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  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $8,859,028,000
  Total Value Change : $4,655,201,000
  Securities Held Change : -42
All Securities Held : 539
  New Positions : 259
  Closed Positions : 300
  Increased Positions : 71
  Unchanged Positions : 0
  Decreased Positions : 209

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 100     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (NVDA)1 Year Chart         NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 1 - $113.37 $548,474,000 4,439,649 6.19% 545,567,000 4,229,913 0.018    Semiconductor - Speci...
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 2 - $220.69 $545,036,000 2,587,769 6.15% 411,306,000 2,257,571 0.015    Personal Computers
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 3 - $430.81 $544,823,000 1,218,980 6.15% 475,016,000 -1,470,032 0.016    Application Software
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 4 - $186.43 $290,464,000 1,503,046 3.28% 268,021,000 1,373,395 0.015    Internet Software & S...
   (META)1 Year Chart         META Meta Platforms Inc 5 New $537.95 $222,259,000 440,798 2.51% 222,259,000 440,798 0.018    Internet Service Prov...
   (GOOGL)1 Year Chart         GOOGL Alphabet Inc 6 - $159.81 $194,212,000 1,066,220 2.19% 135,655,000 975,560 0.018    Search Engines & Info...
   (GOOG)1 Year Chart         GOOG Alphabet Inc 7 New $160.81 $171,591,000 935,507 1.94% 171,591,000 935,507 0.015    Search Engines & Info...
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 8 - $904.97 $153,656,000 169,714 1.73% 138,296,000 -199,868 0.018    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (AVGO)1 Year Chart         AVGO Broadcom Limited 9 - $161.67 $112,546,000 70,099 1.27% 110,179,000 -11,901 0.017    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 10 - $173.92 $110,683,000 671,134 1.25% 45,350,000 -308,229 0.027    Cleaning Products
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 11 - $166.15 $109,271,000 747,613 1.23% 45,222,000 -229,039 0.028    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (UNH)1 Year Chart         UNH Unitedhealth Group Inc 12 - $580.65 $102,880,000 202,018 1.16% 83,380,000 -182,740 0.021    Health Care Plans
   (V)1 Year Chart         V Visa Inc 13 - $288.48 $97,293,000 370,683 1.1% 78,352,000 184,123 0.022    Business Services
   (JPM)1 Year Chart         JPM JP Morgan Chase & Co 14 - $207.53 $92,496,000 457,314 1.04% 46,273,000 -932,857 0.015    Domestic Money Center...
   (TSLA)1 Year Chart         TSLA Tesla Motors Inc 15 New $177.81 $91,314,000 461,462 1.03% 91,314,000 461,462 0.015    Auto Manufacturers
   (KO)1 Year Chart         KO Coca-Cola Co 16 - $71.75 $85,183,000 1,338,306 0.96% 34,022,000 607,115 0.031    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (HD)1 Year Chart         HD Home Depot Inc 17 - $384.01 $83,275,000 241,909 0.94% 59,788,000 -316,775 0.022    Home Improvement Stores
   (ABBV)1 Year Chart         ABBV Abbvie Inc. 18 New $192.94 $82,807,000 482,784 0.93% 82,807,000 482,784 0.027    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (BRK.B)1 Year Chart         BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway B 19 - $456.60 $80,937,000 198,959 0.91% 57,800,000 -104,275 0.014    Property & Casualty I...
   (COST)1 Year Chart         COST Costco Wholesale Corp 20 - $892.52 $78,502,000 92,356 0.89% 65,583,000 -62,691 0.021    Discount, Variety Stores
   (MA)1 Year Chart         MA MasterCard Inc A 21 - $494.76 $77,441,000 175,539 0.87% 63,085,000 137,032 0.018    Business Services
   (PEP)1 Year Chart         PEP Pepsico Inc 22 - $175.21 $69,899,000 423,808 0.79% 32,444,000 -140,703 0.031    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (CSCO)1 Year Chart         CSCO Cisco Systems Inc 23 - $50.57 $69,411,000 1,460,968 0.78% 33,941,000 -500,869 0.035    Networking & Communic...
