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  State: ON
  Zip: 10017
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2009-09-30
  Total Value : $2,330,363,000
  Total Value Change : $-954,653,000
  Securities Held Change : -170
All Securities Held : 516
  New Positions : 25
  Closed Positions : 195
  Increased Positions : 57
  Unchanged Positions : 1
  Decreased Positions : 419

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 21     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  New Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (IM)1 Year Chart         IM Ingram Micro Inc 14 New $0.00 $31,222,000 1,857,326 1.34% 31,222,000 1,857,326 1.147    Computers Wholesale
   (LXU)1 Year Chart         LXU LSB Industries Inc 64 New $7.89 $8,708,000 536,120 0.37% 8,708,000 536,120 0.604    Synthetics
   (ITUB)1 Year Chart         ITUB Banco Itau Holding Financei... 150 New $6.55 $2,809,000 193,215 0.12% 2,809,000 193,215 0.004    Foreign Money Center ...
   (BBD)1 Year Chart         BBD Banco Bradesco S.A. (ADR) 171 New $2.58 $2,248,000 131,400 0.1% 2,248,000 131,400 0.004    Foreign Regional Banks
   (RBC)1 Year Chart         RBC Regal Beloit Corp 220 New $168.48 $1,550,000 35,720 0.07% 1,550,000 35,720 0.093    Machine Tools & Acces...
   (BP)1 Year Chart         BP BP Plc (ADR) 230 New $32.83 $1,433,000 27,000 0.06% 1,433,000 27,000 0    Integrated Oil & Gas
   (SOHU)1 Year Chart         SOHU Sohu Com Inc 248 New $15.62 $1,273,000 21,700 0.05% 1,273,000 21,700 0.056    Search Engines & Info...
   (HMY)1 Year Chart         HMY Harmony Gold Mining Co. (ADR) 273 New $10.80 $1,036,000 90,000 0.04% 1,036,000 90,000 0.023    Gold
   (EBR)1 Year Chart         EBR Centrais Eletricas Brasilei... 297 New $7.30 $874,000 54,544 0.04% 874,000 54,544 0.005    Electric Utilities
   (AVAV)1 Year Chart         AVAV Aerovironment Inc 321 New $197.82 $772,000 27,109 0.03% 772,000 27,109 0.097    Aerospace/Defense Pro...
   (BZH)1 Year Chart         BZH Beazer Homes USA Inc 330 New $33.37 $147,000 25,872 0.03% 735,000 25,872 0.105    Residential Construct...
   (LEN)1 Year Chart         LEN Lennar Corp 331 New $184.23 $735,000 49,808 0.03% 735,000 49,808 0    Residential Construct...
   (CAA)1 Year Chart         CAA Standard Pacific Corp 333 New $0.00 $146,600 41,536 0.03% 733,000 41,536 0.206    Residential Construct...
   (CEDCQ)1 Year Chart         CEDCQ Central European Distributi... 336 New $0.00 $726,000 31,663 0.03% 726,000 31,663 0    Wholesale, Other
   (TSM)1 Year Chart         TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. C... 357 New $181.97 $616,000 58,922 0.03% 616,000 58,922 0.001    Semiconductor - Integ...
   (VRNM)1 Year Chart         VRNM Diversa Corp 459 New $0.00 $353,000 70,484 0.02% 353,000 70,484 0.602    Biotechnology
   (FCEL)1 Year Chart         FCEL Fuelcell Energy Inc 462 New $0.20 $27,917 7,038 0.01% 335,000 7,038 0.066    Industrial Electrical...
   (BX)1 Year Chart         BX Blackstone Group LP 488 New $120.62 $238,000 16,997 0.01% 238,000 16,997 0.004    Asset Management
   (CFN)1 Year Chart         CFN CareFusion Corporation 490 New $0.00 $230,000 12,071 0.01% 230,000 12,071 0.005    Medical Instruments &...
   (AINV)1 Year Chart         AINV Apollo Investment Corp 495 New $0.00 $213,000 23,690 0.01% 213,000 23,690 0.012    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (CTCM)1 Year Chart         CTCM Ctc Media, Inc. 499 New $0.00 $176,000 16,154 0.01% 176,000 16,154 0.011    Broadcasting - TV

      21 Records Found
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