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Name Pricing Date  2024-03-31(LQAP)    
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Cusip Last Trade open LQAve
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MktCap CompNum low
Shares Out Type1 prevClose
Last_ShsOut    Exchange  
  09-30 12-25 sic Code      
Description cik  Updated
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  2001-01-01 shsout made up date to make % good  
  0009-09-09 sdate Dead Company  
  2010-12-25 shsout Took From Yahoo  
  9000010176 Next Fake CIK to use

INSITITUIONS Dynamic newInstitTable Changed the Cusip/Sector/Shs Out?
Old Cusips

Fix Cusip issue where all new and deleted Instittuional Holdings
Current Quarter Date: ie: 2012-06-30
Should We Update The database:
BackUp query is below under BACK UP Institutions before committing.

Total Insititutions : 1082 996   Update Insititution By Cusips
% Owned by Insititutions: 67.90 % 67.9 %
2024-03-31 New %
Delete Company From Institution Summary
Change Institution Stuff 'ZERO' for Cusip

the compid is:151561
New Old Cusip

Splits :
 reportDate : 
  ratio : 
  endQuaterAffected : 
  dayFrom  :
  dayTo  :

reportDate ratio endQuaterAffected dayFrom dayTo

To Upper  

undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate
5481497 5481497 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2024-02-21 2024-02-22 2024-03-07 2024-01-17 0 2024-01-17 ? 0 0006864968 20240117.ifs 2024-01-17 2024-01-18
5396972 5396972 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2023-11-21 2023-11-22 2023-12-07 2023-10-18 0 2023-10-18 ? 0 0006799489 20231018.ifs 2023-10-18 2023-10-19
5337035 5337035 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2023-08-23 2023-08-24 2023-09-07 2023-07-19 0 2023-07-19 ? 0 0006757051 20230719.ifs 2023-07-19 2023-07-20
5310287 5310287 DIVIDEND CHANGE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2023-05-24 2023-05-25 2023-06-08 2023-04-17 0 2023-04-19 ? 0 0006713599 20230612.ifs 2023-06-12 2023-06-13
5310288 5310287 DIVIDEND CHANGE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2023-05-24 2023-05-25 2023-06-08 2023-04-17 1 2023-04-19 2023-06-12 0 0006713599 20230612.ifs 2023-06-12 2023-06-13
5273849 5273849 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .7 00 2023-05-24 2023-05-25 2023-06-08 2023-04-17 0 2023-04-19 ? 0 0006713599 20230419.ifs 2023-04-19 2023-04-20
5213354 5213354 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .6 00 2023-02-22 2023-02-23 2023-03-09 2023-01-18 0 2023-01-18 ? 0 0006670642 20230118.ifs 2023-01-18 2023-01-19
5124530 5124530 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .6 00 2022-11-22 2022-11-23 2022-12-08 2022-10-24 0 2022-10-24 ? 0 0006601627 20221024.ifs 2022-10-24 2022-10-25
5061050 5061050 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .6 00 2022-08-24 2022-08-25 2022-09-08 2022-07-20 0 2022-07-20 ? 0 0006557473 20220720.ifs 2022-07-20 2022-07-21
4998969 4998969 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .6 00 2022-05-25 2022-05-26 2022-06-09 2022-04-27 0 2022-04-27 ? 0 0006514075 20220427.ifs 2022-04-27 2022-04-28
4935769 4935769 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .5 00 2022-02-16 2022-02-17 2022-03-03 2022-01-18 0 2022-01-18 ? 0 0006468989 20220118.ifs 2022-01-18 2022-01-19
4828712 4828712 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .5 00 2021-11-23 2021-11-24 2021-12-09 2021-10-19 0 2021-10-19 ? 0 0006384592 20211019.ifs 2021-10-19 2021-10-20
4762521 4762521 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .5 00 2021-08-18 2021-08-19 2021-09-02 2021-07-21 0 2021-07-21 ? 0 0006341514 20210721.ifs 2021-07-21 2021-07-22
4684205 4684205 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2021-05-19 2021-05-20 2021-06-03 2021-04-20 0 2021-04-20 ? 0 0006295616 20210420.ifs 2021-04-20 2021-04-21
4608048 4608048 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2021-02-17 2021-02-18 2021-03-04 2021-01-19 0 2021-01-19 ? 0 0006252621 20210119.ifs 2021-01-19 2021-01-20
