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  Name: NDWM LLC
  City: LA JOLLA
  State: CA
  Zip: 92037
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $112,843,000
  Total Value Change : $3,017,000
  Securities Held Change : 1
All Securities Held : 33
  New Positions : 2
  Closed Positions : 1
  Increased Positions : 12
  Unchanged Positions : 10
  Decreased Positions : 9

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 10     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Unchanged Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (AGG)1 Year Chart         AGG iShares Barclays Agency Bond 15 - $101.58 $903,000 9,305 0.8% -8,000 0 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (PZT)1 Year Chart         PZT Invesco New York Amtfree Mu... 18 - $23.33 $675,000 29,390 0.6% -2,000 0 0.735    N/A
   (NYF)1 Year Chart         NYF iShares S&P NY AMT-Free Mun... 19 - $54.32 $672,000 12,583 0.6% -5,000 0 0.152    N/A
   (GLD)1 Year Chart         GLD streetTRACKS Gold Trust 21 - $246.07 $614,000 2,857 0.54% 26,000 0 0.001    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (CMF)1 Year Chart         CMF iShares S&P CA AMT-Free Mun... 24 - $58.06 $423,000 7,438 0.37% -5,000 0 0.008    N/A
   (PHYS)1 Year Chart         PHYS Sprott Physical Goldtr Units 26 - $20.66 $344,000 19,065 0.3% 14,000 0 0.009    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (LLY)1 Year Chart         LLY Eli Lilly & Co 29 - $924.43 $259,000 286 0.23% 37,000 0 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (VOO)1 Year Chart         VOO Vanguard S&P 500 Etf 30 - $526.68 $227,000 453 0.2% 9,000 0 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (BA)1 Year Chart         BA Boeing Co 31 - $155.81 $223,000 1,227 0.2% -14,000 0 0    Aerospace/Defense - M...
   (CPB)1 Year Chart         CPB Campbell Soup Co 32 - $49.65 $213,000 4,709 0.19% 4,000 0 0.002    Food - Major Diversified

      10 Records Found
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