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  City: NEW YORK
  State: NY
  Zip: 10004
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $243,558,000
  Total Value Change : $2,441,000
  Securities Held Change : -14
All Securities Held : 108
  New Positions : 6
  Closed Positions : 20
  Increased Positions : 26
  Unchanged Positions : 47
  Decreased Positions : 29

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 29     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 3 - $429.17 $18,219,000 40,761 7.48% 995,000 -179 0.001    Application Software
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 4 - $227.37 $13,258,000 62,948 5.44% 2,457,000 -40 0    Personal Computers
   (BRK.B)1 Year Chart         BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway B 5 - $454.56 $12,596,000 30,964 5.17% -504,000 -187 0.002    Property & Casualty I...
   (GOOG)1 Year Chart         GOOG Alphabet Inc 6 - $163.64 $11,705,000 63,816 4.81% 1,966,000 -145 0.001    Search Engines & Info...
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 7 - $193.96 $10,209,000 52,826 4.19% 661,000 -105 0.001    Internet Software & S...
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 13 - $162.29 $3,514,000 19,292 1.44% 595,000 -48 0    Search Engines & Info...
   (ABBV)1 Year Chart         ABBV Abbvie Inc. 20 - $193.51 $1,900,000 11,075 0.78% -267,000 -827 0.001    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (JPM)1 Year Chart         JPM JP Morgan Chase & Co 26 - $211.59 $1,302,000 6,436 0.53% -1,000 -71 0    Domestic Money Center...
   (ETE)1 Year Chart         ETE Energy Transfer Equity LP 27 - $16.21 $1,298,000 80,000 0.53% -68,000 -6,849 0.003    Oil & Gas Pipelines &...
   (PEP)1 Year Chart         PEP Pepsico Inc 30 - $169.92 $1,078,000 6,535 0.44% -223,000 -900 0    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (VNQ)1 Year Chart         VNQ Vanguard REIT Index VIPERs 31 - $98.90 $991,000 11,837 0.41% -208,000 -2,025 0.003    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 36 - $162.78 $913,000 6,249 0.37% -370,000 -1,861 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 42 - $173.24 $820,000 4,970 0.34% -63,000 -472 0    Cleaning Products
   (PANW)1 Year Chart         PANW Palo Alto Networks Inc 46 - $343.52 $742,000 2,189 0.3% -39,000 -561 0.001    Networking & Communic...
   (GLD)1 Year Chart         GLD streetTRACKS Gold Trust 47 - $246.07 $740,000 3,443 0.3% -10,000 -201 0.001    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (VZ)1 Year Chart         VZ Verizon Communications Inc 52 - $44.66 $711,000 17,245 0.29% -240,000 -5,425 0    Telecom Services - Do...
   (MRK)1 Year Chart         MRK Merck & Co Inc 53 - $114.96 $707,000 5,709 0.29% -142,000 -724 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (XOM)1 Year Chart         XOM Exxon Mobil Corp 54 - $117.05 $654,000 5,683 0.27% -557,000 -4,737 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (KO)1 Year Chart         KO Coca-Cola Co 59 - $71.33 $559,000 8,777 0.23% -174,000 -3,210 0    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (TIP)1 Year Chart         TIP iShares Lehman TIPS Bond 62 - $110.83 $533,000 4,990 0.22% -4,000 -10 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (INTC)1 Year Chart         INTC Intel Corp 66 - $22.81 $489,000 15,790 0.2% -224,000 -353 0    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (BP)1 Year Chart         BP BP Plc (ADR) 71 - $32.83 $468,000 12,973 0.19% -66,000 -1,200 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (DIS)1 Year Chart         DIS Walt Disney Co 73 - $93.69 $463,000 4,667 0.19% -199,000 -743 0    Entertainment - Diver...
   (GD)1 Year Chart         GD General Dynamics Corp 76 - $304.67 $449,000 1,546 0.18% 10,000 -9 0.001    Aerospace/Defense - M...
   (C)1 Year Chart         C Citigroup Inc 77 - $61.37 $442,000 6,969 0.18% -152,000 -2,425 0    Domestic Money Center...
   (T)1 Year Chart         T AT&T Corp 82 - $21.59 $411,000 21,514 0.17% 8,000 -1,382 0    Long Distance Carriers
   (SYK)1 Year Chart         SYK Stryker Corp 87 - $361.00 $332,000 975 0.14% -96,000 -222 0    Medical Instruments &...
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 88 - $924.43 $331,000 366 0.14% 38,000 -10 0.001    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (HBI)1 Year Chart         HBI Hanesbrands Inc. 105 - $6.87 $158,000 31,974 0.06% -49,000 -3,740 0.009    Textile - Apparel Clo...

      29 Records Found
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