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  Name: Mediolanum International Funds Ltd
  City: Dublin 1
  State: L2
  Zip: D01 P2V6
Achive data
  View Filing Period:
Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2024-06-30
  Total Value : $6,111,057,000
  Total Value Change : $-42,824,000
  Securities Held Change : 16
All Securities Held : 393
  New Positions : 41
  Closed Positions : 25
  Increased Positions : 168
  Unchanged Positions : 11
  Decreased Positions : 173

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 11     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  Unchanged Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (TMUS)1 Year Chart         TMUS T-Mobile Us Inc 144 - $201.44 $8,659,000 52,280 0.14% 189,000 0 0.004    Wireless Communications
   (PDD)1 Year Chart         PDD Bloom Energy Corp 248 - $113.80 $3,822,000 31,030 0.06% 202,000 0 0.005    N/A
   (AEP)1 Year Chart         AEP American Electric Power Co Inc 322 - $101.41 $1,413,000 17,137 0.02% -40,000 0 0.003    Electric Utilities
   (SEIC)1 Year Chart         SEIC SEI Investments Co 336 - $68.79 $1,203,000 20,034 0.02% -240,000 0 0.014    Business Services
   (CTSH)1 Year Chart         CTSH Cognizant Technology Soluti... 342 - $76.04 $1,075,000 17,005 0.02% -177,000 0 0.003    Business Software & S...
   (GIB)1 Year Chart         GIB CGI Group Inc (USA) 346 - $114.53 $1,010,000 10,778 0.02% -597,000 0 0.005    Internet Software & S...
   (FNF)1 Year Chart         FNF Fidelity National Financial... 354 - $60.75 $912,000 19,879 0.01% -121,000 0 0.007    Surety & Title Insurance
   (NLOK)1 Year Chart         NLOK Nortonlifelock Ord Shs 367 - $0.00 $716,000 31,145 0.01% 28,000 0 0.005    N/A
   (MANH)1 Year Chart         MANH Manhattan Associates Inc 370 - $286.00 $670,000 2,855 0.01% -43,000 0 0.004    Technical & System So...
   (ATO)1 Year Chart         ATO Atmos Energy Corp 385 - $136.48 $305,000 2,802 0% -26,000 0 0.002    Gas Utilities
   (LEA)1 Year Chart         LEA Lear Corp 392 - $132.86 $10,000 91 0% -3,000 0 0    Auto Parts

      11 Records Found
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