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Old Cusips

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Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
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Total Insititutions : 534 452   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 90.01 % 88.62 %
2024-03-31 New %
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the compid is:151496
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5539395 5539395 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .25 00 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2024-06-14 2024-04-16 0 2024-04-16 ? 0 0006906712 20240416.ifs 2024-04-16 2024-04-17
5480788 5480788 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2024-02-29 2024-03-01 2024-03-14 2024-01-16 0 2024-01-16 ? 0 0006864764 20240116.ifs 2024-01-16 2024-01-17
5396435 5396435 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2023-11-30 2023-12-01 2023-12-14 2023-10-17 0 2023-10-17 ? 0 0006799272 20231017.ifs 2023-10-17 2023-10-18
5336407 5336407 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2023-08-31 2023-09-01 2023-09-14 2023-07-18 0 2023-07-18 ? 0 0006756715 20230718.ifs 2023-07-18 2023-07-19
5273774 5273774 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2023-05-31 2023-06-01 2023-06-14 2023-04-18 0 2023-04-19 ? 0 0006713509 20230419.ifs 2023-04-19 2023-04-20
5213303 5213303 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2023-02-28 2023-03-01 2023-03-14 2023-01-17 0 2023-01-18 ? 0 0006670494 20230118.ifs 2023-01-18 2023-01-19
5122676 5122676 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2022-11-30 2022-12-01 2022-12-14 2022-10-18 0 2022-10-19 ? 0 0006600616 20221019.ifs 2022-10-19 2022-10-20
5060411 5060411 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2022-08-31 2022-09-01 2022-09-14 2022-07-19 0 2022-07-19 ? 0 0006557057 20220719.ifs 2022-07-19 2022-07-20
4995725 4995725 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2022-05-31 2022-06-01 2022-06-14 2022-04-19 0 2022-04-20 ? 0 0006512138 20220420.ifs 2022-04-20 2022-04-21
4936192 4936192 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2022-02-28 2022-03-01 2022-03-14 2022-01-18 0 2022-01-19 ? 0 0006469155 20220119.ifs 2022-01-19 2022-01-20
4828627 4828627 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2021-11-30 2021-12-01 2021-12-14 2021-10-19 0 2021-10-19 ? 0 0006384559 20211019.ifs 2021-10-19 2021-10-20
4762480 4762480 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2021-08-31 2021-09-01 2021-09-14 2021-07-20 0 2021-07-21 ? 0 0006341459 20210721.ifs 2021-07-21 2021-07-22
4684097 4684097 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2021-05-28 2021-06-01 2021-06-14 2021-04-20 0 2021-04-20 ? 0 0006295580 20210420.ifs 2021-04-20 2021-04-21
4607977 4607977 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2021-02-26 2021-03-01 2021-03-12 2021-01-19 0 2021-01-19 ? 0 0006252572 20210119.ifs 2021-01-19 2021-01-20
4488948 4488948 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-11-30 2020-12-01 2020-12-14 2020-10-20 0 2020-10-21 ? 0 0006176404 20201021.ifs 2020-10-21 2020-10-22
4422037 4422037 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-08-31 2020-09-01 2020-09-14 2020-07-21 0 2020-07-21 ? 0 0006131939 20200721.ifs 2020-07-21 2020-07-22
4297089 4297089 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-05-29 2020-06-01 2020-06-12 2020-04-21 0 2020-04-21 ? 0 0006086915 20200421.ifs 2020-04-21 2020-04-22
4297090 4297090 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-05-29 2020-06-01 2020-06-12 2020-04-21 0 2020-04-21 ? 0 0006086915 20200421.ifs 2020-04-21 2020-04-22
4173567 4173567 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-28 2020-03-13 2020-01-21 0 2020-01-21 ? 0 0006043867 20200121.ifs 2020-01-21 2020-01-22
4173576 4173576 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2020-02-27 2020-02-28 2020-03-13 2020-01-21 0 2020-01-21 ? 0 0006043867 20200121.ifs 2020-01-21 2020-01-22
4167826 4167826 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 20200113.ifs 2020-01-13 2020-01-14
4167828 4167827 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2020-01-13 20200113.ifs 2020-01-13 2020-01-14
4167832 4167832 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 20200113.ifs 2020-01-13 2020-01-14
4167834 4167833 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2020-01-13 20200113.ifs 2020-01-13 2020-01-14
