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  Name: Zeno Equity Partners LLP
  City: LONDON
  State: X0
  Zip: SW3 5AW
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $372,775,000
  Total Value Change : $-73,938,000
  Securities Held Change : 0
All Securities Held : 13
  New Positions : 1
  Closed Positions : 1
  Increased Positions : 4
  Unchanged Positions : 1
  Decreased Positions : 7

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 14     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (WALD)1 Year Chart         WALD Waldencast Acquisition Corp. 1 - $0.00 $55,045,000 15,332,933 14.77% -44,619,000 0 44.43    N/A
   (GE)1 Year Chart         GE General Electric Co 2 - $184.59 $48,977,000 308,092 13.14% -4,242,000 4,901 0.028    Conglomerates
   (DHR)1 Year Chart         DHR Danaher Corp 3 - $276.93 $45,660,000 182,612 12.25% -2,740,000 -11,058 0.026    General Building Mate...
   (APPF)1 Year Chart         APPF Appfolio Inc 4 - $236.32 $42,204,000 172,564 11.32% -8,570,000 -33,217 0.476    N/A
   (LIN)1 Year Chart         LIN Linde Plc 5 - $481.68 $36,754,000 83,759 9.86% -9,358,000 -15,552 0.017    N/A
   (TXN)1 Year Chart         TXN Texas Instruments Inc 6 - $209.26 $30,508,000 156,828 8.18% 12,997,000 56,311 0.017    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 7 - $191.16 $25,827,000 133,644 6.93% -743,000 -13,658 0.001    Internet Software & S...
   (DSGX)1 Year Chart         DSGX Descartes Systems Group (USA) 8 - $104.90 $25,786,000 266,276 6.92% 1,569,000 1,696 0.315    Business Software & S...
   (HEI.A)1 Year Chart         HEI.A Heico Corp Class A 9 New $203.36 $24,125,000 135,899 6.47% 24,125,000 135,899 0.168    Aerospace/Defense Pro...
   (APH)1 Year Chart         APH Amphenol Corp 10 - $65.72 $13,937,000 206,529 3.74% -10,040,000 -1,057 0.017    Diversified Electronics
   (TPX)1 Year Chart         TPX Tempur-Pedic International 11 - $54.05 $13,222,000 279,292 3.55% -5,430,000 -48,973 0.136    Textile Manufacturing
   (RYAAY)1 Year Chart         RYAAY Ryanair Holdings Plc (ADR) 12 - $117.70 $9,043,000 77,666 2.43% -203,000 14,158 0.035    Regional Airlines
   (WALDW)1 Year Chart         WALDW Waldencast Acquisition Equi... 13 - $0.00 $1,687,000 6,247,775 0.45% -1,812,000 -1 6.942    N/A
   (HEI)1 Year Chart         HEI Heico Corp 14 Closed $261.26 $0 0 0% -24,872,000 -161,570 0    Aerospace/Defense Pro...

      14 Records Found
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