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  Name: Schear Investment Advisers LLC
  City: Cincinnati
  State: OH
  Zip: 45242
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $138,493,000
  Total Value Change : $13,962,000
  Securities Held Change : 2
All Securities Held : 81
  New Positions : 3
  Closed Positions : 0
  Increased Positions : 57
  Unchanged Positions : 2
  Decreased Positions : 19

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 19     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 3 - $226.37 $6,097,000 28,949 4.4% 996,000 -798 0    Personal Computers
   (VOO)1 Year Chart         VOO Vanguard S&P 500 Etf 5 - $525.61 $5,637,000 11,272 4.07% -2,043,000 -4,704 0.001    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (FANG)1 Year Chart         FANG Diamondback Energy, Inc. 13 - $180.53 $2,656,000 13,268 1.92% -90,000 -590 0.007    Independent Oil & Gas
   (CVX)1 Year Chart         CVX Chevron Corp 18 - $143.97 $2,026,000 12,952 1.46% -89,000 -459 0.001    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (HD)1 Year Chart         HD Home Depot Inc 19 - $396.93 $2,019,000 5,864 1.46% -231,000 -1 0.001    Home Improvement Stores
   (HON)1 Year Chart         HON Honeywell International Inc 36 - $206.78 $1,320,000 6,183 0.95% 27,000 -118 0.001    Conglomerates
   (MS)1 Year Chart         MS Morgan Stanley 50 - $102.34 $963,000 9,904 0.7% 10,000 -221 0.001    Investment Brokerage ...
   (BAC)1 Year Chart         BAC Bank of America Corp 52 - $39.25 $929,000 23,357 0.67% -36,000 -2,096 0    Domestic Money Center...
   (DE)1 Year Chart         DE Deere & Co 61 - $406.93 $721,000 1,931 0.52% -186,000 -276 0.001    Farm & Construction M...
   (PEP)1 Year Chart         PEP Pepsico Inc 62 - $169.40 $696,000 4,221 0.5% -218,000 -999 0    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 64 - $160.60 $644,000 4,407 0.47% -104,000 -319 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (MCD)1 Year Chart         MCD McDonalds Corp 65 - $300.47 $622,000 2,442 0.45% -83,000 -57 0    Restaurants
   (TMO)1 Year Chart         TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific 66 - $599.78 $591,000 1,069 0.43% -34,000 -6 0    Medical Laboratories ...
   (MDLZ)1 Year Chart         MDLZ Mondelez International Inc 69 - $74.06 $527,000 8,048 0.38% -68,000 -450 0.001    Food - Major Diversified
   (GM)1 Year Chart         GM General Motors Co 70 - $42.66 $405,000 8,713 0.29% -42,000 -1,135 0.001    Auto Manufacturers
   (SPY)1 Year Chart         SPY Standard & Poors Depository... 71 - $570.04 $404,000 743 0.29% -374,000 -744 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (MPC)1 Year Chart         MPC Marathon Petroleum Corp 73 - $161.66 $397,000 2,288 0.29% -85,000 -104 0    Oil & Gas Refining, P...
   (KO)1 Year Chart         KO Coca-Cola Co 74 - $71.45 $381,000 5,990 0.28% -33,000 -781 0    Beverage Soft Drinks...
   (LOW)1 Year Chart         LOW Lowes Companies Inc 79 - $264.97 $278,000 1,260 0.2% -52,000 -35 0    Home Improvement Stores

      19 Records Found
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