3973874 3973874 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-11-27 2019-11-29 2019-12-13 2019-10-15 0 2019-10-15 ? 0 0005962528 20191015.ifs 2019-10-15 2019-10-16
3973885 3973885 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-11-27 2019-11-29 2019-12-13 2019-10-15 0 2019-10-15 ? 0 0005962528 20191015.ifs 2019-10-15 2019-10-16
3967996 3967996 EXCHANGE ADD 45841N107 60 2019-10-07 2019-10-07 IBKR 0 0 2019-10-07 ? 20191007.ifs 2019-10-07 2019-10-08
3967997 3967997 EXCHANGE ADD 45841N107 60 2019-10-07 2019-10-07 IBKR 0 0 2019-10-07 ? 20191007.ifs 2019-10-07 2019-10-08
3882625 3882625 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-08-29 2019-08-30 2019-09-13 2019-07-16 0 2019-08-19 ? 0 0005931091 20190819.ifs 2019-08-19 2019-08-20
3882632 3882632 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-08-29 2019-08-30 2019-09-13 2019-07-16 0 2019-08-19 ? 0 0005931091 20190819.ifs 2019-08-19 2019-08-20
3722848 3722848 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-11 ? 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722849 3722848 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 ? 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722851 3722850 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-01-31 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722852 3722851 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-05-10 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722853 3722853 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 1 2013-01-15 2013-07-17 0 0004515197 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722854 3722853 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 1 2013-01-15 2019-05-10 0 0004515197 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722855 3722855 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 1 2013-04-16 2013-07-17 0 0004558254 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722856 3722855 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 1 2013-04-16 2019-05-10 0 0004558254 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722857 3722857 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 1 2013-07-16 2013-07-17 0 0004602018 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722858 3722857 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 1 2013-07-16 2019-05-10 0 0004602018 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722859 3722859 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 2010-12-07 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 0 0004091223 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722860 3722859 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 2010-12-07 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-29 2019-05-10 0 0004091223 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722861 3722861 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-04-24 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722862 3722861 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722869 3722869 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-11 ? 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722870 3722869 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 ? 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722874 3722873 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-01-31 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722875 3722874 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-05-10 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722877 3722877 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 1 2013-01-15 2013-07-17 0 0004515197 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722879 3722878 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 1 2013-01-15 2019-05-10 0 0004515197 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722881 3722881 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 1 2013-04-16 2013-07-17 0 0004558254 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722883 3722882 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 1 2013-04-16 2019-05-10 0 0004558254 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722885 3722885 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 1 2013-07-16 2013-07-17 0 0004602018 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722887 3722886 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 1 2013-07-16 2019-05-10 0 0004602018 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722889 3722889 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 2010-12-07 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 0 0004091223 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722891 3722890 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 2010-12-07 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-29 2019-05-10 0 0004091223 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722893 3722893 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-04-24 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3722895 3722894 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-05-10 20190510.ifs 2019-05-10 2019-05-11
