Your IP address :
host : Email
Email location : /var/www/html_j3sg/Entering_Data/universityScripts/emails
Brochure is in C:\Users\cwatkins99\Desktop\DonorWatch\DonorWatch Brochure\DonorWatch.docx




We at J3 Services Group want to thank you for expressing interest in our DonorWatch product. My name is Craig and I am here to help you in any way possible.

After a quick, basic internet search for William & Mary's alumni, our research team has found approximately 20 alumni that we have already matched to our databases. This is a particularly high number of alumni to find using a basic internet search. We feel confident that you will be able to match even more using your alumni directory. Certain schools use DonorWatch to track less than 5 alumni/donors leading me to believe that our DonorWatch product has the right solutions that will help meet your needs.

Attached is a brochure listing information that we provide or you may click on the following link to view a full set of samples:

We took the liberty of signing you up with an all access free trial with J3 Services Group for our DonorWatch product.

Your account login is as follows
Site :
User Email Login :
User Password : password

Your current account stats for alumni we have already provided for you are as follows:

-Total Alumni currently in your portfolio: 19
-Combined value of direct holdings: $259,861,000
-Combined value of both direct and indirect holding: $342,034,000
-Last year's combined value earned from
stock sales and options exercised: $ 13,248,728

As you navigate the site you might have some questions, concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to call us at 800 528 8239. We are here to help you in any way possible.

We hope you find our product useful and once again, thank you for your interest.


Craig Watkins
J3 Services Group Corporation
Tel: (800)528-8239
Email :