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  Name: 22NW LP
  City: Seattle
  State: WA
  Zip: 98107
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $117,215,000
  Total Value Change : $1,139,000
  Securities Held Change : 0
All Securities Held : 13
  New Positions : 1
  Closed Positions : 1
  Increased Positions : 1
  Unchanged Positions : 10
  Decreased Positions : 1

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 10     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Unchanged Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (FSTR)1 Year Chart         FSTR Foster L B Co 1 - $19.44 $28,258,000 1,313,121 24.11% -7,603,000 0 12.215    Basic Materials Whole...
   (LNDC)1 Year Chart         LNDC Landec Corp 2 - $4.74 $24,004,000 1,755,161 20.48% 14,684,000 0 6.003    Synthetics
   (ANEB)1 Year Chart         ANEB Anebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 3 - $1.85 $14,650,000 5,366,290 12.5% -751,000 0 22.992    N/A
   (STRL)1 Year Chart         STRL Sterling Construction Co Inc 4 - $145.94 $11,808,000 99,783 10.07% 801,000 0 0.355    Residential Construct...
   (CULP)1 Year Chart         CULP Culp Inc 6 - $5.97 $5,541,000 1,236,789 4.73% -396,000 0 10.055    Textile Manufacturing
   (PFX)1 Year Chart         PFX PhenixFIN Corp 7 - $47.00 $5,515,000 117,885 4.71% 326,000 0 4.334    Investment Brokerage ...
   (FARM)1 Year Chart         FARM Farmer Brothers Co 8 - $1.93 $5,241,000 1,955,526 4.47% -1,740,000 0 11.005    Processed & Packaged ...
   (MTW)1 Year Chart         MTW Manitowoc Co Inc 10 - $9.41 $4,106,000 356,115 3.5% -929,000 0 1.032    Farm & Construction M...
   (LNTH)1 Year Chart         LNTH Lantheus Holdings, Inc. 11 - $107.95 $2,775,000 34,562 2.37% 624,000 0 0.048    N/A
   (PMD)1 Year Chart         PMD Psychemedics Corp 13 - $2.31 $664,000 274,418 0.57% -140,000 0 4.962    Medical Laboratories ...

      10 Records Found
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