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  Name: Financial Designs Corp
  State: CA
  Zip: 91711-1612
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  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $145,496,000
  Total Value Change : $-6,229,000
  Securities Held Change : 1
All Securities Held : 19
  New Positions : 3
  Closed Positions : 2
  Increased Positions : 4
  Unchanged Positions : 1
  Decreased Positions : 11

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Holdings Found : 11     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (ITOT)1 Year Chart         ITOT iShares Core S&P Total US 1 - $125.56 $35,228,000 296,578 24.21% 255,000 -6,745 0.082    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (OMFL)1 Year Chart         OMFL Oppenheimer Russell 1000 Dy... 3 - $0.00 $12,258,000 233,533 8.42% -682,000 -767 0.026    N/A
   (DIVO)1 Year Chart         DIVO Amplify Yieldshares Cwp Div... 4 - $0.00 $11,473,000 296,470 7.89% -283,000 -5,906 0.329    N/A
   (IXUS)1 Year Chart         IXUS Ishares Core Msci Total Int... 5 - $72.16 $10,617,000 157,153 7.3% -113,000 -960 0.004    N/A
   (VFLO)1 Year Chart         VFLO Victoryshares Free Cash Flo... 7 - $0.00 $7,595,000 245,618 5.22% -538,000 -5,315 0.273    N/A
   (BALT)1 Year Chart         BALT Innovator Defined Wealth Sh... 10 - $0.00 $5,538,000 184,419 3.81% -108,000 -8,557 0.205    N/A
   (PALC)1 Year Chart         PALC Pacer Lunt Large Cap Multif... 11 - $49.36 $4,697,000 96,570 3.23% 123,000 -1,529 1.073    N/A
   (SCHD)1 Year Chart         SCHD Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF 12 - $85.06 $3,207,000 41,243 2.2% -171,000 -647 0.014    N/A
   (SCHB)1 Year Chart         SCHB Schwab Strategic Trust 13 - $66.41 $2,930,000 46,609 2.01% 58,000 -442 0.024    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (SFLR)1 Year Chart         SFLR Innovator Equity Managed Fl... 14 - $0.00 $2,524,000 81,699 1.73% 47,000 -855 0.908    N/A
   (SCHZ)1 Year Chart         SCHZ Schwab Us Aggregate Bond 15 - $47.67 $2,364,000 51,872 1.62% -31,000 -187 0.035    N/A

      11 Records Found
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