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  City: DUBLIN
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2013-06-30
  Total Value : $7,918,652,000
  Total Value Change : $230,264,000
  Securities Held Change : 87
All Securities Held : 1955
  New Positions : 117
  Closed Positions : 30
  Increased Positions : 625
  Unchanged Positions : 1060
  Decreased Positions : 153

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 100     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (XOM)1 Year Chart         XOM Exxon Mobil Corp 1 - $112.80 $211,260,000 2,349,165 2.67% -663,000 -5,537 0.05    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 2 - $227.52 $193,721,000 489,034 2.45% -18,024,000 10,438 0.003    Personal Computers
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 3 - $431.31 $160,153,000 4,638,078 2.02% 26,178,000 -46,352 0.061    Application Software
   (CVX)1 Year Chart         CVX Chevron Corp 4 - $141.99 $136,025,000 1,150,802 1.72% 1,093,000 14,723 0.058    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (JPM)1 Year Chart         JPM JP Morgan Chase & Co 5 - $209.78 $127,669,000 2,419,353 1.61% 14,836,000 40,413 0.064    Domestic Money Center...
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 6 - $161.39 $126,685,000 1,475,487 1.6% 7,515,000 12,736 0.054    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (IBM)1 Year Chart         IBM International Business Mach... 7 - $223.43 $121,793,000 637,826 1.54% -14,253,000 -167 0.055    Diversified Computer ...
   (GE)1 Year Chart         GE General Electric Co 8 - $184.59 $14,936,625 644,098 1.51% 2,510,000 11,076 0.049    Conglomerates
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 9 - $162.73 $237,418,000 269,906 1.5% 14,519,000 7,230 0.042    Search Engines & Info...
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 10 - $173.21 $118,191,000 1,535,142 1.49% 2,502,000 32,692 0.056    Cleaning Products
   (PFE)1 Year Chart         PFE Pfizer Inc 11 - $28.97 $113,933,000 4,061,771 1.44% -15,475,000 -425,314 0.054    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (T)1 Year Chart         T AT&T Corp 12 - $21.65 $110,929,000 3,135,366 1.4% -5,838,000 -46,309 0.054    Long Distance Carriers
   (WFC)1 Year Chart         WFC Wells Fargo & Co 13 - $56.39 $103,909,000 2,518,406 1.31% 11,265,000 11,797 0.048    Domestic Money Center...
   (MRK)1 Year Chart         MRK Merck & Co Inc 14 - $113.09 $90,381,000 1,945,772 1.14% 5,022,000 14,581 0.077    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (C)1 Year Chart         C Citigroup Inc 15 - $61.71 $88,315,000 1,841,808 1.12% 8,593,000 39,771 0.063    Domestic Money Center...
   (BAC)1 Year Chart         BAC Bank of America Corp 16 - $39.52 $81,650,000 6,354,119 1.03% 4,620,000 24,584 0.059    Domestic Money Center...
   (KO)1 Year Chart         KO Coca-Cola Co 17 - $71.40 $81,649,000 2,035,127 1.03% 151,000 18,853 0.047    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (WMT)1 Year Chart         WMT Wal-Mart Stores Inc 18 - $60.24 $78,962,000 1,060,032 1% -1,038,000 -10,054 0.038    Discount, Variety Stores
   (CSCO)1 Year Chart         CSCO Cisco Systems Inc 19 - $52.85 $74,454,000 3,062,704 0.94% 10,247,000 -10,861 0.056    Networking & Communic...
   (VZ)1 Year Chart         VZ Verizon Communications Inc 20 - $44.62 $74,343,000 1,476,821 0.94% 3,348,000 30,312 0.052    Telecom Services - Do...
   (ORCL)1 Year Chart         ORCL Oracle Corp 21 - $168.10 $69,374,000 2,259,754 0.88% -3,748,000 -2,686 0.045    Application Software
   (PEP)1 Year Chart         PEP Pepsico Inc 22 - $169.69 $68,510,000 837,628 0.87% 4,741,000 31,449 0.054    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (PM)1 Year Chart         PM Philip Morris International... 23 - $120.85 $67,382,000 778,446 0.85% -4,586,000 2,261 0.044    Cigarettes & Other To...
   (BRK.B)1 Year Chart         BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway B 24 - $454.18 $65,371,000 584,503 0.83% 7,222,000 25,646 0.042    Property & Casualty I...