4488501 4488501 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-11-18 2020-11-19 2020-12-03 2020-10-20 0 2020-10-20 ? 0 0006176202 20201020.ifs 2020-10-20 2020-10-21
4422103 4422103 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-08-19 2020-08-20 2020-09-03 2020-07-21 0 2020-07-21 ? 0 0006131982 20200721.ifs 2020-07-21 2020-07-22
4297199 4297199 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-05-20 2020-05-21 2020-06-04 2020-04-21 0 2020-04-21 ? 0 0006086980 20200421.ifs 2020-04-21 2020-04-22
4297200 4297200 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-05-20 2020-05-21 2020-06-04 2020-04-21 0 2020-04-21 ? 0 0006086980 20200421.ifs 2020-04-21 2020-04-22
4173818 4173818 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-02-19 2020-02-20 2020-03-05 2020-01-21 0 2020-01-21 ? 0 0006043941 20200121.ifs 2020-01-21 2020-01-22
4173821 4173821 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2020-02-19 2020-02-20 2020-03-05 2020-01-21 0 2020-01-21 ? 0 0006043941 20200121.ifs 2020-01-21 2020-01-22
3976312 3976312 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2019-11-20 2019-11-21 2019-12-05 2019-10-17 0 2019-10-17 ? 0 0005963208 20191017.ifs 2019-10-17 2019-10-18
3976313 3976313 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2019-11-20 2019-11-21 2019-12-05 2019-10-17 0 2019-10-17 ? 0 0005963208 20191017.ifs 2019-10-17 2019-10-18
3840348 3840348 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2019-08-21 2019-08-22 2019-09-05 2019-07-18 0 2019-07-18 ? 0 0005917756 20190718.ifs 2019-07-18 2019-07-19
3840349 3840349 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .44 00 2019-08-21 2019-08-22 2019-09-05 2019-07-18 0 2019-07-18 ? 0 0005917756 20190718.ifs 2019-07-18 2019-07-19
3688713 3688713 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-06 2019-04-18 0 2019-04-18 ? 0 0005871690 20190418.ifs 2019-04-18 2019-04-19
3688716 3688716 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2019-05-23 2019-05-24 2019-06-06 2019-04-18 0 2019-04-18 ? 0 0005871690 20190418.ifs 2019-04-18 2019-04-19
3553855 3553855 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2019-02-20 2019-02-21 2019-03-07 2019-01-17 0 2019-01-17 ? 0 0005826808 20190117.ifs 2019-01-17 2019-01-18
3553864 3553864 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2019-02-20 2019-02-21 2019-03-07 2019-01-17 0 2019-01-17 ? 0 0005826808 20190117.ifs 2019-01-17 2019-01-18
3332504 3332504 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2018-11-20 2018-11-21 2018-12-06 2018-10-18 0 2018-10-18 ? 0 0005741965 20181018.ifs 2018-10-18 2018-10-19
3333161 3333161 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2018-11-20 2018-11-21 2018-12-06 2018-10-18 0 2018-10-18 ? 0 0005741965 20181018.ifs 2018-10-18 2018-10-19
3199544 3199544 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2018-08-22 2018-08-23 2018-09-06 2018-07-19 0 2018-07-19 ? 0 0005695657 20180719.ifs 2018-07-19 2018-07-20
3199565 3199565 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .4 00 2018-08-22 2018-08-23 2018-09-06 2018-07-19 0 2018-07-19 ? 0 0005695657 20180719.ifs 2018-07-19 2018-07-20
3045874 3045874 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2018-05-23 2018-05-24 2018-06-07 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648821 20180420.ifs 2018-04-20 2018-04-21
3045875 3045875 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2018-05-23 2018-05-24 2018-06-07 2018-04-20 0 2018-04-20 ? 0 0005648821 20180420.ifs 2018-04-20 2018-04-21
2921551 2921551 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2018-02-21 2018-02-22 2018-03-08 2018-01-18 0 2018-01-18 ? 0 0005602416 20180118.ifs 2018-01-18 2018-01-19
2921556 2921556 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2018-02-21 2018-02-22 2018-03-08 2018-01-18 0 2018-01-18 ? 0 0005602416 20180118.ifs 2018-01-18 2018-01-19
