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  Name: Riverwater Partners LLC
  City: Milwaukee
  State: WI
  Zip: 53202
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $134,928,000
  Total Value Change : $-1,093,000
  Securities Held Change : -1
All Securities Held : 186
  New Positions : 12
  Closed Positions : 15
  Increased Positions : 37
  Unchanged Positions : 25
  Decreased Positions : 112

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 15     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Closed Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (CRM)1 Year Chart         CRM Inc 190 Closed $270.44 $0 0 0% -235,000 -780 0    Internet Software & S...
   (IJJ)1 Year Chart         IJJ iShares S&P MC 400/BARRA VL 196 Closed $123.90 $0 0 0% -259,000 -2,190 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (TKR)1 Year Chart         TKR Timken Co 189 Closed $83.93 $0 0 0% -232,000 -2,654 0    Machine Tools & Acces...
   (III)1 Year Chart         III Information Services Group ... 195 Closed $3.15 $0 0 0% -260,000 -64,459 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (NYCB)1 Year Chart         NYCB New York Community Bancorp Inc 201 Closed $10.93 $0 0 0% -362,000 -37,468 0    Savings & Loans
   (UPS)1 Year Chart         UPS United Parcel Service Inc 188 Closed $129.52 $0 0 0% -210,000 -1,414 0    AirDelivery & Freight...
   (J)1 Year Chart         J Jacobs Solutions Inc 194 Closed $150.46 $0 0 0% -365,000 -2,372 0    Heavy Construction
   (ETN)1 Year Chart         ETN Eaton Corp 200 Closed $327.39 $0 0 0% -260,000 -831 0    Diversified Machinery
   (DCBO)1 Year Chart         DCBO Docebo Ord Shs 187 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -258,000 -5,242 0    N/A
   (IVW)1 Year Chart         IVW ishares tr S&P 500 BARRA GR 193 Closed $95.53 $0 0 0% -232,000 -2,750 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (ITT)1 Year Chart         ITT ITT Corporation 199 Closed $147.70 $0 0 0% -237,000 -1,743 0    Industrial Electrical...
   (ATOM)1 Year Chart         ATOM Atomera Inc 192 Closed $15.14 $0 0 0% -139,000 -22,567 0    N/A
   (FCFS)1 Year Chart         FCFS First Cash Financial Servic... 198 Closed $115.14 $0 0 0% -267,000 -2,097 0    Specialty Retail, Other
   (LLAP)1 Year Chart         LLAP Terran Orbital Corp 191 Closed $0.25 $0 0 0% -168,000 -129,123 0    N/A
   (EVTC)1 Year Chart         EVTC Evertec, Inc. 197 Closed $33.68 $0 0 0% -546,000 -13,688 0    Business Software & S...

      15 Records Found
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