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  Name: Lifeworks Advisors LLC
  State: MI
  Zip: 49546
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $359,101,000
  Total Value Change : $2,086,000
  Securities Held Change : -3
All Securities Held : 222
  New Positions : 24
  Closed Positions : 27
  Increased Positions : 79
  Unchanged Positions : 10
  Decreased Positions : 109

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 26     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Closed Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (INTC)1 Year Chart         INTC Intel Corp 227 Closed $23.92 $0 0 0% -387,000 -8,753 0    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (RTX)1 Year Chart         RTX RTX Corp 247 Closed $101.02 $0 0 0% -292,000 -2,995 0    Conglomerates
   (DRI)1 Year Chart         DRI Darden Restaurants Inc 233 Closed $167.95 $0 0 0% -334,000 -2,000 0    Restaurants
   (HNDL)1 Year Chart         HNDL Strategy Shares Nasdaq 7han... 240 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -467,000 -22,000 0    N/A
   (TSN)1 Year Chart         TSN Tyson Foods Inc 226 Closed $59.32 $0 0 0% -390,000 -6,637 0    Meat Products
   (QQQ)1 Year Chart         QQQ Invesco QQQ Trust Series I 246 Closed $489.47 $0 0 0% -1,351,000 -3,042 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (TRV)1 Year Chart         TRV Travelers Companies Inc 232 Closed $236.05 $0 0 0% -620,000 -2,694 0    Property & Casualty I...
   (NRG)1 Year Chart         NRG NRG Energy Inc 239 Closed $90.58 $0 0 0% -333,000 -4,919 0    Electric Utilities
   (NUE)1 Year Chart         NUE Nucor Corp 225 Closed $150.59 $0 0 0% -268,000 -1,352 0    Steel & Iron
   (TMO)1 Year Chart         TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific 245 Closed $619.33 $0 0 0% -209,000 -359 0    Medical Laboratories ...
   (GJUL)1 Year Chart         GJUL Ft Vest Us Equity Moderate ... 231 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -222,000 -6,566 0    N/A
   (OGN)1 Year Chart         OGN Organon & Co. 238 Closed $19.17 $0 0 0% -301,000 -16,019 0    N/A
   (RYLD)1 Year Chart         RYLD Global X Russell 2000 Cover... 224 Closed $16.07 $0 0 0% -173,000 -10,221 0    N/A
   (ABT)1 Year Chart         ABT Abbott Laboratories 244 Closed $112.73 $0 0 0% -311,000 -2,739 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (SYY)1 Year Chart         SYY SYSCO Corp 230 Closed $77.96 $0 0 0% -219,000 -2,704 0    Food Wholesale
   (PGX)1 Year Chart         PGX Invesco Preferred ETF 236 Closed $12.44 $0 0 0% -267,000 -22,460 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (TGT)1 Year Chart         TGT Target Corp 223 Closed $155.98 $0 0 0% -218,000 -1,229 0    Discount, Variety Stores
   (WY)1 Year Chart         WY Weyerhaeuser Co 243 Closed $33.16 $0 0 0% -265,000 -7,378 0    Lumber,Wood Production
   (VXUS)1 Year Chart         VXUS Vanguard Total Internationa... 229 Closed $65.37 $0 0 0% -306,000 -5,081 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (ETE)1 Year Chart         ETE Energy Transfer Equity LP 249 Closed $15.92 $0 0 0% -230,000 -14,600 0    Oil & Gas Pipelines &...
   (DNP)1 Year Chart         DNP DNP Select Income Fund Inc 235 Closed $9.98 $0 0 0% -136,000 -15,019 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (VUG)1 Year Chart         VUG Vanguard Growth VIPERS 242 Closed $384.47 $0 0 0% -310,000 -900 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (STLD)1 Year Chart         STLD Steel Dynamics Inc 228 Closed $125.24 $0 0 0% -250,000 -1,689 0    Steel & Iron
   (DIV)1 Year Chart         DIV Hancock John Patriot Select... 248 Closed $18.47 $0 0 0% -257,000 -14,759 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (FENY)1 Year Chart         FENY Fidelity MSCI Energy Index 234 Closed $23.43 $0 0 0% -287,000 -11,084 0    N/A
   (SBUX)1 Year Chart         SBUX Starbucks Corp 241 Closed $97.47 $0 0 0% -252,000 -2,753 0    Specialty Eateries

      26 Records Found
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