2728859 2728859 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2017-11-21 2017-11-22 2017-12-07 2017-10-19 0 2017-10-19 ? 0 0005516047 20171019.ifs 2017-10-19 2017-10-20
2728919 2728919 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2017-11-21 2017-11-22 2017-12-07 2017-10-19 0 2017-10-19 ? 0 0005516047 20171019.ifs 2017-10-19 2017-10-20
2630929 2630929 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .35 00 2017-08-22 2017-08-24 2017-09-07 2017-07-25 0 2017-07-25 ? 0 0005471214 20170725.ifs 2017-07-25 2017-07-26
2545169 2545169 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .3 00 2017-05-09 2017-05-11 2017-05-25 2017-04-20 0 2017-04-20 ? 0 0005422530 20170420.ifs 2017-04-20 2017-04-21
2428649 2428649 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .3 00 2017-02-07 2017-02-09 2017-02-23 2017-01-19 0 2017-01-19 ? 0 0005376317 20170119.ifs 2017-01-19 2017-01-20
2320902 2320902 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .3 00 2016-11-01 2016-11-03 2016-11-17 2016-10-13 0 2016-10-13 ? 0 0005297970 20161013.ifs 2016-10-13 2016-10-14
2251290 2251290 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .3 00 2016-08-02 2016-08-04 2016-08-18 2016-07-14 0 2016-07-14 ? 0 0005251638 20160714.ifs 2016-07-14 2016-07-15
2164251 2164251 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .28 00 2016-05-03 2016-05-05 2016-05-19 2016-04-14 0 2016-04-14 ? 0 0005205584 20160414.ifs 2016-04-14 2016-04-15
2093385 2093385 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .28 00 2016-02-02 2016-02-04 2016-02-18 2016-01-14 0 2016-01-14 ? 0 0005160245 20160114.ifs 2016-01-14 2016-01-15
1991395 1991395 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .28 00 2015-11-03 2015-11-05 2015-11-19 2015-10-15 0 2015-10-15 ? 0 0005080051 20151015.ifs 2015-10-15 2015-10-16
1918009 1918009 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .28 00 2015-08-04 2015-08-06 2015-08-20 2015-07-16 0 2015-07-16 ? 0 0005033513 20150716.ifs 2015-07-16 2015-07-17
1841576 1841576 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .28 00 2015-05-05 2015-05-07 2015-05-21 2015-04-16 0 2015-04-16 ? 0 0004986801 20150416.ifs 2015-04-16 2015-04-17
1783870 1783870 DIVIDEND DELETE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 0 00 2015-02-11 2015-02-13 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 ? 2015-01-20 0 0004942209 20150202.ifs 2015-02-02 2015-02-03
1783871 1783871 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 0 00 2015-02-03 2015-02-05 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 ? 2015-02-02 0 0004942209 20150202.ifs 2015-02-02 2015-02-03
1770711 1770711 DIVIDEND DELETE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 00 2015-02-03 2015-02-05 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 2015-01-16 ? 0 0004942209 20150120.ifs 2015-01-20 2015-01-21
1770712 1770712 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 0 00 2015-02-11 2015-02-13 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 ? 2015-01-20 0 0004942209 20150120.ifs 2015-01-20 2015-01-21
1771376 1771376 DIVIDEND CHANGE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 0 00 2015-02-11 2015-02-13 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 ? 2015-01-20 0 0004942209 20150120.ifs 2015-01-20 2015-01-21
1771377 1771376 DIVIDEND CHANGE 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 0 00 2015-02-11 2015-02-13 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 ? 2015-01-20 0 0004942209 20150120.ifs 2015-01-20 2015-01-21
1770552 1770552 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 00 2015-02-03 2015-02-05 2015-02-19 2015-01-16 0 2015-01-16 ? 0 0004942209 20150116.ifs 2015-01-16 2015-01-17
1658460 1658460 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 00 2014-11-04 2014-11-06 2014-11-20 2014-10-16 0 2014-10-16 ? 0 0004860251 20141016.ifs 2014-10-16 2014-10-17
1581095 1581095 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 00 2014-08-05 2014-08-07 2014-08-21 2014-07-16 0 2014-07-16 ? 0 0004815504 20140716.ifs 2014-07-16 2014-07-17