   (MRK)1 Year Chart         MRK Merck & Co Inc 24 - $118.64 $65,704,000 530,729 0.74% 23,820,000 -568,017 0.021    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (WMT)1 Year Chart         WMT Wal-Mart Stores Inc 25 - $60.24 $62,706,000 926,100 0.71% 22,107,000 246,730 0.033    Discount, Variety Stores
   (MCD)1 Year Chart         MCD McDonalds Corp 26 - $292.03 $57,994,000 227,570 0.65% 21,042,000 -140,738 0.031    Restaurants
   (NFLX)1 Year Chart         NFLX Netflix Inc 27 - $690.47 $57,018,000 84,486 0.64% 55,744,000 66,096 0.019    Music & Video Stores
   (TXN)1 Year Chart         TXN Texas Instruments Inc 28 - $200.71 $55,058,000 283,031 0.62% 43,149,000 -126,058 0.031    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (VZ)1 Year Chart         VZ Verizon Communications Inc 29 - $43.88 $54,647,000 1,325,082 0.62% 14,138,000 315,394 0.032    Telecom Services - Do...
   (ADBE)1 Year Chart         ADBE Adobe Systems Inc 30 - $508.13 $54,234,000 97,623 0.61% 49,285,000 -77,440 0.02    Application Software
   (IBM)1 Year Chart         IBM International Business Mach... 31 - $214.94 $48,630,000 281,181 0.55% -29,614,000 -144,337 0.032    Diversified Computer ...
   (ACN)1 Year Chart         ACN Accenture Plc 32 - $336.18 $46,834,000 154,358 0.53% 34,687,000 -73,838 0.024    Management Services
   (QCOM)1 Year Chart         QCOM QUALCOMM Inc 33 - $168.30 $46,535,000 233,634 0.53% 13,811,000 -364,605 0.021    Communication Equipment
   (AMGN)1 Year Chart         AMGN Amgen Inc 34 - $332.92 $46,168,000 147,762 0.52% 27,944,000 -136,059 0.025    Biotechnology
   (BAC)1 Year Chart         BAC Bank of America Corp 35 - $39.62 $45,317,000 1,139,470 0.51% 25,176,000 -2,483,073 0.013    Domestic Money Center...
   (AMAT)1 Year Chart         AMAT Applied Materials Inc 36 - $186.14 $42,637,000 180,672 0.48% 37,653,000 -284,665 0.02    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (AMD)1 Year Chart         AMD Advanced Micro Devices Inc 37 - $148.29 $42,207,000 260,202 0.48% 41,117,000 58,339 0.022    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (ORCL)1 Year Chart         ORCL Oracle Corp 38 - $164.53 $41,607,000 294,668 0.47% 4,536,000 -1,150,576 0.01    Application Software
   (CRM)1 Year Chart         CRM Inc 39 - $252.43 $39,222,000 152,555 0.44% 34,599,000 106,993 0.017    Internet Software & S...
   (PFE)1 Year Chart         PFE Pfizer Inc 40 - $29.75 $38,351,000 1,370,671 0.43% -21,830,000 -1,410,355 0.025    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (CMCSA)1 Year Chart         CMCSA Comcast Corp 41 - $39.82 $36,920,000 942,791 0.42% 19,503,000 211,682 0.021    CATV Systems
   (INTU)1 Year Chart         INTU Intuit Inc 42 - $633.07 $36,830,000 56,040 0.42% 31,443,000 -46,389 0.021    Application Software
   (CAT)1 Year Chart         CAT Caterpillar Inc 43 - $355.12 $36,690,000 110,146 0.41% 15,784,000 -120,607 0.02    Farm & Construction M...
   (VRTX)1 Year Chart         VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 44 - $474.16 $33,367,000 71,188 0.38% 30,763,000 -7,235 0.027    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (TMO)1 Year Chart         TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific 45 - $610.12 $33,327,000 60,265 0.38% 27,257,000 -74,711 0.015    Medical Laboratories ...
   (WFC)1 Year Chart         WFC Wells Fargo & Co 46 - $54.26 $33,249,000 559,845 0.38% -15,860,000 -1,222,040 0.014    Domestic Money Center...
   (GE)1 Year Chart         GE General Electric Co 47 - $183.55 $33,156,000 208,565 0.37% -35,148,000 -3,569,313 0.019    Conglomerates
   (BLK)1 Year Chart         BLK BlackRock Inc A 48 - $922.71 $33,115,000 42,061 0.37% 27,185,000 8,789 0.025    Investment Brokerage ...
   (MMC)1 Year Chart         MMC Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc 49 - $226.19 $31,193,000 148,031 0.35% 25,166,000 -42,576 0.029    Insurance Brokers
   (REGN)1 Year Chart         REGN Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 50 New $1,138.81 $30,745,000 29,252 0.35% 30,745,000 29,252 0.028    Biotechnology
   (DHR)1 Year Chart         DHR Danaher Corp 51 - $271.90 $30,675,000 122,772 0.35% 20,950,000 -83,847 0.017    General Building Mate...
