-09-20 ? 0 0004062011 20100920.ifs 2010-09-20 2010-09-21
224157 224157 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .09532 26 2010-05-05 2010-05-07 2010-06-28 2010-04-07 1 2010-04-07 2010-04-08 0 0003992010 20100621.ifs 2010-06-21 2010-06-22
224158 224158 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .09301 05 2010-05-05 2010-05-07 2010-06-28 2010-04-07 2 2010-04-07 2010-06-21 0 0003992010 20100621.ifs 2010-06-21 2010-06-22
156327 156327 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .09532 26 ? 2010-05-07 2010-06-28 2010-04-07 0 2010-04-07 ? 0 0003992010 20100408.ifs 2010-04-08 2010-04-09
156328 156328 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .09532 26 2010-05-05 2010-05-07 2010-06-28 2010-04-07 1 2010-04-07 2010-04-08 0 0003992010 20100408.ifs 2010-04-08 2010-04-09
155609 155609 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 5 .09532 26 ? 2010-05-07 2010-06-28 2010-04-07 0 2010-04-07 ? 0 0003992010 20100407.ifs 2010-04-07 2010-04-08
24916 24916 DIVIDEND DELETE 495724403 6 0 1 5 .05527 26 2009-10-07 2009-10-09 2009-11-23 2009-09-21 1 2009-09-21 2009-09-22 0 0003884154 20091117.ifs 2009-11-17 2010-04-07
24917 24917 DIVIDEND ADD 495724403 6 0 1 0 .05659 05 2009-10-07 2009-10-09 2009-11-23 2009-09-21 2 2009-09-21 2009-11-17 0 0003884154 20091117.ifs 2009-11-17 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

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BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 142443
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'