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  The number of companies found : 11. Maximum Return Allowed : 50.
Name Symbol Industry Exchange
Biocube Inc BICB N/A OTC Bulletin Board
BrightCube Inc BRCU N/A Over The Counter
Cube System Inc Tokyo CSYKF N/A N/A
Cubed, Inc. 161838-OLD N/A N/A
Cubesmart CUBE REIT - Retail New York Stock Exchange
Cubic Corp 131856-OLD Scientific & Technical Instruments New York Stock Exchange
Cubic Energy Inc QBC Gold American Stock Exchange
Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc CBST Drug Manufacturers - Other Nasdaq National Market
Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc CBSTZ N/A N/A
Dream Incubator Inc DRIRF N/A N/A
Social Cube Inc SOCC N/A OTC Bulletin Board