1496933 1496933 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .24 00 2014-05-06 2014-05-08 2014-05-22 2014-04-16 0 2014-04-16 ? 0 0004768626 20140416.ifs 2014-04-16 2014-04-17
1426460 1426460 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .2 00 2014-02-04 2014-02-06 2014-02-20 2014-01-23 0 2014-01-23 ? 0 0004725708 20140123.ifs 2014-01-23 2014-01-24
1317128 1317128 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .2 00 2013-11-05 2013-11-07 2013-11-21 2013-10-16 0 2013-10-16 ? 0 0004645785 20131016.ifs 2013-10-16 2013-10-17
1241901 1241901 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .2 00 2013-08-06 2013-08-08 2013-08-22 2013-07-17 0 2013-07-17 ? 0 0004602298 20130717.ifs 2013-07-17 2013-07-18
1160981 1160981 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .2 00 2013-05-07 2013-05-09 2013-05-23 2013-04-16 0 2013-04-16 ? 0 0004558308 20130416.ifs 2013-04-16 2013-04-17
1053654 1053654 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .14 00 2012-12-31 2013-01-03 2013-01-17 2012-12-20 0 2012-12-20 ? 0 0004488092 20121220.ifs 2012-12-20 2012-12-21
960999 960999 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-10-02 2012-10-04 2012-10-18 2012-09-20 0 2012-09-20 ? 0 0004432016 20120920.ifs 2012-09-20 2012-09-21
885374 885374 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-07-02 2012-07-05 2012-07-19 2012-06-14 0 2012-06-14 ? 0 0004386414 20120614.ifs 2012-06-14 2012-06-15
801564 801564 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2012-04-03 2012-04-05 2012-04-19 2012-03-13 0 2012-03-13 ? 0 0004345106 20120313.ifs 2012-03-13 2012-03-14
724865 724865 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .1 00 2011-12-27 2011-12-29 2012-01-19 2011-12-15 0 2011-12-15 ? 0 0004288234 20111215.ifs 2011-12-15 2011-12-16
642942 642942 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .06 00 2011-10-04 2011-10-06 2011-10-20 2011-09-14 0 2011-09-14 ? 0 0004242226 20110914.ifs 2011-09-14 2011-09-15
560496 560496 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .06 00 2011-07-05 2011-07-07 2011-07-21 2011-06-15 0 2011-06-15 ? 0 0004200762 20110615.ifs 2011-06-15 2011-06-16
477286 477286 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .06 00 2011-04-05 2011-04-07 2011-04-21 2011-03-22 0 2011-03-22 ? 0 0004162327 20110322.ifs 2011-03-22 2011-03-23
381121 381121 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .02 00 2010-12-27 2010-12-29 2011-01-20 2010-12-16 0 2010-12-16 ? 0 0004106032 20101216.ifs 2010-12-16 2010-12-17
307622 307622 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .02 00 2010-10-05 2010-10-07 2010-10-21 2010-09-15 0 2010-09-15 ? 0 0004060053 20100915.ifs 2010-09-15 2010-09-16
220458 220458 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .02 00 2010-07-02 2010-07-07 2010-07-22 2010-06-16 0 2010-06-16 ? 0 0004018765 20100616.ifs 2010-06-16 2010-06-17
136019 136019 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .02 00 2010-03-30 2010-04-01 2010-04-22 2010-03-16 0 2010-03-19 ? 0 0003979938 20100319.ifs 2010-03-19 2010-04-07
53793 53793 DIVIDEND ADD 254709108 0 0 1 0 .02 00 2009-12-29 2009-12-31 2010-01-21 2009-12-17 0 2009-12-17 ? 0 0003929638 20091217.ifs 2009-12-17 2010-04-07

Old Cusip
undefined1 undefined2 undefined3 undefined4 temp1 temp2 fileName fileDate processDate

Your Name Click here to open the child window

BACK UP Institutions before committing

SELECT institutionciklist.institutionid AS theinstitutionID, institutionciklist.institutionCik, institutionciklist.institutionName, institutionciklist.isGuru, all13ffilings. * , current13Fpositions. *
FROM current13Fpositions, all13ffilings, institutionciklist
WHERE current13Fpositions.compid = 151561
AND all13ffilings.entryId = current13Fpositions.linkID
AND all13ffilings.institutionid = institutionciklist.institutionid
AND institutionciklist.alive ='yes'
AND all13ffilings.done ='yes'
AND reportDate >='2012-06-30'