   (MCD)1 Year Chart         MCD McDonalds Corp 25 - $303.65 $64,380,000 650,569 0.81% 1,115,000 15,893 0.064    Restaurants
   (RTX)1 Year Chart         RTX RTX Corp 26 - $101.02 $57,320,000 616,808 0.72% -306,000 -42 0.068    Conglomerates
   (HD)1 Year Chart         HD Home Depot Inc 27 - $396.70 $56,740,000 736,210 0.72% 5,719,000 5,035 0.047    Home Improvement Stores
   (INTC)1 Year Chart         INTC Intel Corp 28 - $23.92 $54,862,000 2,265,142 0.69% 2,404,000 -137,866 0.055    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (AMGN)1 Year Chart         AMGN Amgen Inc 29 - $319.10 $50,851,000 515,682 0.64% -3,893,000 -18,403 0.066    Biotechnology
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 30 - $191.16 $49,420,000 177,967 0.62% -39,147,000 -164,202 0.04    Internet Software & S...
   (DIS)1 Year Chart         DIS Walt Disney Co 31 - $95.20 $49,269,000 779,816 0.62% 6,758,000 30,859 0.044    Entertainment - Diver...
   (CVS)1 Year Chart         CVS CVS/Caremark Corp 32 - $59.01 $49,202,000 860,782 0.62% 2,105,000 4,003 0.067    Drug Stores
   (QCOM)1 Year Chart         QCOM QUALCOMM Inc 33 - $172.66 $46,597,000 762,886 0.59% -2,226,000 33,416 0.045    Communication Equipment
   (GS)1 Year Chart         GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 34 - $496.92 $46,586,000 308,110 0.59% 1,124,000 -840 0.061    Investment Brokerage ...
   (GILD)1 Year Chart         GILD Gilead Sciences Inc 35 - $83.04 $44,561,000 870,159 0.56% 1,334,000 -13,292 0.057    Biotechnology
   (V)1 Year Chart         V Visa Inc 36 - $271.69 $166,536,000 912,276 0.53% 3,829,000 21,440 0.009    Business Services
   (CMCSA)1 Year Chart         CMCSA Comcast Corp 37 - $41.02 $79,808,000 1,912,464 0.5% 1,692,000 92,832 0.02    CATV Systems
   (HPQ)1 Year Chart         HPQ HP Inc 38 - $36.85 $85,753,333 3,460,629 0.49% 418,000 -97,451 0.087    Diversified Computer ...
   (BA)1 Year Chart         BA Boeing Co 39 - $154.58 $38,022,000 371,638 0.48% 7,205,000 12,508 0.05    Aerospace/Defense - M...
   (CAT)1 Year Chart         CAT Caterpillar Inc 40 - $390.96 $38,004,000 460,710 0.48% -2,099,000 -612 0.071    Farm & Construction M...
   (MET)1 Year Chart         MET MetLife Inc 41 - $81.54 $37,827,000 826,636 0.48% 6,078,000 -8,863 0.078    Life & Health Insurance
   (MMM)1 Year Chart         MMM 3M Co 42 - $139.44 $37,048,000 338,802 0.47% 2,449,000 13,165 0.049    Conglomerates
   (DUK)1 Year Chart         DUK Duke Energy Corp 43 - $115.17 $36,142,000 535,515 0.46% -2,123,000 8,303 0.04    Electric Utilities
   (TWX)1 Year Chart         TWX Time Warner Inc 44 - $0.00 $35,916,000 621,056 0.45% -435,000 -9,703 0.065    Broadcasting - TV
   (UPS)1 Year Chart         UPS United Parcel Service Inc 45 - $133.33 $35,798,000 413,988 0.45% 972,000 8,085 0.043    AirDelivery & Freight...
   (BMY)1 Year Chart         BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 46 - $50.12 $35,235,000 788,432 0.44% 4,807,000 49,356 0.046    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (COP)1 Year Chart         COP ConocoPhillips 47 - $102.31 $35,158,000 581,406 0.44% 2,410,000 36,237 0.046    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (PNC)1 Year Chart         PNC PNC Financial Services Grou... 48 - $183.32 $34,073,000 467,395 0.43% 2,927,000 -1,179 0.089    Domestic Money Center...
   (VIAB)1 Year Chart         VIAB Viacom Inc 51 - $24.22 $32,577,000 478,927 0.41% 1,467,000 -26,349 0.091    Entertainment - Diver...
   (MO)1 Year Chart         MO Altria Group Inc 52 - $51.09 $32,554,000 930,648 0.41% 1,686,000 32,285 0.046    Cigarettes & Other To...