   (LRCX)1 Year Chart         LRCX Lam Research Corp 52 - $755.87 $30,376,000 28,526 0.34% 28,654,000 -17,999 0.02    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (DIS)1 Year Chart         DIS Walt Disney Co 53 - $93.58 $30,055,000 302,700 0.34% 6,151,000 -324,698 0.017    Entertainment - Diver...
   (ISRG)1 Year Chart         ISRG Intuitive Surgical Inc 54 - $372.63 $30,018,000 67,479 0.34% 23,632,000 53,686 0.019    Medical Appliances & ...
   (TMUS)1 Year Chart         TMUS T-Mobile Us Inc 55 - $196.68 $29,978,000 170,154 0.34% 29,117,000 70,960 0.014    Wireless Communications
   (TJX)1 Year Chart         TJX TJX Companies Inc 56 - $117.25 $29,768,000 270,368 0.34% 21,043,000 135,209 0.023    Discount, Variety Stores
   (ABT)1 Year Chart         ABT Abbott Laboratories 57 - $114.88 $29,343,000 282,388 0.33% -1,890,000 -273,058 0.016    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (PGR)1 Year Chart         PGR Progressive Corp 58 - $257.66 $29,198,000 140,570 0.33% 25,026,000 -73,253 0.024    Property & Casualty I...
   (ANTM)1 Year Chart         ANTM Anthem Inc 59 New $539.46 $28,508,000 52,612 0.32% 28,508,000 52,612 0.021    N/A
   (MDT)1 Year Chart         MDT Medtronic Plc 60 New $88.13 $27,397,000 348,079 0.31% 27,397,000 348,079 0.026    Medical Appliances & ...
   (ROP)1 Year Chart         ROP Roper Industries Inc 61 - $549.93 $27,111,000 48,098 0.31% 24,182,000 14,384 0.046    Diversified Machinery
   (NOW)1 Year Chart         NOW Servicenow, Inc. 62 New $890.39 $26,791,000 34,056 0.3% 26,791,000 34,056 0.017    Information Technolog...
   (CB)1 Year Chart         CB Chubb Ltd (ACE Ltd) 63 - $289.18 $26,545,000 104,064 0.3% 18,161,000 -15,506 0.023    Property & Casualty I...
   (WM)1 Year Chart         WM Waste Management Inc 64 - $201.88 $26,475,000 124,096 0.3% 21,195,000 -37,317 0.029    Waste Management
   (T)1 Year Chart         T AT&T Corp 65 - $21.73 $25,720,000 1,345,870 0.29% -38,147,000 -766,119 0.019    Long Distance Carriers
   (MCK)1 Year Chart         MCK McKesson Corp 66 - $531.10 $25,612,000 43,853 0.29% 18,827,000 -43,232 0.027    Drugs Wholesale
   (ADP)1 Year Chart         ADP Automatic Data Processing Inc 67 - $275.91 $24,876,000 104,217 0.28% 15,418,000 -70,902 0.024    Business Software & S...
   (GS)1 Year Chart         GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 68 - $484.58 $24,618,000 54,425 0.28% 9,132,000 -116,824 0.016    Investment Brokerage ...
   (SPGI)1 Year Chart         SPGI S&P Global Inc 69 - $519.52 $24,575,000 55,100 0.28% 19,829,000 -50,433 0.017    Publishing
   (BKNG)1 Year Chart         BKNG Booking Holdings Inc 70 - $4,028.30 $24,193,000 6,107 0.27% 15,948,000 -11,521 0.012    Internet Software & S...
   (NEE)1 Year Chart         NEE NextEra Energy 71 - $84.28 $24,049,000 339,634 0.27% 15,439,000 198,210 0.017    Electric Utilities
   (MU)1 Year Chart         MU Micron Technology Inc 72 - $87.35 $23,339,000 177,440 0.26% 21,318,000 -143,933 0.016    Semiconductor - Memor...
   (APH)1 Year Chart         APH Amphenol Corp 73 - $63.30 $22,540,000 334,564 0.25% 19,826,000 274,780 0.028    Diversified Electronics
   (CL)1 Year Chart         CL Colgate Palmolive Co 74 - $103.18 $22,134,000 228,089 0.25% 6,058,000 54,089 0.027    Personal Products
   (AXP)1 Year Chart         AXP American Express Co 75 - $262.18 $21,919,000 94,663 0.25% 3,898,000 -287,387 0.012    Credit Services
   (KLAC)1 Year Chart         KLAC KLA-Tencor Corp 76 - $731.04 $21,720,000 26,343 0.25% 18,814,000 -33,894 0.017    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (LOW)1 Year Chart         LOW Lowes Companies Inc 77 - $256.63 $20,879,000 94,705 0.24% 9,553,000 -351,547 0.013    Home Improvement Stores
   (PANW)1 Year Chart         PANW Palo Alto Networks Inc 78 New $329.75 $20,865,000 61,548 0.24% 20,865,000 61,548 0.02    Networking & Communic...
