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Below are today's Form 4 insiderselling transaction data filed with the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission,  Transactions are grouped by company showing the amount of insiders and combined transaction data.  Also represented within each group is the company's transaction summary history for the last 3 month.  Data will show how many insiders, the total amount of transactions that occurred, the amount of combined shares sold and the combined shares market value.  Insider transaction data is updated every 0-5 min Monday - Friday.  The Form 3 (Initial Ownership Statement), Form 4 (Change in Ownership) and form 5 (Insider who has at least one transaction which was not reported during the year) are also sent in our daily summary emails.

Activity For
Ticker Company Name Total Trades Total People Total   Shares Total Value 3 Mo. Trades 3 Mo. People 3 Mo. Shares

  Transaction Code Key: Ownership Code Key
  B - Buy AB - Automatic Buy D - Direct Ownership
  S - Sell AS - Automatic Sell I - Indirect Ownership
  OE - Options Exercised A - Acquired
  IO - Initital Ownership D - Disposed