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  State: CA
  Zip: 92660
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2010-03-31
  Total Value : $100,687,000
  Total Value Change : $73,895,000
  Securities Held Change : 10
All Securities Held : 34
  New Positions : 22
  Closed Positions : 12
  Increased Positions : 11
  Unchanged Positions : 0
  Decreased Positions : 1

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 22     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  New Positions     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (JPM)1 Year Chart         JPM JP Morgan Chase & Co 6 New $209.78 $4,690,000 104,800 4.66% 4,690,000 104,800 0.003    Domestic Money Center...
   (INTC)1 Year Chart         INTC Intel Corp 8 New $23.92 $3,945,000 176,973 3.92% 3,945,000 176,973 0.004    Semiconductor- Broad...
   (JNJ)1 Year Chart         JNJ Johnson & Johnson 9 New $161.39 $3,693,000 56,640 3.67% 3,693,000 56,640 0.002    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (M)1 Year Chart         M Macys Inc 11 New $15.21 $3,384,000 155,435 3.36% 3,384,000 155,435 0.043    Department Stores
   (ROM)1 Year Chart         ROM Ultra Technology ProShares 12 New $68.10 $3,280,000 60,425 3.26% 3,280,000 60,425 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (SSO)1 Year Chart         SSO Ultra S&P500 ProShares 13 New $89.71 $3,262,000 77,660 3.24% 3,262,000 77,660 0    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (SPXL)1 Year Chart         SPXL Direxion Daily Large Cap Bu... 14 New $162.77 $3,193,000 53,645 3.17% 3,193,000 53,645 0.06    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (F)1 Year Chart         F Ford Motor Co 18 New $12.50 $3,062,000 243,627 3.04% 3,062,000 243,627 0.006    Auto Manufacturers
   (KBH)1 Year Chart         KBH KB Home 19 New $84.27 $2,614,000 156,070 2.6% 2,614,000 156,070 0.203    Residential Construct...
   (BAC)1 Year Chart         BAC Bank of America Corp 20 New $39.52 $2,495,000 139,750 2.48% 2,495,000 139,750 0.001    Domestic Money Center...
   (BEN)1 Year Chart         BEN Franklin Resources Inc 22 New $20.65 $7,077,708 63,831 2.34% 2,359,000 63,831 0.009    Asset Management
   (VZ)1 Year Chart         VZ Verizon Communications Inc 23 New $44.62 $2,277,000 73,400 2.26% 2,277,000 73,400 0.003    Telecom Services - Do...
   (MSFT)1 Year Chart         MSFT Microsoft Corp 24 New $431.31 $2,270,000 77,505 2.25% 2,270,000 77,505 0.001    Application Software
   (GLD)1 Year Chart         GLD streetTRACKS Gold Trust 25 New $246.98 $1,983,000 18,200 1.97% 1,983,000 18,200 0.005    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (BBRY)1 Year Chart         BBRY Research In Motion Ltd (USA) 26 New $2.54 $1,445,000 19,535 1.44% 1,445,000 19,535 0.004    Integrated Telecommun...
   (LVS)1 Year Chart         LVS Las Vegas Sands Corp 27 New $48.40 $1,313,000 62,100 1.3% 1,313,000 62,100 0.009    Gambling/Resorts
   (C)1 Year Chart         C Citigroup Inc 28 New $61.71 $130,000 32,098 1.29% 1,300,000 32,098 0.001    Domestic Money Center...
   (IGT)1 Year Chart         IGT International Game Technology 29 New $21.74 $1,124,000 60,940 1.12% 1,124,000 60,940 0.021    Diversified Electronics
   (AMAT)1 Year Chart         AMAT Applied Materials Inc 30 New $209.61 $337,000 25,000 0.33% 337,000 25,000 0.002    Semiconductor Equipme...
   (USB.PJ)1 Year Chart         USB.PJ USB Capital XI 32 New $0.00 $271,000 10,935 0.27% 271,000 10,935 0.012    N/A
   (IP)1 Year Chart         IP International Paper Co 33 New $49.05 $251,000 10,200 0.25% 251,000 10,200 0.002    Paper & Paper Products
   (TOL)1 Year Chart         TOL Toll Brothers Inc 34 New $150.62 $231,000 11,100 0.23% 231,000 11,100 0.007    Residential Construct...

      22 Records Found
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