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  Name: Elite Life Management LLC
  City: ERIE
  State: PA
  Zip: 16506
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $25,781,000
  Total Value Change : $5,351,000
  Securities Held Change : 0
All Securities Held : 24
  New Positions : 1
  Closed Positions : 1
  Increased Positions : 19
  Unchanged Positions : 2
  Decreased Positions : 2

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 25     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (VEA)1 Year Chart         VEA Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF 1 - $49.56 $4,574,000 92,552 17.74% 591,000 13,158 0.004    Closed - End Fund - F...
   (SCHX)1 Year Chart         SCHX Schwab Strategic Trust 2 - $67.41 $4,107,000 63,929 15.93% 658,000 8,355 0.002    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (VMBS)1 Year Chart         VMBS Vanguard Mortgage-Backed S 3 - $47.20 $3,584,000 78,940 13.9% 1,960,000 43,340 0.009    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (NVDA)1 Year Chart         NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 4 - $123.51 $1,683,000 13,627 6.53% 518,000 12,338 0    Semiconductor - Speci...
   (DFCF)1 Year Chart         DFCF Dfa Dimensional Core Fixed ... 5 - $0.00 $1,449,000 34,888 5.62% 569,000 13,900 0.039    N/A
   (DFVX)1 Year Chart         DFVX Dimensional Us Large Cap Ve... 6 - $0.00 $1,416,000 22,806 5.49% 238,000 4,002 0.253    N/A
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 7 - $432.11 $1,412,000 3,158 5.48% 133,000 119 0    Application Software
   (AAPL)1 Year Chart         AAPL Apple Inc 8 - $226.37 $1,166,000 5,537 4.52% 259,000 248 0    Personal Computers
   (GOOG)1 Year Chart         GOOG Alphabet Inc 9 - $162.99 $751,000 4,094 2.91% 140,000 79 0    Search Engines & Info...
   (OMFL)1 Year Chart         OMFL Oppenheimer Russell 1000 Dy... 10 - $0.00 $592,000 11,270 2.3% 55,000 1,545 0.001    N/A
   (SPY)1 Year Chart         SPY Standard & Poors Depository... 11 - $570.04 $576,000 1,058 2.23% 28,000 10 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (AMZN)1 Year Chart         AMZN Inc 12 - $192.53 $546,000 2,823 2.12% 66,000 162 0    Internet Software & S...
   (META)1 Year Chart         META Meta Platforms Inc 13 - $568.31 $491,000 973 1.9% 61,000 87 0    Internet Service Prov...
   (VONG)1 Year Chart         VONG Vanguard Russell 1000 Growt... 14 - $96.64 $470,000 5,014 1.82% 26,000 -110 0.001    N/A
   (COST)1 Year Chart         COST Costco Wholesale Corp 15 - $908.42 $445,000 523 1.73% 65,000 5 0    Discount, Variety Stores
   (IEFA)1 Year Chart         IEFA Ishares Core Msci Eafe 16 - $0.00 $427,000 5,884 1.66% -10,000 0 0    N/A
   (V)1 Year Chart         V Visa Inc 17 - $269.63 $354,000 1,350 1.37% -22,000 2 0    Business Services
   (PG)1 Year Chart         PG Procter & Gamble Co 18 - $172.26 $311,000 1,883 1.21% 12,000 41 0    Cleaning Products
   (JPM)1 Year Chart         JPM JP Morgan Chase & Co 19 - $210.19 $295,000 1,461 1.14% 14,000 56 0    Domestic Money Center...
   (UNH)1 Year Chart         UNH Unitedhealth Group Inc 20 - $576.31 $281,000 551 1.09% 20,000 23 0    Health Care Plans
   (DIA)1 Year Chart         DIA Diamonds Trust 21 - $419.12 $230,000 588 0.89% -4,000 0 0.001    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 22 New $924.56 $215,000 237 0.83% 215,000 237 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (CVX)1 Year Chart         CVX Chevron Corp 23 - $143.97 $204,000 1,304 0.79% -3,000 -6 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (HD)1 Year Chart         HD Home Depot Inc 24 - $396.93 $202,000 588 0.78% -17,000 18 0    Home Improvement Stores
   (VST)1 Year Chart         VST Vistra Energy Corp 25 Closed $119.08 $0 0 0% -221,000 -3,167 0    N/A

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