   (LMT)1 Year Chart         LMT Lockheed Martin Corp 53 - $577.40 $32,212,000 297,186 0.41% 2,750,000 -8,305 0.092    Aerospace/Defense - M...
   (OXY)1 Year Chart         OXY Occidental Petroleum Corp 54 - $49.91 $31,894,000 357,273 0.4% 5,360,000 18,661 0.044    Independent Oil & Gas
   (UNP)1 Year Chart         UNP Union Pacific Corp 55 - $243.23 $31,684,000 205,418 0.4% 3,738,000 9,099 0.023    Railroads
   (AXP)1 Year Chart         AXP American Express Co 56 - $268.15 $31,358,000 419,902 0.4% 3,212,000 2,560 0.037    Credit Services
   (COF)1 Year Chart         COF Capital One Financial Corp 57 - $147.78 $30,835,000 491,006 0.39% 3,811,000 -871 0.085    Credit Services
   (HAL)1 Year Chart         HAL Halliburton Co 58 - $27.81 $30,721,000 736,373 0.39% 187,000 -19,220 0.08    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (AIG)1 Year Chart         AIG American International Grou... 59 - $73.12 $29,242,000 653,738 0.37% 4,996,000 28,670 0.037    Property & Casualty I...
   (USB)1 Year Chart         USB US Bancorp Delaware 60 - $45.30 $29,051,000 803,854 0.37% 2,274,000 13,975 0.043    Domestic Regional Banks
   (UNH)1 Year Chart         UNH Unitedhealth Group Inc 61 - $574.81 $28,946,000 442,063 0.37% 3,742,000 1,200 0.043    Health Care Plans
   (BRK.A)1 Year Chart         BRK.A Berkshire Hathaway Inc 62 - $683,340.00 $28,728,000 171 0.36% 951,000 -7 0.01    Property & Casualty I...
   (APA)1 Year Chart         APA Apache Corp 63 - $23.15 $28,585,000 341,114 0.36% 2,841,000 7,425 0.089    Independent Oil & Gas
   (ABBV)1 Year Chart         ABBV Abbvie Inc. 64 - $191.90 $28,530,000 689,791 0.36% 833,000 9,605 0.044    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (MCK)1 Year Chart         MCK McKesson Corp 65 - $531.10 $27,689,000 241,717 0.35% 756,000 -7,990 0.149    Drugs Wholesale
   (HON)1 Year Chart         HON Honeywell International Inc 66 - $207.03 $26,866,000 338,827 0.34% 2,771,000 18,794 0.043    Conglomerates
   (DD)1 Year Chart         DD DuPont de Nemours Inc 67 - $89.19 $26,750,000 509,623 0.34% -217,000 -39,157 0.055    Diversified Chemicals
   (CSX)1 Year Chart         CSX CSX Corp 68 - $33.90 $26,743,000 1,154,219 0.34% -2,303,000 -25,566 0.111    Railroads
   (F)1 Year Chart         F Ford Motor Co 69 - $12.50 $26,605,000 1,722,016 0.34% 4,401,000 32,203 0.044    Auto Manufacturers
   (EBAY)1 Year Chart         EBAY eBay Inc 70 - $63.94 $26,356,000 508,217 0.33% -42,000 21,259 0.039    Internet Software & S...
   (ABT)1 Year Chart         ABT Abbott Laboratories 71 - $112.73 $25,937,000 743,598 0.33% 819,000 31,834 0.048    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (MA)1 Year Chart         MA MasterCard Inc A 72 - $491.27 $258,090,000 452,180 0.33% 1,731,000 6,990 0.036    Business Services
   (ADM)1 Year Chart         ADM Archer Daniels Midland Co 73 - $59.37 $24,502,000 722,786 0.31% -362,000 -14,571 0.107    Food - Major Diversified
   (CL)1 Year Chart         CL Colgate Palmolive Co 74 - $103.06 $24,471,000 428,418 0.31% 450,000 224,885 0.046    Personal Products
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 75 - $909.32 $23,875,000 486,246 0.3% -3,322,000 7,253 0.043    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (AET)1 Year Chart         AET Aetna Inc 76 - $0.00 $23,783,000 374,352 0.3% 5,036,000 7,620 0.108    Health Care Plans
   (PEAK)1 Year Chart         PEAK Healthpeak Properties 77 - $35.78 $23,681,000 521,027 0.3% -784,000 29,862 0.115    REIT - Healthcare Fac...
