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  State: NY
  Zip: 11946-1402
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  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $546,933,000
  Total Value Change : $-18,346,000
  Securities Held Change : 2
All Securities Held : 30
  New Positions : 3
  Closed Positions : 1
  Increased Positions : 1
  Unchanged Positions : 21
  Decreased Positions : 5

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 21     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Unchanged Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (ROL)1 Year Chart         ROL Rollins Inc 2 - $50.05 $46,310,000 949,170 8.47% 2,392,000 0 0.193    Business Services
   (MKSI)1 Year Chart         MKSI MKS Instruments Inc 3 - $113.28 $38,875,000 297,714 7.11% -721,000 0 0.425    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (WAB)1 Year Chart         WAB Westinghouse Air Brake Tech... 6 - $163.38 $36,809,000 232,900 6.73% 2,880,000 0 0.122    Auto Parts
   (GPN)1 Year Chart         GPN Global Payments Inc 9 - $127.47 $24,843,000 256,912 4.54% -9,495,000 0 0.086    Business Services
   (PRIM)1 Year Chart         PRIM Primoris Services Corp 10 - $57.59 $23,033,000 461,675 4.21% 3,379,000 0 0.868    General Contractors
   (NSP)1 Year Chart         NSP Insperity Inc 11 - $86.59 $20,814,000 228,198 3.81% -4,199,000 0 0.588    Staffing & Outsourcin...
   (AIT)1 Year Chart         AIT Applied Industrial Technolo... 12 - $221.92 $19,923,000 102,698 3.64% -365,000 0 0.265    Industrial Equipment ...
   (THO)1 Year Chart         THO Thor Industries Inc 13 - $99.81 $19,343,000 206,984 3.54% -4,944,000 0 0.374    Recreational Vehicles
   (EOG)1 Year Chart         EOG EOG Resources Inc 14 - $120.37 $17,119,000 136,000 3.13% -267,000 0 0.023    Independent Oil & Gas
   (FIS)1 Year Chart         FIS Fidelity National Information 15 - $82.94 $13,942,000 185,000 2.55% 218,000 0 0.03    Business Services
   (CSGS)1 Year Chart         CSGS CSG Systems International Inc 16 - $48.05 $13,840,000 336,180 2.53% -3,487,000 0 1.016    Business Software & S...
   (ACIW)1 Year Chart         ACIW ACI Worldwide Inc 17 - $49.47 $13,180,000 332,900 2.41% 2,125,000 0 0.286    Technical & System So...
   (CTRA)1 Year Chart         CTRA Coterra Energy Inc 18 - $23.06 $11,832,000 443,660 2.16% -537,000 0 0.055    Independent Oil & Gas
   (VMI)1 Year Chart         VMI Valmont Industries Inc 19 - $289.14 $9,057,000 33,000 1.66% 1,524,000 0 0.155    Farm & Construction M...
   (MSM)1 Year Chart         MSM MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc 20 - $86.26 $7,832,000 98,750 1.43% -1,751,000 0 0.216    Industrial Equipment ...
   (MRO)1 Year Chart         MRO Marathon Oil Corp 21 - $25.87 $5,791,000 202,000 1.06% 66,000 0 0.026    Oil & Gas Refining, P...
   (FISV)1 Year Chart         FISV Fiserv Inc 22 - $177.40 $4,918,000 33,000 0.9% -356,000 0 0.005    Business Software & S...
   (AYI)1 Year Chart         AYI Acuity Brands Inc 23 - $269.74 $4,587,000 19,000 0.84% -519,000 0 0.048    Electronics Wholesale
   (KFY)1 Year Chart         KFY Korn Ferry International 24 - $73.00 $3,928,000 58,500 0.72% 81,000 0 0.104    Staffing & Outsourcin...
   (DOX)1 Year Chart         DOX Amdocs Limited 25 - $87.34 $3,912,000 49,575 0.72% -568,000 0 0.037    Business Software & S...
   (JNPR)1 Year Chart         JNPR Juniper Networks Inc 26 - $36.16 $3,224,000 88,428 0.59% -53,000 0 0.027    Networking & Communic...

      21 Records Found
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