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  Name: Trust Co of the South
  State: NC
  Zip: 27408
Achive data
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $422,302,000
  Total Value Change : $-10,511,000
  Securities Held Change : -2
All Securities Held : 114
  New Positions : 0
  Closed Positions : 2
  Increased Positions : 21
  Unchanged Positions : 78
  Decreased Positions : 15

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 15     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Decreased Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (DFAT)1 Year Chart         DFAT Dimensional U S Targeted Va... 1 - $55.09 $95,471,000 1,840,582 22.61% -6,034,000 -24,286 0.205    N/A
   (DFUV)1 Year Chart         DFUV DFA Dimensional Us Marketwi... 2 - $41.36 $72,594,000 1,848,594 17.19% -4,072,000 -25,865 0.205    N/A
   (DFAC)1 Year Chart         DFAC Dimensional U S Core Equity... 3 - $34.14 $36,613,000 1,135,628 8.67% 24,000 -9,569 0.126    N/A
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 6 - $227.52 $15,583,000 73,987 3.69% 2,833,000 -368 0    Personal Computers
   (DFAX)1 Year Chart         DFAX Dimensional Funds plc - Wor... 9 - $27.24 $9,909,000 389,808 2.35% -482,000 -18,644 0.043    N/A
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 13 - $431.31 $6,392,000 14,301 1.51% 358,000 -42 0    Application Software
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 31 - $161.39 $1,340,000 9,167 0.32% -155,000 -284 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 34 - $173.21 $1,190,000 7,216 0.28% 5,000 -87 0.027    Cleaning Products
   (FNB)1 Year Chart         FNB FNB Corporation 35 - $13.90 $1,190,000 86,974 0.28% -41,000 -300 0    Domestic Regional Banks
   (DUK)1 Year Chart         DUK Duke Energy Corp 42 - $115.17 $1,016,000 10,140 0.24% -6,000 -424 0.001    Electric Utilities
   (PFE)1 Year Chart         PFE Pfizer Inc 54 - $28.97 $765,000 27,328 0.18% 5,000 -54 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (IVW)1 Year Chart         IVW ishares tr S&P 500 BARRA GR 68 - $95.82 $557,000 6,023 0.13% -329,000 -4,475 0.001    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (SO)1 Year Chart         SO Southern Co 82 - $88.95 $334,000 4,309 0.08% 19,000 -81 0.001    Electric Utilities
   (MFC)1 Year Chart         MFC Manulife Financial Corporat... 104 - $29.63 $240,000 9,021 0.06% -3,000 -691 0    Life & Health Insurance
   (ANGI)1 Year Chart         ANGI Angies List, Inc. 114 - $2.69 $152,000 79,225 0.04% -86,000 -11,473 0.102    Internet Software & S...

      15 Records Found
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