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  State: CT
  Zip: 06836
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Portfolio Summary View Filing
  Filing Report Date : 2012-12-31
  Total Value : $5,674,000
  Total Value Change : $-13,365,000
  Securities Held Change : -20
All Securities Held : 8
  New Positions : 0
  Closed Positions : 21
  Increased Positions : 1
  Unchanged Positions : 6
  Decreased Positions : 1

                  Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Basic Materials Conglomerates Energy Utilities
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Holdings Found : 27     View All Holdings Currently Viewing:  ALL     Page 1 of 1
Ticker Company Name Position
    Value Shares Held
% of
Change In
Shares Held
   % of Company    Industry
   (TEVA)1 Year Chart         TEVA Teva Pharmaceutical Industr... 2 - $17.88 $1,475,000 39,500 26% -161,000 0 0.004    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (TBT)1 Year Chart         TBT UltraShort 20+ Year Treasur... 3 - $29.22 $1,244,000 19,600 21.92% 1,244,000 19,600 0.022    Closed - End Fund - E...
   (ALR)1 Year Chart         ALR Alere Inc 4 - $0.00 $947,000 51,200 16.69% -51,000 0 0.059    Scientific & Technica...
   (F.WS)1 Year Chart         F.WS Ford Mtr Co Del Wt Exp 010113 5 - $0.00 $263,000 66,650 4.64% 181,000 -13,350 0.013    N/A
   (KMI.WS)1 Year Chart         KMI.WS Kinder Morgan Inc 6 - $0.00 $76,000 20,000 1.34% 8,000 0 0.002    N/A
   (INO)1 Year Chart         INO Inovio Biomedical Corp 7 - $0.58 $16,250 32,408 1.15% -11,000 0 0.102    Medical Instruments &...
   (C.WS.B)1 Year Chart         C.WS.B Citigroup Inc WARRENTS B 8 - $0.00 $52,000 1,000,000 0.92% 2,000 0 0.111    N/A
   (GRA)1 Year Chart         GRA W R Grace & Co 14 Closed $69.99 $0 0 0% -224,000 -3,790 0    Specialty Chemicals
   (NVS)1 Year Chart         NVS Novartis AG (ADR) 20 Closed $115.97 $0 0 0% -1,029,000 -16,800 0    Drug Manufacturers - ...
   (JRCCQ)1 Year Chart         JRCCQ James River Coal Co 22 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -33,000 -11,520 0    Industrial Metals & M...
   (FAS)1 Year Chart         FAS Direxion Daily Financial Bu... 13 Closed $128.25 $0 0 0% -1,007,000 -9,600 0    Closed - End Fund - Debt
   (NYT)1 Year Chart         NYT New York Times Co 19 Closed $55.06 $0 0 0% -264,000 -27,020 0    Publishing
   (RTN)1 Year Chart         RTN Raytheon Co 28 Closed $116.96 $0 0 0% -914,000 -16,000 0    Aerospace/Defense - M...
   (JAGGF)1 Year Chart         JAGGF Jaguar Mining Inc 12 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -121,000 -101,000 0    Gold
   (PGTI)1 Year Chart         PGTI Pgt, Inc. 18 Closed $41.99 $0 0 0% -44,000 -13,421 0    General Building Mate...
   (RAD)1 Year Chart         RAD Rite Aid Corp 29 Closed $0.04 $0 0 0% -77,000 -3,305 0    Drug Stores
   (DMND)1 Year Chart         DMND Diamond Foods Inc 26 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -357,000 -19,000 0    Processed & Packaged ...
   (LPX)1 Year Chart         LPX Louisiana Pacific Corp 11 Closed $101.54 $0 0 0% -443,000 -35,500 0    Lumber,Wood Production
   (NUE)1 Year Chart         NUE Nucor Corp 17 Closed $142.98 $0 0 0% -4,997,000 -130,600 0    Steel & Iron
   (KATE)1 Year Chart         KATE Kate Spade And Company 25 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -224,000 -17,500 0    Textile - Apparel Clo...
   (MLM)1 Year Chart         MLM Martin Marietta Materials Inc 10 Closed $534.01 $0 0 0% -367,000 -4,424 0    General Building Mate...
   (RS)1 Year Chart         RS Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co 16 Closed $277.11 $0 0 0% -1,047,000 -20,000 0    Metal Fabrication
   (FCX)1 Year Chart         FCX Freeport McMoRan Copper & G... 24 Closed $43.92 $0 0 0% -1,346,000 -34,000 0    Copper
   (MAS)1 Year Chart         MAS Masco Corp 9 Closed $81.69 $0 0 0% -323,000 -21,500 0    Industrial Equipment ...
   (CAA)1 Year Chart         CAA Standard Pacific Corp 15 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -67,000 -2,000 0    Residential Construct...
   (BLC)1 Year Chart         BLC Belo Corp A 23 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -488,000 -62,270 0    Publishing
   (MWW)1 Year Chart         MWW Monster Worldwide Inc 27 Closed $0.00 $0 0 0% -191,000 -26,000 0    Advertising Agencies

      27 Records Found
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