   (INTC)1 Year Chart         INTC Intel Corp 79 - $20.77 $20,546,000 663,411 0.23% -24,853,000 -1,208,698 0.016    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (BSX)1 Year Chart         BSX Boston Scientific Corp 80 - $82.57 $20,528,000 266,558 0.23% 17,648,000 -272,720 0.019    Medical Instruments &...
   (GILD)1 Year Chart         GILD Gilead Sciences Inc 81 - $83.89 $20,340,000 296,463 0.23% 9,162,000 23,367 0.024    Biotechnology
   (CME)1 Year Chart         CME CME Group Inc 82 - $216.30 $20,259,000 103,045 0.23% 14,698,000 80,224 0.029    Business Services
   (ANET)1 Year Chart         ANET Arista Networks, Inc. 83 New $361.71 $20,081,000 57,296 0.23% 20,081,000 57,296 0.019    Diversified Computer ...
   (BX)1 Year Chart         BX Blackstone Group LP 84 New $120.62 $19,976,000 161,361 0.23% 19,976,000 161,361 0.023    Asset Management
   (MDLZ)1 Year Chart         MDLZ Mondelez International Inc 85 - $75.05 $19,965,000 305,095 0.23% -2,518,000 -292,064 0.021    Food - Major Diversified
   (NKE)1 Year Chart         NKE Nike Inc B 86 - $80.90 $19,724,000 261,692 0.22% 7,556,000 135,425 0.021    Textile - Apparel Foo...
   (BMY)1 Year Chart         BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 87 - $49.74 $19,685,000 474,006 0.22% -1,799,000 -135,643 0.021    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (MS)1 Year Chart         MS Morgan Stanley 88 - $99.30 $19,568,000 201,333 0.22% 11,845,000 -309,124 0.011    Investment Brokerage ...
   (C)1 Year Chart         C Citigroup Inc 89 - $59.90 $19,524,000 307,664 0.22% -7,870,000 -733,549 0.015    Domestic Money Center...
   (SNPS)1 Year Chart         SNPS Synopsys Inc 90 - $495.95 $19,208,000 32,279 0.22% 17,743,000 -21,569 0.021    Technical & System So...
   (ADI)1 Year Chart         ADI Analog Devices Inc 91 - $222.64 $18,959,000 83,059 0.21% 15,070,000 -25,626 0.015    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (TGT)1 Year Chart         TGT Target Corp 92 - $153.60 $18,684,000 126,207 0.21% 7,095,000 -100,050 0.025    Discount, Variety Stores
   (SYK)1 Year Chart         SYK Stryker Corp 93 - $361.36 $18,606,000 54,683 0.21% 13,433,000 -48,940 0.015    Medical Instruments &...
   (CVS)1 Year Chart         CVS CVS/Caremark Corp 94 - $58.42 $18,581,000 314,619 0.21% -903,000 -163,153 0.024    Drug Stores
   (PLD)1 Year Chart         PLD ProLogis Inc 95 - $127.02 $18,546,000 165,136 0.21% 13,913,000 3,102 0.018    REIT - Industrial
   (ETN)1 Year Chart         ETN Eaton Corp 96 - $314.65 $18,407,000 58,705 0.21% 13,363,000 -57,162 0.015    Diversified Machinery
   (SCHW)1 Year Chart         SCHW Charles Schwab Corp 97 - $63.56 $18,398,000 249,660 0.21% 14,041,000 -137,275 0.014    Investment Brokerage ...
   (CI)1 Year Chart         CI Cigna Corporation 98 - $355.39 $18,315,000 55,404 0.21% 14,082,000 -45,382 0.015    Health Care Plans
   (SBUX)1 Year Chart         SBUX Starbucks Corp 99 - $96.12 $18,123,000 232,795 0.2% 5,825,000 -34,488 0.02    Specialty Eateries
   (DE)1 Year Chart         DE Deere & Co 100 - $401.07 $17,973,000 48,103 0.2% 6,508,000 -99,343 0.015    Farm & Construction M...

      100 Records Found
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