3692242 3692242 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-03-08 20190424.ifs 2019-04-24 2019-04-25
3692243 3692243 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-03-08 20190424.ifs 2019-04-24 2019-04-25
3692244 3692243 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-04-24 20190424.ifs 2019-04-24 2019-04-25
3692245 3692244 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-04-24 20190424.ifs 2019-04-24 2019-04-25
3685647 3685647 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-05-30 2019-05-31 2019-06-14 2019-04-16 0 2019-04-16 ? 0 0005870769 20190416.ifs 2019-04-16 2019-04-17
3685650 3685650 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-05-30 2019-05-31 2019-06-14 2019-04-16 0 2019-04-16 ? 0 0005870769 20190416.ifs 2019-04-16 2019-04-17
3620998 3620998 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 20190308.ifs 2019-03-08 2019-03-09
3621000 3620999 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-03-08 20190308.ifs 2019-03-08 2019-03-09
3621003 3621003 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2019-03-07 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 20190308.ifs 2019-03-08 2019-03-09
3621005 3621004 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2019-03-08 20190308.ifs 2019-03-08 2019-03-09
3567193 3567193 CORPACTION DELETE 45841N107 60 D 2018-10-05 2018-10-09 20190131.ifs 2019-01-31 2019-02-01
3567194 3567194 CORPACTION DELETE 45841N107 60 D 2018-10-05 2018-10-09 20190131.ifs 2019-01-31 2019-02-01
3567195 3567195 CORPACTION ADD 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-01-31 20190131.ifs 2019-01-31 2019-02-01
3567196 3567196 CORPACTION ADD 45841N107 60 X 2018-10-05 45841N107 30 2019-01-31 20190131.ifs 2019-01-31 2019-02-01
3556899 3556899 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-02-28 2019-03-01 2019-03-14 2019-01-22 0 2019-01-22 ? 0 0005827559 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3556908 3556908 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2019-02-28 2019-03-01 2019-03-14 2019-01-22 0 2019-01-22 ? 0 0005827559 20190122.ifs 2019-01-22 2019-01-23
3330760 3330760 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-11-29 2018-11-30 2018-12-14 2018-10-16 0 2018-10-16 ? 0 0005741176 20181016.ifs 2018-10-16 2018-10-17
3330761 3330761 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-11-29 2018-11-30 2018-12-14 2018-10-16 0 2018-10-16 ? 0 0005741176 20181016.ifs 2018-10-16 2018-10-17
3328021 3328021 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM D 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 ? 20181011.ifs 2018-10-11 2018-10-12
3328022 3328021 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-11 ? 20181011.ifs 2018-10-11 2018-10-12
3328119 3328119 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM D 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 ? 20181011.ifs 2018-10-11 2018-10-12
3328121 3328120 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-11 ? 20181011.ifs 2018-10-11 2018-10-12
3325977 3325977 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2007-05-07 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325979 3325978 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325981 3325981 CORPACTION ADD 45841N107 60 D 2018-10-05 2018-10-09 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325983 3325983 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2008-11-28 ? 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325985 3325984 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM D 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 ? 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325994 3325994 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2007-05-07 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325996 3325995 EXCHANGE CHANGE 45841N107 60 2007-05-04 2018-10-04 IBKR 0 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3325998 3325998 CORPACTION ADD 45841N107 60 D 2018-10-05 2018-10-09 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3326000 3326000 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2008-11-28 ? 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3326002 3326001 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM D 0 2007-05-04 2018-10-05 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2018-10-09 ? 20181009.ifs 2018-10-09 2018-10-10