   (EXC)1 Year Chart         EXC Exelon Corp 79 - $39.93 $22,972,000 744,149 0.29% -2,418,000 7,982 0.087    Multi Utilities
   (HES)1 Year Chart         HES Hess Corporation 80 - $130.67 $22,908,000 344,578 0.29% -1,970,000 -2,974 0.102    Oil & Gas Refining, P...
   (MDLZ)1 Year Chart         MDLZ Mondelez International Inc 81 - $74.32 $22,855,000 801,088 0.29% -417,000 40,813 0.045    Food - Major Diversified
   (ALL)1 Year Chart         ALL Allstate Corp 82 - $188.69 $22,760,000 473,175 0.29% -807,000 -7,187 0.096    Property & Casualty I...
   (TMO)1 Year Chart         TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific 83 - $619.33 $22,143,000 261,678 0.28% 1,127,000 -13,114 0.071    Medical Laboratories ...
   (CMI)1 Year Chart         CMI Cummins Inc 84 - $324.62 $21,771,000 200,380 0.27% -2,388,000 -8,225 0.103    Diversified Machinery
   (NWSA)1 Year Chart         NWSA News Corp Class A 85 - $26.38 $43,172,000 1,325,104 0.27% 1,489,000 7,276 0.027    Entertainment - Diver...
   (TXN)1 Year Chart         TXN Texas Instruments Inc 86 - $209.26 $21,522,000 617,915 0.27% 207,000 16,996 0.053    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (BIIB)1 Year Chart         BIIB Biogen Idec Inc 87 - $193.60 $21,449,000 99,684 0.27% 2,750,000 2,749 0.041    Biotechnology
   (GIS)1 Year Chart         GIS General Mills Inc 88 - $73.99 $21,368,000 440,568 0.27% 588,000 18,978 0.068    Food - Major Diversified
   (ESRX)1 Year Chart         ESRX Express Scripts Inc 89 - $0.00 $21,276,000 344,836 0.27% 2,551,000 19,807 0.043    Specialized Health Se...
   (CELG)1 Year Chart         CELG Celgene Corp 91 - $108.24 $20,999,000 179,614 0.27% 363,000 1,548 0.023    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (COST)1 Year Chart         COST Costco Wholesale Corp 92 - $901.44 $20,908,000 189,091 0.26% 1,556,000 6,683 0.043    Discount, Variety Stores
   (SPG)1 Year Chart         SPG Simon Property Group Inc 93 - $166.41 $20,834,000 131,868 0.26% 435,000 3,227 0.045    REIT - Retail
   (TPR)1 Year Chart         TPR Tapestry Inc 94 - $47.01 $20,634,000 361,561 0.26% 1,885,000 -13,804 0.125    Textile - Apparel Foo...
   (NKE)1 Year Chart         NKE Nike Inc B 95 - $89.39 $41,050,000 644,744 0.26% 1,741,000 7,996 0.024    Textile - Apparel Foo...
   (SBUX)1 Year Chart         SBUX Starbucks Corp 96 - $97.47 $41,034,000 626,584 0.26% 3,047,000 12,836 0.021    Specialty Eateries
   (LOW)1 Year Chart         LOW Lowes Companies Inc 97 - $265.61 $20,254,000 495,443 0.26% 1,890,000 10,896 0.041    Home Improvement Stores
   (TGT)1 Year Chart         TGT Target Corp 98 - $155.98 $19,950,000 290,051 0.25% 871,000 11,286 0.053    Discount, Variety Stores
   (SO)1 Year Chart         SO Southern Co 99 - $88.95 $19,721,000 446,977 0.25% -1,009,000 4,966 0.052    Electric Utilities
   (M)1 Year Chart         M Macys Inc 100 - $15.21 $19,677,000 410,025 0.25% 1,560,000 -23,188 0.114    Department Stores
   (BLK)1 Year Chart         BLK BlackRock Inc A 101 - $945.02 $19,609,000 76,400 0.25% 2,874,000 11,190 0.043    Investment Brokerage ...
   (VLO)1 Year Chart         VLO Valero Energy Corp 102 - $136.62 $19,599,000 564,009 0.25% -5,044,000 22,295 0.099    Oil & Gas Refining, P...
   (KMB)1 Year Chart         KMB Kimberly Clark Corp 103 - $142.18 $19,433,000 200,551 0.25% 196,000 4,093 0.051    Paper & Paper Products
   (IBB)1 Year Chart         IBB iShares Tr Nasdaq Biotech 104 - $144.24 $19,334,000 111,193 0.24% 1,152,000 -2,561 0.124    Closed - End Fund - E...

      100 Records Found
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