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  State: CO
  Zip: 8070
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  Filing Report Date : 2010-12-31
  Total Value : $19,642,552,000
  Total Value Change : $9,459,681,000
  Securities Held Change : -303
All Securities Held : 1729
  New Positions : 48
  Closed Positions : 299
  Increased Positions : 800
  Unchanged Positions : 389
  Decreased Positions : 272

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 42     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  New Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (GM)1 Year Chart         GM General Motors Co 209 New $42.66 $10,362,000 281,120 0.05% 10,362,000 281,120 0.02    Auto Manufacturers
   (TRS)1 Year Chart         TRS Trimas Corp 475 New $26.06 $3,803,000 185,859 0.02% 3,803,000 185,859 0.409    Industrial Equipment ...
   (BAH)1 Year Chart         BAH Booz Allen Hamilton Holding... 562 New $159.86 $2,898,000 149,166 0.01% 2,898,000 149,166 0.119    Management Services
   (QEP)1 Year Chart         QEP Qep Resources, Inc. 567 New $4.08 $2,855,000 78,615 0.01% 2,855,000 78,615 0.033    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...
   (ALGN)1 Year Chart         ALGN Align Technology Inc 582 New $253.16 $2,675,000 136,900 0.01% 2,675,000 136,900 0.207    Medical Appliances & ...
   (BBOX)1 Year Chart         BBOX Black Box Corp 804 New $0.00 $623,000 16,280 0% 623,000 16,280 0.093    Networking & Communic...
   (MRH)1 Year Chart         MRH Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd 808 New $0.00 $600,000 0 0% 600,000 0 0    Property & Casualty I...
   (GCO)1 Year Chart         GCO Genesco Inc 824 New $26.58 $525,000 14,000 0% 525,000 14,000 0.059    Apparel Stores
   (SBAY)1 Year Chart         SBAY Subaye Inc 831 New $0.00 $502,000 51,614 0% 502,000 51,614 0.694    Integrated Telecommun...
   (XPH)1 Year Chart         XPH streetTRACKS Series Trust -... 856 New $43.90 $387,000 8,400 0% 387,000 8,400 0.009    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (WG)1 Year Chart         WG Willbros Group Inc 1019 New $0.00 $167,000 17,000 0% 167,000 17,000 0    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (DRQ)1 Year Chart         DRQ Dril Quip Inc 1035 New $15.41 $156,000 2,004 0% 156,000 2,004 0.005    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (WSO)1 Year Chart         WSO Watsco Inc 1129 New $496.76 $104,000 1,652 0% 104,000 1,652 0    Building Materials Wh...
   (AG)1 Year Chart         AG First Majestic Silver Corp New $6.05 $102,000 7,000 0% 102,000 7,000 0.007    Silver
   (UYG)1 Year Chart         UYG Ultra Financials ProShares 1137 New $77.15 $100,000 1,500 0% 100,000 1,500 0.017    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (MCP)1 Year Chart         MCP Molycorp, Inc. 1136 New $0.00 $100,000 2,000 0% 100,000 2,000 0.025    Industrial Metals & M...
   (VG)1 Year Chart         VG Vonage Holdings Corp 1156 New $20.99 $94,000 41,833 0% 94,000 41,833 0.019    Integrated Telecommun...
   (IRWD)1 Year Chart         IRWD Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc 1165 New $4.08 $90,000 8,738 0% 90,000 8,738 0.006    Medical Laboratories ...
   (CRUS)1 Year Chart         CRUS Cirrus Logic Inc 1170 New $124.33 $88,000 5,500 0% 88,000 5,500 0.021    Semiconductor - Speci...
   (AVNR)1 Year Chart         AVNR Avanir Pharmaceuticals 1200 New $0.00 $73,000 17,770 0% 73,000 17,770 0.046    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (CALP)1 Year Chart         CALP Caliper Life Sciences Inc 1216 New $0.00 $68,000 10,761 0% 68,000 10,761 0.02    Scientific & Technica...
   (DANG)1 Year Chart         DANG E-Commerce China Dangdang Inc New $0.00 $68,000 2,518 0% 68,000 2,518 0.003    N/A
   (MILL)1 Year Chart         MILL Miller Petroleum Inc. 1254 New $0.00 $52,000 10,000 0% 52,000 10,000 0    Oil & Gas Drilling & ...
   (TLB)1 Year Chart         TLB Talbots Inc 1257 New $0.00 $51,000 5,935 0% 51,000 5,935 0    Apparel Stores
   (SRPT)1 Year Chart         SRPT Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 1260 New $124.79 $8,333 3,906 0% 50,000 3,906 0.049    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (BWXT)1 Year Chart         BWXT BWX Technologies Inc 1264 New $44.15 $49,000 1,920 0% 49,000 1,920 0.002    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (FXCM)1 Year Chart         FXCM Global Brokerage Inc 1269 New $0.00 $4,800 361 0% 48,000 361 0.007    Investment Brokerage ...
   (SSKN)1 Year Chart         SSKN Strata Skin Sciences Inc 1281 New $3.10 $860 258 0% 43,000 258 0.078    Medical Instruments &...
   (CAAS)1 Year Chart         CAAS China Automotive Systems Inc 1285 New $3.45 $41,000 3,000 0% 41,000 3,000 0.01    Auto Parts
   (SPRD)1 Year Chart         SPRD Spreadtrum Communications Inc 1292 New $0.00 $39,000 2,110 0% 39,000 2,110 0    Semiconductor - Integ...
   (VGK)1 Year Chart         VGK Vanguard European Stock VIPERS 1290 New $70.03 $39,000 790 0% 39,000 790 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (TSLA)1 Year Chart         TSLA Tesla Motors Inc 1308 New $177.81 $34,000 1,260 0% 34,000 1,260 0    Auto Manufacturers
   (SOL)1 Year Chart         SOL ReneSola Ltd 1305 New $2.33 $6,800 774 0% 34,000 774 0.027    Medical Instruments &...
   (ANV)1 Year Chart         ANV Allied Nevada Gold Corp 1312 New $0.00 $32,000 1,200 0% 32,000 1,200 0.03    Gold
   (FINL)1 Year Chart         FINL Finish Line Inc 1335 New $0.00 $24,000 1,414 0% 24,000 1,414 0.003    Apparel Stores
   (KEM)1 Year Chart         KEM Kemet Corp 1359 New $27.21 $19,000 1,333 0% 19,000 1,333 0    Diversified Electronics
   (PCRFY)1 Year Chart         PCRFY Panasonic Corp 1364 New $9.48 $14,000 1,000 0% 14,000 1,000 0    Electronic Equipment
   (QNST)1 Year Chart         QNST Quinstreet, Inc 1370 New $19.57 $13,000 700 0% 13,000 700 0    Advertising Agencies
   (JAGGF)1 Year Chart         JAGGF Jaguar Mining Inc 1367 New $0.00 $13,000 1,800 0% 13,000 1,800 0.021    Gold
   (RFP)1 Year Chart         RFP Resolute Forest Products Inc New $0.00 $7,000 311 0% 7,000 311 0    Paper & Paper Products
   (PDS)1 Year Chart         PDS Precision Drilling Corporat... 1402 New $65.05 $350 35 0% 7,000 35 0.001    Oil & Gas Equipment &...
   (RDEA)1 Year Chart         RDEA Ardea Biosciences Inc 1703 New $0.00 $0 4,604 0% 0 4,604 0.013    Drug Manufacturers - ...

      42 Records Found
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