3196545 3196545 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-08-30 2018-08-31 2018-09-14 2018-07-17 0 2018-07-17 ? 0 0005694475 20180717.ifs 2018-07-17 2018-07-18
3196565 3196565 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-08-30 2018-08-31 2018-09-14 2018-07-17 0 2018-07-17 ? 0 0005694475 20180717.ifs 2018-07-17 2018-07-18
3041049 3041049 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-05-31 2018-06-01 2018-06-14 2018-04-17 0 2018-04-17 ? 0 0005647713 20180417.ifs 2018-04-17 2018-04-18
3041076 3041076 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-05-31 2018-06-01 2018-06-14 2018-04-17 0 2018-04-17 ? 0 0005647713 20180417.ifs 2018-04-17 2018-04-18
2920453 2920453 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-02-28 2018-03-01 2018-03-14 2018-01-16 0 2018-01-17 ? 0 0005602055 20180117.ifs 2018-01-17 2018-01-18
2920454 2920454 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2018-02-28 2018-03-01 2018-03-14 2018-01-16 0 2018-01-17 ? 0 0005602055 20180117.ifs 2018-01-17 2018-01-18
2726496 2726496 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2017-11-30 2017-12-01 2017-12-14 2017-10-17 0 2017-10-17 ? 0 0005515377 20171017.ifs 2017-10-17 2017-10-18
2726949 2726949 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2017-11-30 2017-12-01 2017-12-14 2017-10-17 0 2017-10-17 ? 0 0005515377 20171017.ifs 2017-10-17 2017-10-18
2625303 2625303 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2017-08-30 2017-09-01 2017-09-14 2017-07-18 0 2017-07-18 ? 0 0005469172 20170718.ifs 2017-07-18 2017-07-19
2543436 2543436 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2017-05-30 2017-06-01 2017-06-14 2017-04-18 0 2017-04-18 ? 0 0005421666 20170418.ifs 2017-04-18 2017-04-19
2439670 2439670 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 0 no no yes 2007-05-04 2008-11-28 ? 20170123.ifs 2017-01-23 2017-01-24
2439671 2439670 EQUITY CHANGE 45841N107 CL A - COM 0 0 2007-05-04 ? 4 no no yes 2007-05-04 2008-11-28 ? 20170123.ifs 2017-01-23 2017-01-24
2427002 2427002 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2017-02-27 2017-03-01 2017-03-14 2017-01-17 0 2017-01-17 ? 0 0005375361 20170117.ifs 2017-01-17 2017-01-18
2322469 2322469 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2016-11-29 2016-12-01 2016-12-14 2016-10-18 0 2016-10-18 ? 0 0005298919 20161018.ifs 2016-10-18 2016-10-19
2254128 2254128 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2016-08-30 2016-09-01 2016-09-14 2016-07-19 0 2016-07-20 ? 0 0005252781 20160720.ifs 2016-07-20 2016-07-21
2166974 2166974 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2016-05-27 2016-06-01 2016-06-14 2016-04-19 0 2016-04-19 ? 0 0005206326 20160419.ifs 2016-04-19 2016-04-20
2094713 2094713 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2016-02-26 2016-03-01 2016-03-14 2016-01-19 0 2016-01-19 ? 0 0005160820 20160119.ifs 2016-01-19 2016-01-20
1993404 1993404 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2015-11-27 2015-12-01 2015-12-14 2015-10-20 0 2015-10-20 ? 0 0005080774 20151020.ifs 2015-10-20 2015-10-21
1920915 1920915 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2015-08-28 2015-09-01 2015-09-14 2015-07-21 0 2015-07-22 ? 0 0005034729 20150722.ifs 2015-07-22 2015-07-23
1844270 1844270 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2015-05-28 2015-06-01 2015-06-12 2015-04-21 0 2015-04-21 ? 0 0004987822 20150421.ifs 2015-04-21 2015-04-22
1772425 1772425 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2015-02-25 2015-02-27 2015-03-13 2015-01-20 0 2015-01-21 ? 0 0004942813 20150121.ifs 2015-01-21 2015-01-22
1660477 1660477 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2014-11-26 2014-12-01 2014-12-12 2014-10-21 0 2014-10-21 ? 0 0004860990 20141021.ifs 2014-10-21 2014-10-22
1581044 1581044 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2014-08-27 2014-08-29 2014-09-12 2014-07-15 0 2014-07-16 ? 0 0004815390 20140716.ifs 2014-07-16 2014-07-17
1496281 1496281 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2014-05-28 2014-05-30 2014-06-13 2014-04-15 0 2014-04-15 ? 0 0004768295 20140415.ifs 2014-04-15 2014-04-16
1425044 1425044 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2014-02-26 2014-02-28 2014-03-14 2014-01-21 0 2014-01-21 ? 0 0004725119 20140121.ifs 2014-01-21 2014-01-22
1316473 1316473 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-11-26 2013-11-29 2013-12-13 2013-10-15 0 2013-10-15 ? 0 0004645429 20131015.ifs 2013-10-15 2013-10-16
1241864 1241864 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 0 2013-07-16 ? 0 0004602018 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241865 1241864 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 1 2013-07-16 2013-07-17 0 0004602018 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241866 1241866 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 0 2013-04-16 ? 0 0004558254 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241867 1241866 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 1 2013-04-16 2013-07-17 0 0004558254 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241868 1241868 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 0 2013-01-15 ? 0 0004515197 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241869 1241868 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 1 2013-01-15 2013-07-17 0 0004515197 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1241042 1241042 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-08-28 2013-08-30 2013-09-13 2013-07-16 0 2013-07-16 ? 0 0004602018 20130716.ifs 2013-07-16 2013-07-17
1160934 1160934 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-05-29 2013-05-31 2013-06-14 2013-04-16 0 2013-04-16 ? 0 0004558254 20130416.ifs 2013-04-16 2013-04-17
1090637 1090637 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2013-02-27 2013-03-01 2013-03-14 2013-01-15 0 2013-01-15 ? 0 0004515197 20130115.ifs 2013-01-15 2013-01-16
1034254 1034254 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 9 1 03 2012-12-19 2012-12-21 2012-12-28 2012-12-10 0 2012-12-10 ? 0 0004474016 20121210.ifs 2012-12-10 2012-12-11
987095 987095 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-11-28 2012-11-30 2012-12-14 2012-10-16 0 2012-10-16 ? 0 0004445705 20121016.ifs 2012-10-16 2012-10-17
913437 913437 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-08-29 2012-08-31 2012-09-14 2012-07-17 0 2012-07-17 ? 0 0004403105 20120717.ifs 2012-07-17 2012-07-18
878609 878609 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-05-30 2012-06-01 2012-06-14 2012-04-19 0 2012-04-19 ? 0 0004362671 20120604.ifs 2012-06-04 2012-06-05
878610 878609 DIVIDEND CHANGE 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-05-30 2012-06-01 2012-06-14 2012-04-19 0 2012-04-19 ? 0 0004362671 20120604.ifs 2012-06-04 2012-06-05
838846 838846 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-05-30 2012-06-01 2012-06-14 2012-04-19 0 2012-04-19 ? 0 0004362671 20120419.ifs 2012-04-19 2012-04-20
767189 767189 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-02-28 2012-03-01 2012-03-14 2012-01-31 0 2012-01-31 ? 0 0004324254 20120131.ifs 2012-01-31 2012-02-01
682580 682580 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2011-11-29 2011-12-01 2011-12-14 2011-10-31 0 2011-10-31 ? 0 0004261407 20111031.ifs 2011-10-31 2011-11-01
612475 612475 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2011-08-30 2011-09-01 2011-09-14 2011-08-10 0 2011-08-10 ? 0 0004228853 20110810.ifs 2011-08-10 2011-08-11
507032 507032 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2011-05-25 2011-05-27 2011-06-14 2011-04-21 0 2011-04-21 ? 0 0004176947 20110421.ifs 2011-04-21 2011-04-22
366123 366123 DIVIDEND DELETE 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 ? 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 0 2010-11-29 ? 0 0004091223 20101130.ifs 2010-11-30 2010-12-01
366124 366124 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 2010-12-07 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 0 0004091223 20101130.ifs 2010-11-30 2010-12-01
363696 363696 DIVIDEND ADD 45841N107 0 0 1 4 1.79 03 ? 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 2010-11-29 0 2010-11-29 ? 0 0004091223 20101129.ifs 2010-11-29 2010-11-30

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

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BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 151496
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'